
EuDoMCI basics



Especially Ro-ro passenger ships, which are often carrying between 1.000 and 3.000 passengers and cargo at the same time, are at potential risk for mass casualty incidents with a huge number of injured or totally struck victims.

Rescue operations at sea will be compromised by maritime and weather conditions and by a delay of arrival of the rescue forces and –material at the scene of the incident.

Supplying medical support at sea requires a special tactical concept, specially trained forces and an international applicable triage system.


a new tactical concept

A new tactical concept for co-ordination of rescue-procedures at major maritime incidents has been developed for the German coastline.

Rescue teams have to be transferred to the averaged ship as soon as possible, if feasible, especially emergency medical technicians, doctors, medical equipment and if needed, more staff and equipment for fire-fighting purposes will be called out as soon as the averaged ship will be declared a safe platform to act on scene.


the initial aim

The initial aim will be the immediate life-saving treatment on board, as the evacuation of crew and passengers will be a highly dangerous and time-consuming act.

Hence, the maritime emergency transportation has to be considered only for patients, who have to be treated in a hospital immediately.

Preferably, patients should be treated and monitored on board of the averaged ship or on the next safe platform.

This is the indication for a clear stage of triage - based on a reliable and simple documentation system.


a new triage system

Therefore, we use a new system of triage tags and documentation logs, called EuDoMCI (European Documentation for Mass Casualty Incident).

Two components - triage tags in four different colors and documentation logs - are the basis of our triage system.



  • Immediate accessibility.
  • Easy to use.
  • Long durability.
  • Low cost.
  • Unambiguous and individual marking.
  • Reliable fixation.
  • Compatibility with triage systems on land.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 04 December 2012 11:14 )
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