brand, as well as production and distribution of … Cyber Magician", 1 "T.G." Damit wir Ihnen für Ihre Region passende Angebote unterbreiten können, bitten wir Sie Ihre Postleitzahl einzugeben: PLAY HARD. Rush Rhino", 1 "The Agent" monster, except "The Agent of Mystery - Earth". Trophées de l’innovation vous invite à participer à cette mise en lumière des idées et initiatives des meilleures innovations dans le tourisme. Die eCommerce-Lösung von Shopware bietet alles, was Du für den Einstieg in den Onlinehandel brauchst: modernes Design, intuitive Bedienung und unbegrenzte Flexibilität. Hier finden Sie Tierbedarf, Tierfutter und Zubehör für nahezu jedes Haustier. Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution. (Beta). Find cards for the lowest price, and get realistic prices for all of your trades! Der Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss (AStA) ist ein Organ der verfassten Studierendenschaft. Hint: You can add and remove cards from the deck below by dragging cards. monster, except "T.G. All cards with the same name as 1 face-up monster the opponent selects (the opponent searches their Deck), 1 Insect monster whose Level is 1 higher than the Tributed monster's, 1 monster with an ATK of 1500 points or less, 1 monster that is listed in the sent monster's text, 1 Machine monster with lower ATK and the same Attribute as a Machine monster that was destroyed by battle, Up to 2 monsters with the same name as the selected face-up monster, 1 monster that you can place a Spell Counter on, Fusion Materials with different names specifically listed on the revealed LIGHT Machine Fusion Monster, 1 "Zubaba", "Gagaga", "Gogogo" or "Dododo" monster, 1 FIRE Beast, Beast-Warrior or Winged-Beast monster, 1 "Destiny HERO" monster whose Level is less than or equal to half of a "Destiny HERO" monster's Level in your Graveyard, Any number of "Crystal Beast" monsters with different names, 1 Pendulum Monster with the same Level as the sent monster's original Level, 1 "Raidraptor" monster with the same name as the targeted monster, 1 Level 4 EARTH Machine monster with 1800 or more ATK, 1 "tellarknight" monster with a different name, "Mecha Phantom Beast" monsters up to number of Tokens Tribute, 1 "Six Samurai" or "Shien" Effect Monster whose Level is less than or equal to the number of Bushido Counters on this card, 1 Spellcaster monster whose Level is less than or equal to the number of cards added by this effect, 1 "Synchron" monster with a different Level than a Tributed monster, 1 Plant monster whose Level is less than or equal to the Tributed Level 2 or lower Plant monster's Level +3, 1 Winged Beast monster with the same Level as the Tributed monster, 1 Spellcaster monster whose Level is less than or equal to the number of "Spellbook" Spell Cards in your Graveyard, 1 "Kaiju" monster with a different original name, 2 monsters with the same Type, Attribute, and Level, but different names from each other and the targeted Level 4 or lower monster, 1 monster with same Attribute and Type as the monster sent to activate this card, with 1 higher Level, 1 Tuner monster that is the same Type and Attribute, but 1 Level higher than the discarded monster, "U.A." We have a huge range of products and accessories for dogs, cats, small pets, fish, reptiles, ferrets, horses and even farm animals. A virtual Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Art may show a different set code. a aa aaa aaaa aaacn aaah aaai aaas aab aabb aac aacc aace aachen aacom aacs aacsb aad aadvantage aae aaf aafp aag aah aai … 1 "HERO" monster, except "Elemental HERO Shadow Mist", 1 "Elementsaber" or "Elemental Lord" monster, except "Elementsaber Makani", 1 Level 3 or lower Normal Monster (each player searches their Deck), Level 2 or lower LIGHT Fairy monsters with different names, except "Eva", equal to the number of monsters banished by its effect, 1 "Fabled" monster, except "Fabled Grimro", 1 "Fire King" card, except "Fire King Avatar Barong", 1 "Edge Imp Sabres" or 1 "Fluffal" monster, except "Fluffal Dog", 1 EARTH Pendulum Monster. Nessie!". Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem besonderen Display oder Booster bist oder eine spezielle Karte suchst, findest du sie höchstwahrscheinlich bei uns. Need your order delivered in time for the Holidays? Sportarten im Netto Online-Shop kaufen | Große Auswahl zu günstigen Preisen | Top Marken Versandkostenfrei ab 60 € Kauf auf Rechnung Off-Road Grand Prix", 1 "Polymerization" and 1 "Edge Imp" monster, 1 Fusion Material Monster listed on the revealed Fusion Monster, 1 "Black Luster Soldier" Ritual Monster or 1 "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster. Best prices and latest YGO sets. Card Search|Yu-Gi-Oh! Aber zum farmen, zum gewinnen von Duellen die du beim besten Willen nicht hinkriegst oder einfach zum Spaß haben mit diesem Puzzle-mäßigen Deck-Build ist es einfach perfekt. card, except "F.A. Virtual Pack pull odds may not be 1:1 reflective of real-life pull odds. TCG. Play 2 pre-constructed decks, Red Dragon Archfiend Deck and Dinomist Deck. Ogopogo! TRADE SMART. ist die Online-Tierhandlung mit den günstigen Preisen. Schalten Sie mit unserem Basis Paket KStA PLUS alle kostenpflichtigen Artikel und Inhalte zusätzlich frei und profitieren Sie von exklusiven Themenserien. You can also search for Decks containing this card. Pack score is simply a scoring system to make opening packs more fun. Join Planet Minecraft! One of the first decks I made, I did not put a single penny into. Zur Anmeldung an koaLA benötigen Sie Ihren zentralen Uni-Account.. Wenn Sie Probleme bei der Anmeldung haben, Sie einen Kurs in koaLA einrichten lassen wollen oder wenn Sie allgemein Fragen zur Umsetzung von eLearning in Ihrer Lehre haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Einstieg in … 1 "Airknight Parshath", 1 "Red-Eyes" monster, except "Red-Eyes B. Chick", 1 "Performapal" monster, except a Pendulum Monster, 1 "Performage" monster, except "Performage Plushfire", 1 Dinosaur monster whose Level equals the number of monsters banished to activate this effect, 1 "Predaplant" monster, except "Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio", 1 "Predaplant" monster, except "Predaplant Spinodionaea", 1 "Yang Zing" monster, except "Pulao, Wind of the Yang Zing", Any number of monsters from whose total Levels equal exactly 6, except "Rescue Ferret", 2 monsters with the same name as 1 Level 5 or lower Pendulum monster in your Extra Deck, 2 Level 4 or lower Normal Monsters with the same name, 1 Level 4 or lower Cyberse monster, except "ROM Cloudia", 1 Level 4 or lower Zombie monster, except "Samurai Skull", 1 "Six Samurai" monster, except "Secret Six Samurai - Fuma", 1 "Rokket" monster, except "Shellrokket Dragon", 1 "Silent Magician" monster, except "Silent Magician", 1 "Silent Swordsman" monster, except "Silent Swordsman", 1 Level 4 "Gadget" monster, except "Silver Gadget", 1 "Melodious" monster, except "Solo the Melodious Songstress", 1 "Yang Zing" monster, except "Suanni, Fire of the Yang Zing", As many Level 4 or lower Fish monsters as possible, 1 "Super Quant" monster chosen randomly by your opponent among 3 with different names, 1 "Symphonic Warrior" monster, except "Symphonic Warrior Guitaar", 1 "Nordic Beast" monster except ,"Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts", 1 "Yang Zing" monster, except "Taotie, Shadow of the Yang Zing", 1 Level 5 or higher LIGHT or DARK Spellcaster monster, 1 Level 4 or lower "Gladiator Beast" monster, 1 Level 7 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster, except "Red Eyes B. Chick", Up to 2 "Penguin" monsters, except "The Great Emperor Penguin", 1 "The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode", 1 "Traptrix" monster, except "Traptrix Nepenthes", 1 Normal Monster with the same Level as the number of cards you banished, 1 DARK "Vampire" monster, except "Vampire Shadow", 1 EARTH Warrior monster with 1500 or less ATK, 2 "World Chalice" monsters, except "World Legacy - "World Chalice"", 1 Reptile "Worm" monster with a Level less than or equal to the Tributed monster, 1 "Yosenju" monster, except "Yosenju Magat", 2 Level 4 or lower Beast-Warrior monsters with the same ATK, 1 Wyrm monster whose Attribute is the same with at least 1 of those destroyed monsters' original Attribute, 2 "Gladiator Beast" monsters with different names, 2 "Gladiator Beast" monsters, except "Gladiator Beast Spartacus", 2 "Gladiator Beast" monsters, except "Gladiator Beast Bestiari", 1 Tuner monster with the same Level as the Tuner monster Special Summoned from your Graveyard, 1 "Valkyrion the Magna Warrior" and "Berserkion the Electromagna Warrior", 1 Warrior monster whose Level equals the number of Equip Spells sent to the GY to activate this effect, 1 Level 4 EARTH Warrior or Beast-Warrior monster, 1 monster with the same Type or Attribute as the targeted monster, 1 Level 2 or lower Warrior or Machine monster, 1 "roid" monster ATK less than or equal to the targeted monster's, 1 "Supreme King Dragon" monster from your Deck, 1 "Wind-Up" monster with the same name as the banished monster, 1 Level 4 or lower "Elemental HERO" monster, Any number of "Abyss Actor" Pendulum Monsters, 1 Level 4 or lower "Photon" or "Galaxy" monster, 1 "Amazoness" monster with a Level equal to or lower than that of the destroyed "Amazoness", 1 "Ancient Gear" monster, ignoring its Summoning conditions, 1 "Archfiend" monster with the same Level as the targeted monster, 1 "Six Samurai" monster with a different name but equal ATK to the selected monster, 1 "Water Dragon" or "Water Dragon Cluster", 1 "Magician of Black Chaos" or "Dark Magician of Chaos", "Chrysalis" monster for each "Neo-Spacian" monster with a different name in your Graveyard, 1 monster written in the text of a "Chrysalis" monster on your side of the field, All the Fusion Material Monsters listed on the returned "Neos" Fusion Monster, 1 monster with same original Type and Attribute as the monster Tributed to activate this card, with 1 Level lower, 1 Wyrm monster with the same Level as the original Level of the Tributed monster, 1 "Dracoslayer" Pendulum Monster or 1 "Dracoverlord" Pendulum Monster, 1 "Dracoslayer" or "Dracoverlord" monster, 1 Level 5 or higher "Photon" or "Galaxy" monster, As many "Gouki" monsters as possible with different names, 4 "Cardian" monsters with 100 ATK and different names, All cards with the same name as the Summoned monster. When an effect requires you to search for a card of a specific type in your Deck, then you must reveal the card to your opponent. Unfortunately we are no longer able to ensure delivery by 12/24. Feb 1, 2021 BOX BOX [ Photon of Galaxy ]; Jan 12, 2021 BOX BOX [ STRUCTURE DECK EX - Blue-Eyes Evolution - ]; Jan 12, 2020 Campaign "Yu-Gi-Oh! What is the point of acting like their update is new? Pack score is simply a scoring system to make opening packs more fun. News. Wir wünschen besinnliche Feiertage und alles Gute für das neue Jahr! Trading Card Game Card game. Werkstatteinrichtungen im Netto Online-Shop kaufen | Große Auswahl zu günstigen Preisen | Top Marken Versandkostenfrei ab 60 € Kauf auf Rechnung This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment. 1 Level 1 Spellcaster monster, 1 "Magical Musket" card with a different name from the activated card, 1 Spell/Trap Card that lists "Dark Magician" in its text, 1 Ritual Monster Card or 1 Ritual Spell Card, "Mekk-Knight" cards with different names, except "Mekk-Knight Blue Sky", equal to the number of your opponent's cards in the same column as this card, 1 "Mekk-Knight" monster, except "Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall", 1 "Metaphys" card, except "Metaphys Nephthys", 1 LIGHT Dragon monsters whose Level is less than or equal to number of "Lightsworn" monsters with different names in your Graveyard, 1 "Morphtronic" monster with the same Level as the banished "Morphtronic" monster, 1 Level 7 or lower "Mythical Beast" Effect Monster, 1 "Nekroz" monster, except "Nekroz of Brionac", 1 "Atlantean" card, except "Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince", 1 "Ninjitsu Art" card. Name (search for phrases in the card name) Description (search for phrases in the card description) Card Number (e.g., LOB-000, SYD-006, TLM-EN035) Yu-Gi-Oh! 1 Level 7 or lower monster with an effect that performs a coin toss, 1 monster that has different Level from any monster you control or in your Graveyard, 1 Warrior or Spellcaster monster with 2000 or less ATK, except "Dragodies, the Empowered Warrior", 1 Level 4 or lower monster with the same Type and Attribute as the equipped monster, 1 "True Draco" or "True King" Continuous Trap Card, 1 "Change" Quick-Play Spell Card. Buy and sell singles, booster packs - more! matchplan unterstützt kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen so effizient und persönlich wie möglich. Herzlich Willkommen im Shop von Cashkurs. Once you've found the card check the directory to see who has it! Unsere Services umfassen Wirtschaftsprüfung, Steuerberatung, Financial Advisory und Consulting. 1 EARTH monster, 1 monster with 800 ATK and 1000 DEF, except "Garum the Storm Vassal", 1 "Geargia" monster, except "Geargiarmor", 1 Level 4 EARTH Machine monster, except "Geargiauger", 1 "Ghostrick" monster whose Level is less than or equal to the number of "Ghostrick" monsters you control, 1 "Gishki" monster with 1000 or less DEF, except "Gishki Abyss", 1 "Gouki" card, except "Gouki Octostretch", 1 "Gouki" card, except "Gouki Twistcobra", 1 "Gravekeeper's" monster with 1500 or less DEF, 1 Level 4 Winged Beast monster with 1500 or less ATK, 1 "Heraldic Beast" monster, except "Heraldic Beast Leo", 1 "True Draco" or "True King" Continuous Spell Card, 1 Level 5 or higher LIGHT or DARK Spellcaster monster and 1 "Spellbook" Spell Card, 1 "Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru" or 1 Level 4 or lower "Koa'ki Meiru" monster, 1 "Kozmo" card, randomly chosen out of three that you select from the Deck, 1 card with the same name as the card destroyed in the other Pendulum Zone, 1 "Machina" monster, except "Machina Gearframe", 1 Pendulum Monster. Building a deck based around Sekka’s Light is quite fun too, albeit not very effective for competitive play. A fast, powerful, comprehensive Magic: The Gathering card search. 1 "Master Hyperion", 1 "The Phantom Knights" card, except "The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak", 2 Level 4 LIGHT Thunder monsters with 1600 or less ATK and with the same name, A number of "Tindangle" cards, up to the number of "Tindangle" monsters flipped face-up by its effect, 1 "Ninja" monster, except "Twilight Ninja Shingetsu", 1 DARK "Vampire" monster or 1 "Vampire" Spell/Trap Card, 1 "Indiora Death Bolt, the Cubic High Emperor", 1 "Windwitch" monster, except "Windwitch - Glass Bell", 1 Level 4 or lower Reptile "Worm" monster, 1 "Yosenju" card, except "Yosenju Kama 3", 1 "Yang Zing" card. Relive moments and Duels from all of the animated series! © 2019 Member of Zyro Trading Card Game. Pack Opener. Europe's largest online marketplace for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG cards, search for Deck Recipes, and organize and manage your Decks. Trading Card Game. Yu-Gi-Oh!-Karten, Displays & Booster zu Top Preisen Wir teilen deine Leidenschaft für Yu-Gi-Oh!-Karten und sind überzeugt von unserem großartigen Team und unserem Sortiment. 1 Level 4 or lower EARTH Insect monster, Any number of "Ninja" monsters with combined Levels less than or equal to the Level of the Tributed monster, 1 Dragon, Dinosaur, or Sea Serpent monster from your Deck whose Level is less than or equal to the combined Levels of the sent monster(s), 1 Beast, Winged Beast or Insect monster with a Level equal to or less than the Level of the Tributed "Ninja" monster + 3, Any number of Level 2 or lower monsters with different names, 1 "Rainbow Dragon" or "Rainbow Dark Dragon", 1 "Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes", Up to 4 "Supreme King Dragon" monsters with different names, An equal number of Level 4 or lower Dinosaur monsters to the number of destroyed Normal Monsters, 1 "Rokket" monster with a different original name from the destroyed monster, As many cards as possible with the same name as the selected Level 2 or lower Normal Monster, 1 Toon monster whose Level is less than or equal to the Level/Rank of that monster, 1 Spellcaster monster with 1500 DEF that has a different from that destroyed monster's original Attribute, 3 "Infernoid" monsters whose total Levels equal 8, 1 Level 7 or higher LIGHT Reptile monster, 1 monster with the same name as the revealed Level 1 monster, 1 "Wind-Up" monster with the same ATK as the monster Special Summoned by this card's effect, 1 Continuous Spell Card or 1 Continuous Trap Card, 1 "Ninjitsu Art" Spell/Trap Card, except "Ninjitsu Art Notebook", 1 Trap (the opponent searches their Deck), "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap Cards directly from your Deck, except "Ultimate Fire Formation - Seito", up to the number of monsters Special Summoned by this card, 1 "True Draco" or "True King" Continuous Trap, 1 "True Draco" or "True King" Continuous Spell, 1 "Triamid" Field Spell with a different name, 1 Level 3 or lower Dragon "Dragunity" monster, "Crystal Beast" monsters equal to the number of Crystal Counters on this card, 1 appropriate LIGHT Machine Union monster with a different name from the Summoned monster, 1 "The Second Sarcophagus". We strive to match it closely but there can be no guarantee. Game that played by Master Rule 3. This is not a bug, we only store 1 card image for each card. | Die ZSB ist ab dem 24.12.2012 geschlossen. This is full list of cards and how to obtain them from Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Card Database is an official Konami Site for the Yu-Gi-Oh! After every “search”, the Deck must be shuffled (in case of searching for a card to place on the top or the bottom of the Deck, the Deck is shuffled before placing the card). FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. 1 "Hieratic" Normal Monster, 1 "Hieratic" monster, except "Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King", 1 "Inzektor" monster, except "Inzektor Dragonfly", 1 "Yang Zing" monster, except "Jiaotu, Darkness of the Yang Zing". Dieser Guide zeigt ein Deck, mit dem man in 90% der Fälle im ersten Zug gewinnt. A searcher is any card which allows you to see the entire Main Deck to look for a card(s) from it. The Yu-Gi-Oh! Find cards for the lowest price, and get realistic prices for all of your trades! Dreiath III, the True Dracocavalry General, The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix, Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Horse Prince, Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King, Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer, Imperion Magnum the Superconductive Battlebot, Amorphactor Pain, the Imagination Dracoverlord, Buster Whelp of the Destruction Swordsman, Majester Paladin, the Ascending Dracoslayer, Draghig, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss, Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss, 1 Level 4 or lower "Abyss Actor" monster, except "Abyss Actor - Sassy Rookie", 1 "Amazoness" monster, except "Amazoness Princess", 1 "Rokket" monster, except "Anesthrokket Dragon", 1 Spellcaster monster with 1500 or less ATK, 1 Level 4 or lower Sea Serpent "Atlantean" monster, except "Atlantean Marksman", 1 "Rokket" monster, except "Autorokket Dragon", 1 Level 2 Beast monster, except "Baby Raccoon Ponpoko", 1 Level 2 Beast monster, except "Baby Raccoon Tantan", 1 "Batteryman" monster, except "Batteryman Charger", 1 Level 4 or lower "Batteryman" monster, except "Batteryman Micro-Cell", 1 Level 4 or lower Fish monster, except "Beautunaful Princess", 1 "Magician Girl" monster, except "Berry Magician Girl", 1 "Yang Zing" monster, except "Bi'an, Earth of the Yang Zing", 1 "Yang Zing" monster, except "Bixi, Water of the Yang Zing", 1 "Blackwing" monster with 1500 or less ATK, Up to 3 Rock monsters whose total Levels equal 8, 2 Normal Monsters with different names whose ATK or DEF is 0, 1 Level 4 "Fire Fist" monster, except "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Boar", 1 Level 4 "Fire Fist" monster, except "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Caribou", 1 "Resonator" monster, except "Chain Resonator", 1 Level 5 or higher monster with 1600 ATK or less, 1 Plant monster, except "Chirubimé, Princess of Autumn Leaves", 1 "Yang Zing" monster, except "Chiwen, Light of the Yang Zing", Up to 2 "D Cubed", equal to the number of discarded cards, "Darklord" monsters, up to the number of Effect Monsters your opponent controls, 1 "Uria, Lord of Searing Flames", "Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder", or "Raviel, Lord of Phantasms", "Des Frog"(s) up to the number of "T.A.D.P.O.L.E. Mit ihren fünf Fakultäten deckt sie das gesamte Spektrum der modernen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen ab – angefangen bei den …