GyGe = Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen. If there are more applications than the limitation allows for, there is a selection procedure in accordance with the above-mentioned criteria (see "quotas"). Alle 144 Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Master-Studiengänge, die in Deutschland angeboten werden im Überblick. The development of specific knowledge and skills in the fields of international corporate management and sustainability forms the focus of the Master of International Business and Sustainability (MIBAS). Positions in manufacturing as well as in R&D, marketing/sales and research/teaching are also conceivable. A first degree (BSc) in the inter-university bachelor’s degree in business engineering at Universität Hamburg and the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), or a comparable at another university (courses in mathematics, statistics, natural sciences and engineering). Im Bachelor-Studiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen lagen der Numerus Clausus und die bei der Zulassung über die Wartezeitquote notwendigen Wartesemester im letzten Semester bei den unten folgenden Werten, mit denen man das Studium beginnen konnte: Bei der Studienwahl ist es hilfreich, mehrere Studiengänge zur Auswahl zur haben. Voraussetzungen für das Master-Studium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen. Required Languages (Level): German (C1) and English (B2) Admission Requirements: Aufnahmeordnung für den Masterstudiengang “Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik“ NC nach Studiengang ab NC von 3,7 ohne Wartesemester beste Unis Jetzt NC für Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen vergleichen. This page: UHH > Campus-Center > Degree programs > Programs. In other words, all applicants with grade point averages which are better than 2.9 will be admitted and all applicants with a 2.9 are subject to lottery procedures. Nicht alle Hochschulen verlangen für den Studiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen einen NC. uni-assist is the central point of contact for applicants with international educational certificates for approximately 170 German universities. GyGe = Lehramt an Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen. Elfriede and Karl from the achievement list would now be offered admission; Bettina has been offered admission based on her waiting time). A grade point average does not improve according to the amount of time an applicant waits. Insgesamt wurde das Studium bisher 1 … und Master (M.Sc.), Studienbüro BWL (Academic Office at the Faculty of Business Administration), Information about bachelor's and master's programs, Phase-out dates for "old" academic programs. : +49.40.42838-9026 knut.haase (@) und Zahnmedizin: Für Medizin werden seit WS 2008/09 … Currently, all degree programs (when applied to as a major) are restricted. Master of Science (M.Sc.) Stell deine Frage direkt im Studiengang, die Studienberatung der Hochschule oder die Redaktion hilft dir weiter. The master study requires a satisfactory level of English, verified through a brief interview with the candidates. : + 49.40.428 75 - 6051 heidi.albers(@) Two-year Master of Science course. BK = Lehramt an Berufskollegs. Neue Regelungen ab 2020 - Studiengänge mit Uni-NC. The degree program focuses on the industries based in the Hamburg metropolitan region, but also offers an opportunity for international exchanges. The Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Department at the University of Hamburg on Once applicants have been ranked, admission procedures can begin. Allerdings solltest du dich, bevor du dich bewirbst, erst genau über das jeweilige Studienangebot informieren: Es kann je nach Hochschule sehr verschieden ausfallen. Im Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen bietet die TU Berlin mehr als 250 Kooperationen mit ausländischen Universitäten an. Graduates gain qualifications for different fields of work within companies and research in which complex engineering and business issues can be resolved using sound and established methods. By clicking Do not save data you will exit the form without saving.Changes you made on this page will be lost. This rigorous, research-oriented program concentrates on current theories and methods of political science, economics and philosophy. On this page you can find all universities for which uni-assist processes applications. There are many good reasons to study for a master’s degree in Economics at the University of Hamburg. If there are more applications than the limitation allows for, there is a selection procedure in accordance with the above-mentioned criteria (see "quotas"). Alles zur Universität Stuttgart und ihren 137 Studiengängen. If the waiting period is the same for several applicants, a lottery procedure is used. The program is run jointly by Universität Hamburg, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), and the Helmut-Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, and places particular emphasis on the combination of engineering and business. und Master (M.Sc.) The TUHH takes the view that a three-year Bachelor course comprising 50 percent engineering and 50 percent economics does not impart to students sufficiently sound knowledge to hold their own on the labor market. Das Studium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der staatlichen Uni Hamburg hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss Master of Science. Uni hamburg wirtschaftsingenieurwesen master Wirtschaftsingenieur Hamburg - Jobs in Hamburg und Umgebun . Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen kann in insgesamt 17 Städten studiert werden, u.a. Module manual M.Sc. The curriculum is rounded out with a component combining both areas. Within the engineering component, students may choose among seven specializations over the four semesters: Within the business component, students may take advantage of the entire range of business administration master’s courses offered at Universität Hamburg, and specialize in areas such as supply chain management, corporate management, finance or marketing. Master’s programme in Göttingen: Multi-faceted, international, research-oriented. Master’s study programmes; Application via uni-assist. Alles zur Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg und ihren 203 Studiengängen. Erläuterungen. The term NC denotes, first and foremost, an admission restriction. Nach dem Auswahlverfahren, ber … – Studis Online-Forum Der Standort des Studiums ist Hamburg. HRSGe = Lehramt an Haupt-, Real-, Sekundar- und Gesamtschulen Below is an explanation as to how grades and waiting periods relate to admission restriction policies. We will issue you with a preliminary review documentation, the so-called Vorpüfungsdokumentation (VPD).You are then required to submit your application with the VPD directly to the university.. Most master's programmes offered at the university are consecutive programmes, i.e. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (M.Sc.) In the master’s program in Politics, Economics und Philosophy (PEP), you learn to analyze individual and collective decision-making processes in order to solve problems in the areas of politics, corporate governance or international relations later on. Zusätzlich werden im Masterstudium fünf sogenannte Dual-Master-Programme angeboten, innerhalb derer zwei Masterabschlüsse parallel erworben werden können, und zwar. The university accepts online-only VPD applications. Shaping the Future with Knowledge – as one of the nine leading Institutes of Technology in Germany, Leibniz Universität is aware of its responsibility in seeking sustainable, peaceful and responsible solutions to the key issues of tomorrow. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen StudiengängeWelchen NC brauche ich für Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen? Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen KÜS 20190501 Module name / title Plant Engineering Type of module compulsory-elective Competencies gained Learning Outcome Specialist competency (knowledge and understanding) Students are able to …: differentiate between the phases of a process plant asset life cycle. Irene and Doris, who also have grades of 2.9, will not be admitted simply because they did not win in the lottery procedure. Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus Clausus bei Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen im Wintersemester 2019/2020 und Sommersemester 2020; mit Bewerbungsfristen und Archiv seit 2014. (120 CP), zulassungsbeschränkt (Uni-NC) Programme Advisor For detailed information concerning the contents, goals and structure of the programme, please contact the programme advisor. The study course is chargeable. in Berlin, Bremen, Dortmund, Düsseldorf und Hamburg. The first step consists in ranking applicants - both by grade (achievement ranking) and by the amount of time, counted as a half-year or semester, since the applicant has received his Abitur or secondary-school leaving degree (waiting period ranking). Im Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen bietet die TU Berlin mehr als 250 Kooperationen mit ausländischen Universitäten an. Course offered: Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Produktionstechnik. Master of Education / (Teaching Degree) Berufskolleg: Open Admission 1: This major has to be combined with one of these minors: Pflanzenwissenschaften (Pflanzenbau) Tierwissenschaften (Tierhaltung) Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus ; Agricultural and Food Economics: Master of Science / Single Subject: Local NC (Special selection) Double degree possible. In order to apply for a master’s course in Germany, you generally need to have completed undergraduate studies in a related subject. The following frequently-asked questions reveal several common misconceptions about restriction policies: The following information aims to clear up any misconceptions about restriction policies. At some universities you can already apply before completing your first degree.. Der NC in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen. Here, you will also find further information about the application procedure. Mit dem „Bachelor of Science" in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen können die Absolventinnen und Absolventen entweder ihre wissenschaftliche Karriere fortsetzen (Master, Promotion) oder in den Beruf gehen. This two-year interdisciplinary master’s degree program in business engineering reflects the trend towards thinking in terms of the entire complex of technology and economics. The Program . Please note, however, that during this time, applicants may not be enrolled at another university in Germany. 11. Please turn to the DOSV website for more information. Deadline: Winter term 15.07. and Summer term 15.01. Threshold values always reflect the relationship between supply (number of places) and demand (number of applicants). Erläuterungen. Das Studium wird als Vollzeitstudium und Teilzeitstudium angeboten. The waiting period threshold value corresponds to the waiting time accrued by the last applicant admitted from the waiting list, meaning Christine's waiting period of 10 half-years or semesters. Universität Hamburg Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft Studiengangskoordinator des HWI Master (Hochschulübergreifenden Studienganges Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Master)-Masterzulassung-Von-Melle-Park 5, Raum C0006 20146 Hamburg. Master-Studiengänge Die Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft bietet Ihnen eine Reihe von Studiengängen mit breit gefächerten Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten und exzellenten Berufschancen an und eröffnet Ihnen breite Qualifizierungsmöglichkeiten, die Ihren Neigungen gerecht werden. Since 18 applicants (90%) are admitted according to grade, the first 18 applicants in the achievement ranking (or up to and including Gerhard in the respective table in "Creating ranking lists") would be admitted. Je nach Institut und Modell absolvierst Du Dein Studium meist in Vollzeit, als duales Studium, in Teilzeit oder berufsbegleitend. The following is an example of how admission restrictions (i.e. Attention! Master of Science (M.Sc.) BWL ist ein forschungs- und methodenorientierter Studiengang mit sehr breiten internen Wahlmöglichkeiten für die Studierenden aus dem gesamten Gebiet der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und … Are you looking for a suitable master’s programme? Two places (10%) would be allocated to the first two applicants on the waiting list, meaning Bettina and Holger (as listed in the respective table in "Creating ranking lists"). Professor für Chemie und Werkstoffkunde Ulmenliet 20, Raum S2.08 21033 Hamburg T +49 40 428 75-6065 Studiengänge Studien­gänge Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Your degree must be equivalent to a German bachelor degree. These are listed as follows, along with the information relevant to admission procedures (HJ = waiting period in terms of semesters): The term NC denotes, first and foremost, an admission restriction. Master Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Wenn Du Dich für ein Master Studium in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen interessierst, stehen Dir insgesamt 93 Studiengänge an 81 verschiedenen Hochschulen zur Auswahl. Biologie Master of Education (M.Ed.) Please inform yourself at the university about its special application procedure. Once the entire succession procedure has been completed, a so-called NC Wert (threshold value) can be established - one according to grade and one according to waiting time. Die Abschlüsse Bachelor (B.Sc.) In our example (see "Exampe of an admission procedure" and subsequent sections), the threshold value for the grade would correspond to the grade point average of the applicant last admitted, meaning Karl's Abitur grade point average of 2.9. Studienorganisation: Master. No one establishes a threshold value for a future selection procedure; threshold values are based solely on the grades and waiting times of the last applicants on the admission lists. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen StudiengängeWelchen NC brauche ich für Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen? The outcome of such a ranking might appear as follows: In the grade rankings, an applicant's Abiturnote (final or overall grade for secondary-school leaving degree) determines his or her ranking (RP) in relation to other applicants (see Sabine - RP 6 - and Anneliese - RP 7 -  in the section "Creating ranking lists"). Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen werden gemeinsam von den beteiligten Hamburger Hochschulen verliehen. Der viersemestrige hochschulübergreifende Studiengang M. Sc. The program is run jointly by Universität Hamburg, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), and the Helmut-Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, and places particular emphasis on the combination of engineering and business. Dabei hat es im. In many cases, applicants turn down an offer of admission (perhaps they have applied to another university or would like to travel before they begin studying). Applicants on the waiting list are ranked according to the number of half-years since they have received their Abitur (secondary school leaving certificate - see Ulf, RP 6, and Ursula, RP 7, in the section "Creating ranking lists").