Rode back into the Grizzlies for Flaco Hernandez, part of The Noblest of Men and a Woman side mission, and man is it cold up here. Mais pour les ramener (comme la coupe) à la maison, il faut déjà savoir où chercher. Mientras esté en el lago Cairn, también puede comenzar la misión lateral sorprendentemente lucrativa de Poisonous Trails. Pinterest. We will never spam you. Gameplay 2798 entries. Retrouvez tous nos guides sur Red Dead Redemption 2.ández?oldid=412607. gunslingers here now. Dentro de poco podremos acceder al programa LevelUp de Facebook y poder emitir en 1080p 60fps. *Quest Spoilers*". Red Dead Redemption 2: Armas Únicas Existen armas únicas que solo se pueden conseguir 1 sola vez ejemplo: Revólver de Flaco: En el cuerpo del Flaco Hernández cuando te enfrentas a él. Nationality His many criminal exploits led to him being wanted in eight states, and earned him his own nickname, "The Terror of The Grizzlies". Les promos de la semaine dans GTA Online ! Comment compléter la quête « Alatus Nemeseos » ? La zone est toute proche de Van Horn, à l’ouest de la ville. Une fois dans le secteur, cherchez une zone comportant un regroupement de pierres au sol (ce n’est pas une sculpture, les pierres sont placées au sol tel un nid), la troisième partie de la carte au trésor y est cachée. Location Afterward, Flaco can be found at Cairn Lodge again, and will offer paid killings, coach holdups, and horse/wagon theft missions to the player. Où télécharger Genshin Impact Wish Simulator ? Source: Suprak the Stud's Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide Además, te permite conseguir armas especiales, skins únicos de las que ya tienes.¿Preparado para un duelo bajo el sol? No olvidéis recoger su arma. red dead redemption 2 flaco hernandez treasure map. The Noblest of Man, and a Woman is one of the more complex side quests in Red Dead Redemption 2. Flaco Hernández was an infamous outlaw and gunslinger who rode with a gang of 10 men. Members of Del Lobo will attack you after a short “introduction”. For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I missed Flaco Hernandez's revolver". Parmi eux, un tronc creux renferme la deuxième partie de la carte. This is a good point to start as it’s in a different direction to the others and is reasonably close to Valentine. Teddy Cañez Otherwise, the player can simply shoot several times. Refer to the Stranger Quest section of the guide for more information on where to find it, but you want to make sure you pick it up after defeating Flaco Hernandez in a duel since it is not available once you leave. He wears a brown furry coat, which is suitable for the cold climate, a sombrero, fingerless gloves, and long boots. As long as the player has their weapons holstered, Flaco then leaves his cabin, spits, and says "Here's your message", while readying himself for a duel with the protagonist. Photographs Pièces et tours gratuits : liens du 13 février sur Coin Master, Ensemble des codes Shift Borderlands 2 et The Pre-Sequel. Während Flacos Karriere startete er viele Razzien gegen Valentine, Strawberry und Annesburg. Del Lobo GangJim "Boy" Calloway (formerly)Red Dead Online protagonist Later on, the player gives Theodore Levin the picture of Flaco's corpse. Red Dead Redemption 2 - Flaco Hernández camp. El Revólver de Flaco es un arma única de Red Dead Redemption 2. Pour trouver Billy Midnight, rendez-vous à la gare de Rhodes, et parez au guichetier … You can find this geoglyph in lower Roanoke Ridge in New Hanover, just to the west of the Van Horn Trading Post along the lower road going towards the Kamassa River. 1 Histoire 2 Interactions 3 Anecdotes 4 Galerie 5 Navigation Flaco Hernandez était un hors-la-loi, chef d'un groupe d'une dizaine d'hommes. He also has somewhat of a dark sense of humor, as he will shoot at the protagonist and intentionally miss, only to laugh at their reaction. Hardware. Rage 2 est le prochain jeu gratuit sur l'EGS, Absolute Drift est le prochain jeu gratuit sur l'EGS, Interview du fondateur de ROCCAT, René Korte. File:Flaco Hernandez (No. Obtention et solution de la première carte Solution de la deuxième carte Solution de la troisième carte La première carte au trésor de la piste empoisonnée se trouve tout au nord, dans la région d’Ambarino. Facebook. Les meilleures compos de TFT en patch 11.3, Comment jouer la composition Reroll Nidalee. For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I missed Flaco Hernandez's revolver". Otherwise, they can also immediately activate Dead Eye, manually adjust the aim, and then shoot. You will also participate in fights, including a few duels. 29 Nov, 2018 | Video. This is a good point to start as it’s in a different direction to the others and is reasonably close to Valentine. Read more here. In order to find the Flaco Hernandez card, head directly East of the Stagecoach in Rhodes. This is a good point to start as it’s in a different direction to the others and is reasonably close to Valentine. Similar Posts: How to Find Flaco Hernandez Cigarette Card. La position de Flaco Hernandez et de la carte au trésor. Au cours de cette quête secondaire, vous mettez la main sur une carte au trésor après avoir éliminé Flaco Hernandez. The easiest way to do this is to use the "Threaten" option when confronted by his gang, which will cause them to back off. OutlawGang leader He holds a strong disdain towards Jim "Boy" Calloway for unknown reasons, and will attempt to kill the player upon a simple mention of his name. Billy Midnight. This map is really tucked away. Cet élément représente une falaise située au nord de Rhodes. 0 Sommaire de la chasse au trésor. Red Dead Redemption 2 en 3DJuegos: Pues estaba explorando la zona nevada de Ambarino, y llegue a la zona de la cabaña donde se encuentra Flaco Hernández. 5).jpg | Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki | Fandom. Red Dead Redemption 2 Characters Flaco Hernandez is an infamous outlaw who launched raids against Valentine, Strawberry and Annesburg. Se trata de cinco enemigos a los que tienes que localizar y neutralizar. Red Dead Redemption 2 : Carte au trésor, lingot d'or, Flaco Hernandez, Pièces et tours gratuits : liens du 14 février sur Coin Master, Les liens quotidiens pour avoir les bonus du jour sur Coin Master, Pokémon GO : Tous les événements en cours et à venir, Boîte cadeau en promo sur Pokémon GO : 3 Passes de Raid à distance pour la Saint-Valentin. Un nuevo episodio de nuestra serie RDR2. Cairn Lake is in the northwestern part of Ambarino, to the northeast of Lake Isabella and east of Spider Gorge. Comment accomplir la quête « Tentative de tête à tête » ? For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Flaco Henandez glitched? We will only notify you about major updates. A votre gauche, une zone est accessible en sautant, vous trouverez là un espace où 4 lingots d’or sont cachés. This mission requires you to travel a lot. Accepting his missions will decrease the player's honor. This Red Dead Redemption 2 The Poisonous Trail Treasure Map Guide will walk you through the puzzle so you can track down the location of each map clue given during the trail and claim the treasure at the end. It is therefore recommended to use Express Ammo or a powerful sidearm, like a Volcanic Pistol or Schofield Revolver, to ensure he dies in one shot to the head or torso. He is one of the subjects of the Redemption 2 stranger mission "The Noblest of Men, and a Woman". … En récompense d'avoir éliminé Flaco Hernandez dans la quête secondaire « De grands hommes et une femme » (Gunslingers), vous pouvez obtenir une carte au trésor vous menant sur un butin de 2000$ ! Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang desperately try to outrun the law. Arrivé au lieu indiqué, vous tombez sur de nombreux membres de gang. Twitter. Cairn Lake is in the northwestern part of Ambarino, to the northeast of Lake Isabella and east of Spider Gorge. As you approach Flaco’s … This is near your initial campsite in the first chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2. Twitter. Voici notre solution afin de trouver ce trésor. Le plus simple sera de les menacer directement. Cette quête annexe de l’aventure Red dead redemption 2 est probablement l'une des premières que vous rencontrerez sur votre route. Levin uses it for his book about Calloway and credits him as the one who killed Flaco Hernández. File:Flaco Hernandez (No. Biography Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Red Dead Redemption 2 – Flaco Hernandez Card How is it Found? For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Flaco Henandez glitched? En suivant la droite, vous devriez arriver dans une salle un peu plus grande, vous permettant de marcher debout. Since the player will not lose Honor in duels which are part of the mission "The Noblest of Men, and a Woman", the easiest way to beat Hernández is by cheating: players should only partially charge the draw meter, to make sure they do not miss, before shooting. Red Dead Redemption 2Red Dead Online News. Ici se cache l'un des plus gros trésors de Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 - FLACO HERNANDEZ - Part 13 Gameplay Walkthrough (RDR2 Lets Play) Red Dead Redemption 2 - FLACO HERNANDEZ - Part 13 Gameplay Walkthrough (RDR2 Lets Play) Posted by Unknown at 1:02 PM. Flaco Hernandez is found in Del Lobo hideout located in Cairn Lake. Se esconde cerca del lago Cairn, rodeado de algunos hombres. Un revólver Cattleman exótico con delicados grabados y un mango de marfil tallado. Cairn Lodge in Grizzlies West,State of Ambarino You can surprise them by shooting the gang members from afar. En récompense d'avoir éliminé Flaco Hernandez dans la quête secondaire « De grands hommes et une femme » (Gunslingers), vous pouvez obtenir une carte au trésor vous menant sur un butin de 2000$ ! Menu. Cigarette cards Famous Gunslingers and Outlaws You can find Flaco up to the north-west at Cairn Lake in the snowy area of the map. Si celle-ci peut paraitre comme une carte de plus dans votre collection, son trésor est assez extraordinaire puisqu’il comporte 4 lingots d’or d’une valeur de 500$ chacun. Flaco Hernández est un personnage mineurprésent dans Red Dead Redemption II et un personnage étranger présent dans Red Dead Online. Flaco Hernandez Can Be Found At Cairn Lake. Flaco Hernandez Can Be Found At Cairn Lake. Là, vous devriez arriver sur une petite cavité dans la roche, accessible uniquement en vous baissant (attention, si avant cela vous arrivez dans une salle éclairée naturellement, vous avez raté ce passage). You can find Flaco up to the north-west at Cairn Lake in the snowy area of the map. Gamepedia. I completed all the gunslingers, bar Flaco. Hintergrund. When they enter, he will hold them at gunpoint before recognizing them as a prison escapee. Flaco is a middle-aged Mexican man with an average build, and sports a short mustache and goatee. A unique Cattleman Revolver, featuring delicate engravings of skulls and a carved ivory handle with an eagle eating a snake emblazoned in it. Furthermore, the duel with Flaco is the only one in the mission where, if a low-powered sidearm is used, the opponent may not be killed in a single shot. How to Find Flaco Hernandez Cigarette Card. Mario Red & Blue Switch Revealed by Nintendo; Dead Cells Fatal Falls DLC Release Date Announced, Discounts Coming; Greatest Time of Year – Carrion Guide and Walkthrough ; … Comment monter niveau 50 sur Pokémon GO ? Occupation Ils vous laisseront passer pour parler à Hernandez. Les affixes de World of Wacraft changent chaque mercredi, et nous vous proposons de les découvrir en avance ! Comment accomplir la quête « Du sang et des dieux » ? Le nouveau dessin semble représenter un serpent… qui est en fait Kamassa River ! Flaco Hernandez. Characters DLS. Défi : Servir un beau dîner au rencard de Poiscaille dans n'importe quel restaurant. Red Dead Redemption 2 PC | Flaco Hernandez Hunting Playing Red Dead Redemption 2 at Ultra Max Settings on PC an action western game. Comment rejoindre un serveur discord Crewlink FR ? Parmi les quêtes secondaires de Red Dead Redemption 2 sur PC, il vous faudra retrouver 4 les Gunslingers (de célèbres « as de la gâchette », des légendes du Far West). Before the player can duel Flaco, they will first need to confront him, which requires getting past his men. ... A subreddit for Rockstar's critically acclaimed open-world Western game Red Dead Redemption, its prequel Red Dead Redemption 2, and its online multiplayer Red Dead Online. Hey, je viens d'apprendre que l'on pouvait avoir une carte au trésor après avoir tuer Flaco Hernandez. Comment obtenir le bouclier Trophée du Dragon Cochon ? His custom revolver, Flaco's Revolver, can be obtained after his defeat. In both Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, your health core drain rate is heavily dependent on how warm your outfit is and your location in the game world. Approach Log Cabin To Initiate Mission. Red Dead Redemption 2 – Flaco Hernandez Card How is it Found? The protagonist can encounter Hernández at the cabin located just east of Cairn Lake. During the duel, Hernández uses a unique strategy where he dives to the player's right as he draws his revolver, in order to make himself harder to hit. Nicknames 7 entries. He is found at the Cairn Lodge. Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Find Flaco Hernandez and Mission Walkthrough. 790k. We’re going all the way back up to Colter, then hanging a right to a frozen pond where Hernandez and his Del Lobo gang are camped out. 2. Está escondido ... Como ves, estas son las consecuencias de no matar a los pistoleros legendarios en Red Dead Redemption 2 para desencadenar acciones nuevas en la … Subsequently explaining that he's heard some reassuring words about them, he enlists the protagonist to deal with a rival gang based out near Lake Isabella, promising to pay them for their assistance. Features. Flaco is shot dead in the duel, and the player takes a picture of his corpse before riding away. After asking whether or not he can trust them, he will spontaneously fire a few shots just past them and laughs at their reaction. Eventually, after returning to camp and getting another 3 debt collecting quests which I've done, the last Flaco location and mission quest is now missing from the map! One of the earliest treasure maps Red Dead Redemption 2 players can get in the game is for the Poisonous Trail treasure, and here is how to follow it, find all the clues, and collect the reward. Devenez donc riche sur Red Dead Redemption 2 ! In 'Red Dead Redemption 2' you'll encounter Stranger Missions, including one that pits Arthur Morgan against the era's most famous gunslingers, like … Le dernier dessin représente une cascade, indiquant un passage derrière cette dernière. Sign In. Just like the first Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2 features treasure maps that players can collect on their adventures that lead to especially valuable treasure. Red Dead Redemption 2 PC | Flaco Hernandez Hunting Playing Red Dead Redemption 2 at Ultra Max Settings on PC an action western game. Comment accomplir la quête « La terre mystique aux mille rochers » ? This mission requires you to travel a lot. Weapon Hexen. Conversely, he has a much friendlier attitude towards the Red Dead Online protagonist. Red Dead Redemption 2 – Flaco Hernandez; Leave a Comment Cancel reply. Tous les défis de la Saint-Valentin en saison 5 ! Male 29 octobre 2018 . Red Dead Redemption 2's Gunslinger quest will take you to a total of five Gunslinger locations around the map, and they feature a unique duelling mechanic for you to master, too.. Actor Devenez donc riche sur Red Dead Redemption 2 ! Alternatively, the player can also kill them all before going to the cabin. Flaco Hernandez is located near Cairn Lake, southeast of Colter. admin November 17, 2018 0 How to Find Flaco Hernandez Cigarette Card Located in Rhodes, Lemoyne, you will find the Flaco… Warmth Value Comment. La position de la troisième partie de la carte. Flaco Hernández Your goal is to track down a few ex-gunslingers, ask them a few questions and take a picture of them. Facebook. 6 entries. If this happens, Hernández takes out a Sawed-off Shotgun and shoots at the player, alongside any remaining gang members. 11 entries. Comment accomplir la quête « Chambre de jade, le retour » ? This is a good point to start as it’s in a different direction to the. Just like the first Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2 features treasure maps that players can collect on their adventures that lead to especially valuable treasure. Vous devriez pouvoir vendre chaque lingot pour 500$ (le prix pourrait potentiellement être affecté par votre niveau d’honneur), faisant de cette chasse au trésor, une des missions les plus lucratives du jeu. Affiliations Email This BlogThis! Additional info After a meeting with Theodore Levin Arthur Morgan have to search for some gunslinger. Liste de toutes les cartes de Coin Master. While he initially holds them at gunpoint, he lowers his gun upon realizing they are a criminal just like him, and offers them work, for which he always pays them fairly. Flaco Hernandez is located near Cairn Lake, southeast of Colter. You only need to approach the door of the log cabin to initiate a cutscene with Flaco Hernandez. Ep 34 Flaco Hernandez – RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LONG PLAY. Name Email Website. Guides. Progress along the plateau and you'll come to a camp on the right. Cheats. *Quest Spoilers*". Pinterest. S’il existe de nombreuses façons de gagner de l’argent sur Red Dead Redemption 2, la carte au trésor de Flaco Hernandez est probablement l’une des plus simples. Red Dead Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Su anterior propietario fue el difunto pistolero Flaco Hernández, que … He wears a white shirt, a beige-colored jacket, green neckwear, brown furry pants, leather gloves, and a different hat. Pièces et tours gratuits : liens du 12 février sur Coin Master. Défi : Collecter des boîtes de chocolats à Pleasant Park, Holly Hedges ou Retail Row, J'infiltre le stage d'été de Fortnite chez Vitality. No comments: La position de la deuxième partie de la carte. Flaco is a ruthless outlaw, who regards himself as one of the best gunslingers to have ever lived. Morgan found some information on the backside of a photo of Flaco, so he travels to the Cairn Lake near Colter in the Grizzly mountains. 501 entries. Post Malone x Pokémon, un concert virtuel pour les 25 ans du jeu. Dans votre aventure sur Red Dead Redemption 2, vous avez peut-être déjà réalisé la quête « De grands hommes et une femme » (à la recherche des Gunslingers) dont nous avons préparé une solution détaillée. Flaco Hernandez Photograph is one of the photographs in Red Dead Redemption 2. Flaco Hernandez is one of the characters in Red Dead Redemption 2. A cet endroit, vous pourrez trouver cette falaise et quelques arbres comme représenté sur les dessins. Best Of. Flaco Hernández. Si vous montrez pattes blanches, les bandits ne verront l’intérêt de vous laisser en vie et essaieront de vous tuer. The gang allows the player to enter the camp or, alternatively, the player can kill the gang before meeting Flaco. 1899, the United States of America. If the "Defuse" option is used, the gang will initially keep their distance, but will then attack the protagonist soon before they reach Flaco. When arriving at the camp, the player encounters his gang, and a gang member will tell him to leave. Search for: Latest Guides. This is the north-west part of the map – don’t forget to take warm clothes with you. Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Find Flaco Hernandez and Mission Walkthrough. He is one of the subjects of the Redemption 2 stranger mission " The … Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang desperately try to outrun the law. Plus d'une vingtaine d'armes convoitées sont éparpillées dans le monde ouvert de Red Dead Redemption 2. If Flaco is disarmed, it will result in the same scenario. Vous la trouverez au nord de votre position actuelle, à tout juste quelques minutes en monture, au sud-ouest d’Annesburg. Approach Log Cabin To Initiate Mission. His camp is located around the frozen Cairn Lake in Grizzlies West. In an image depicted on a Cigarette Card, which presumably shows Flaco in his younger days, his skin is visibly darker, and his beard is shaved. Là, après avoir éliminé Flaco et sa bande, vous pourrez fouiller son abri afin de trouver la carte au trésor (ainsi que son révolver). Le chemin n’est pas clairement indiqué, il vous faudra escalader un premier obstacle avant de descendre vers la droite du tunnel. The game isn’t particularly clear on how the warmth of clothing is determined. En effet, vous devez faire la connaissance de Theodore Levin qui se trouve assis dans l'un des saloons de Valentine (image1-2).Entrez dans le bâtiment, et épiez la conversation entre les deux hommes accoudés au bar avant d’intervenir (image3). Description. Help . Stay informed about the latest on GTA V, GTA 6, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Rockstar Games, as well as new MyBase features! The player can choose to either threaten them or try to defuse the situation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Red Dead Redemption 2 – Flaco Hernandez Card How is it Found? He's known as "The Terror of the Grizzlies" and is … Thought I'd take a rest and go exploring down in the swamps before going up to the Grizzlies to finish him. Red Dead Redemption 2 – How to Duel Flaco Hernandez and Emmet Granger. Put your weapon down – this is the only way to make Hernandez leave the … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Vous allez en avoir besoin. Flaco Hernandez quest is missing from map!? Después de examinar su foto, encontrará a Flaco Hernández, o más específicamente a su cadáver, en el lago Cairn al norte de Valentine. Gender 4.0k. Flaco Hernández is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2 and a stranger in Red Dead Online. Otra de las muchas tareas que ofrece Red Dead Redemption 2 es la de dar caza a una serie de pistoleros que están pululando por las regiones del mapa. Flaco Hernandez is one of the cigarette cards in Red Dead Redemption 2. The player is sent to track down and potentially interview Flaco for a book on Jim "Boy" Calloway. The Terror of the Grizzlies You can find Flaco up to the north-west at Cairn Lake in the snowy area of the map. admin November 17, 2018 Leave a comment. En effet, le trésor de Flaco Hernandez comprend 4 lingots d’or, d’une valeur de 500$ chacun… Une belle somme afin d’acheter certaines des meilleures armes du jeu ou alors les meilleurs chevaux de RDR 2. Comment offrir une carte de Saint-Valentin Fortnite ? During his career, he launched many raids against Valentine, Strawberry, and Annesburg. Cerca de su cuerpo, encontrarás el revólver de la firma de Flaco. The Poisonous Trail is a treasure map in Red Dead 2. The Noblest of Man, and a Woman is one of the more complex side quests in Red Dead Redemption 2. You will also participate in fights, including a few duels. Question. He is found at the Cairn Lodge. Red Dead Redemption 2 : Carte au trésor, lingot d'or, Flaco Hernandez. Cette quête « Des grands hommes et une femme » sera l’une des vos épopées les plus longues mais également les plus sympas de votre aventure sur RDR2. As part of the Unified Community Platform project, your wiki has been migrated to the new platform. Está basada en el Revólver Cattleman. Discover. The player cannot loot Flaco Hernández's corpse, pick him up or take his hat after killing him. By 1899, he was associated with the Del Lobo Gang. This guide is to give you a better idea. Located in Rhodes, Lemoyne, you will find the Flaco Hernandez Cigarette Card, which is part of the Famous Gunslingers and Outlaws Card Set. Nous espérons que vous avez une lanterne. In 'Red Dead Redemption 2' you'll encounter Stranger Missions, including one that pits Arthur Morgan against the era's most famous gunslingers, like … Os ayudamos a completar la Misión de Forastero Los hombres más nobles... y una mujer de Red Dead Redemption 2 para PS4 y Xbox One. One of the earliest treasure maps Red Dead Redemption 2 players can get in the game is for the Poisonous Trail treasure, and here is how to follow it, find all the clues, and collect the reward. Comme évoqué dans notre solution de la quête des Gunslingers, Flaco Hernandez et son groupe sont situés au nord-ouest de la carte, près d’un lac (voir notre carte). How to Find Flaco Hernandez Cigarette Card. Google+. You only need to approach the door of the log cabin … Register. Flaco is in the main building. Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Find Flaco Hernandez and Mission Walkthrough. Comment obtenir des drops Rust sur Twitch ? You can find Flaco up to the north-west at Cairn Lake in the snowy area of the map. En la misión secundaria del Pistolero de Red Dead Redemption 2 tienes que dar caza a famosos pistoleros del Salvaje Oeste echando un vistazo a sus fotografías.. Puedes iniciar la misión secundaria de el Pistolero visitando el segundo saloon en Valentine, la primera ciudad que visitas. Your goal is to track down a few ex-gunslingers, ask them a few questions and take a picture of them. Game outlaws on the run. Flaco Hernández war ein berüchtigter Outlaw, der mit einer Gruppe von zehn Männern ritt. Soluce Red Dead Redemption 2 – Le trésor de la piste empoisonnée. 5).jpg. Red Dead Redemption 2's Gunslinger quest will take you to a total of five Gunslinger locations around the map, and they feature a unique duelling mechanic for you to master, too.. 121 entries. Characters Toca enfrentarse a pistoleros. Flaco's RevolverSawed-off Shotgun 2. Flaco se trouve au nord-ouest de la région, dans les montagnes au bord d’un petit lac gelé. Google+. Pour commencer la chasse au trésor du Poisonous Trail dans Red Dead Redemption 2, vous devez commencer par la quête secondaire de Gunslinger. Comment résoudre la pierre dressée Cosintun ? Mexican Contents. Vous pourrez passer à travers la cascade mais attention, la caverne est très sombre (parfois totalement obscure), il est donc recommandé de disposer d’une lanterne avant de s’aventurer dans cette ultime étape de la chasse au trésor.