SCP-049 will often seek to share its findings with members of Foundation staff. Another test subject, on the usual schedule. SCP-006-FR • SCP-3008-2 • SCP-049: (Interrupting, angrily) Not dead! Mix & match this shirt with other items to create an avatar that is unique to you! $12.99 $ 12. On April 16th 2017, when was being interviewed by Dr. Raymond Hamm--a doctor who spend a lot of time with 049 and considered him a friend--049 became agitated and attacked Hamm, killing him and turning him into a 049-2 in three hours, since security wasn't activated. The Foundation was able to cure some of the individuals turned into SCP-049-2 thanks to SCP-500, mysterious red pills which can actually cure all diseases. Dr. Sherman: I've had enough of this. Make no mistake, there is something very uncanny about this entity indeed. While these instances are generally inactive, moving very little and in a generally ambulatory fashion, they can become extremely aggressive if provoked, or if directed to by SCP-049. Preface: SCP-049 was provided the corpse of a recently deceased bovine. SCP-049's secret by AgentKulu on DeviantArt. SCP-049's touch is extremely lethal to humans, killing those that come into contact with it within minutes. During this time, SCP-049 was observed taking notes of the instance in its journal, and remarking to the watching research staff about the efficacy of its cure. Skin url. 2021 - Explorez le tableau « Plague doctor » de Aisu, auquel 145 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. A like-minded individual, no doubt. Comics. Description: SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, roughly 1.9 meters in height, which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. This order shall persist indefinitely, until such time a consensus regarding the ongoing containment of SCP-049 can be reached. SCP-049-J, is one of the few Joke SCPs which is directly related to the SCP with the same number designation, and was also created by the same co-author. SCP-701-1 • Check out SCP - Plague Doctor. While these surgeries are not always "successful", they often result in the creation of instances of SCP-049-2. Dr. Itkin: Have you experienced any remorse for your actions? SCP-024 • SCP-2950 • SCP-439 • Dr. Hamm: We've watched you work for several weeks now, and honestly I'm not sure I understand what you're doing. Dr. Hamm: The things we recovered were not human. Under no circumstances should any personnel come into direct contact with SCP-049 during these outbursts. However, upon further investigation, it was revealed that these items are a part of SCP-049's physical body, being similar in biological structure to muscle. SCP-1788 • Following protocol, Dr. Hamm reminded SCP-049 that the interview was required, after which the entity became hostile and attacked Dr. Hamm, killing him. SCP-049 appeared as #21 on Tat's TopVideo's Top 22 Scariest SCPs. Showcase on the plague doctor. (Away from mic) We're done here. They were both underneath a black tree, with mirror shards hanging from the branches, as 096's crying grew louder and intense. SCP-3003-2 • Make sure to SUBSCRIBE! SCP-049: Nonsense. Tokage-tako • Saarn • And you reanimated them? SCP-046-1 • SCP-049 is no longer permitted to interact with human subjects, and requests for human subjects are to be denied. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. Account & Lists ... Stegosaurus Plague Doctor Bird Mask Long Nose Beak Cosplay Steampunk Halloween Costume Props Latex Material. Life and death, sickness and health, these are amateur terms for amateur physicians. 99 $16.99 $16.99. The security team dispatched the 049-2 instance, and SCP-049 returned to containment with no resistance, stating that it was pleased with the results. Dr. Hamm: That still doesn't answer my question. They found 049 surrounded by the people he had turned into SCP-049-2. Dr. Sherman: Your cure cost Ray his life! Gallery Folders. Humanized 049. My veterinarian practice is rudimentary, but the patient responded well to the procedure.". Wonders abound! Otherwise, a random Agent will be possessed and brought to its containment. Children of God • While SCP-049 appears to be wearing the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession, the garments instead seem to have grown out of SCP-049's body over time1, and are now nearly indistinguishable from whatever form is beneath them. Here, SCP-049 was voiced by Aaron Mckee, better known as TheVolgun, a YouTuber who is best known for his voice acting on the SCP-related material, who also voiced in the game SCP-035, SCP-939, SCP-990, and D-9341. SCP-3000 • 049 complied and after turning the D-Class into 035's perfect host, the two SCPs managed to escape the site. SCP-049 has expressed frustration or remorse after these killings, indicating that they have done little to kill "The Pestilence", though will usually seek to then perform a crude surgery on the corpse using the implements contained within a black doctor's bag it carries on its person at all times3. When confronted about the effectiveness of the cure, SCP-049 would not continue. Mekhane • SCP-049 was once thought incapable of speech, but this was later debunked when it spoke in a male voice, saying that while it can speak, it simply prefers not to. 1. SCP-610 • Append content without editing the whole page source. SCP-049: The Scourge! If the Plague Doctor is being controlled by a player, zombified players will still retain control as a zombie, otherwise th… SCP-1048 Duplicates • Cornelius P. Bodfel III • scp 049 costume. Not Now. SCP-457 • - Check out the SCP Merch Store! While in containment at Site-19, SCP-049 has spent a considerable amount of time studying and performing surgery on the various mammalian corpses it has been provided. 049 reflected on his own life and questioned whether or not if he was a doctor, 049 also noticed that the "child" had several cuts around it's body with blood leaking. Forgot account? He can also can create "zombies" with his victims. SCP-280 • The ability needs one Agent to be in its containment unit. An introduction? SCP-589 • SCP-077-DE Simon Oswalt. When The Plague Doctor makes contact with a player, the player will be immediately killed and the Plague Doctor will play a fair-length animation of operating on the player's body before reviving the player as a zombie. Come now, you know, the, uh… (taps temple furiously) …what is it they call it, the… the… ah, no matter. Discover (and save!) SCP-3199 • While SCP-049 appears to be wearing the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession, the garments instead seem to have grown out of SCP-049's body over time, and are now nearly indistinguishable from whatever form is beneath them. Dr. Hamm: You think you cured those people? Grand Karcist Ion • SCP-811 • SCP-049 can take more shots than other SCPs in-game. Although the exact nature of this Pestilence is currently unknown to Foundation researchers, it does seem to be an issue of immense concern to SCP-049. Dr. Sherman: SCP-049, you are being directed to explain your actions, and I will remind you that failure to cooperate will result in further restrictions during your containment. May 31, 2016 - “Good doctor, my cure is most effective.” This lil' guy is probably one of my favorites. SCP-049: (In French) So then, how should we begin? For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List. 4. Chaos Insurgency • or. Right as SCP-049 is about to touch Jacobs and "cure the pestilence", SCP-049 withdraws himself and doesn't touch Jacobs, explaining that "the pestilence has receded from him", and that Jacobs has a different fate in store for him. SCP-4885, International SCPs Website. Church of the Red Harvest • However, the doctor was annoyed by the imbecility of the natives and their lack of logic. The Tesla-Gate could potentially kill SCP-049 or significantly damage him. German Branch Right, well, the entities our agents encountered at that house, they were dead when you encountered them, yes? Licensed under CC-BY-SA. DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. SCP-035 • I'm just trying to understand. SCP-049-2 instances are reanimated corpses that have been operated on by SCP-049. Over the next few days, SCP-049 spent a considerable amount of time adjusting the organs of the bovine corpse with a number of large metal instruments. SCP-860-2 • It's you he wants to lure! Anderson Robotics • SCP-049 will be added in the Unity Remake possibly in 2019 or 2020. You are shortsighted and foolish. Lord Goran • The resulting 049-2 instance became animated, flailing and grasping at the walls of the chamber with a number of manufactured limbs while moaning out of an oblong orifice now present in its sternum. SCP-2439 • SCP-2521 • Do you wait to remove rotten timbers until the hall collapses on top of you? SCP-2014 • Archons • 1. Can we get a translator-. The Great Dying. Humanized 049. My cure is most effective. Lovataar • Origin I can cast down this plague, once and for all. SCP-049: (Laughs) A medical man, such as myself. The Cure To End All Cures! Video clip and lyrics Scp-049 by Glenn Leroi. Daniel DeVorn • SCP-049 is the most dangerous SCP in area 51, Known by it's Plague Doctor mask, This SCP is the equivalent to serial killer Albert Fish, a serial killer from the 19th century. 035 remembered his interaction with the doctor, but the doctor could not remember it. Rasmin Yelkov • SCP-682 • I can save all of you, because I… I am the cure. These instances do not seem to retain any of their prior memories or mental functions, having only basic motor skills and response mechanisms. Dr. Hamm: I see. SCP-137 • My concern, doctor, is that we still don't understand what you're seeking to cure, or how it manifests, or how turning these creatures into quasi-living, mindless drones helps in that effort. On the run, 035 dropped 049 to Marshall, Carter, and Dark ltd.. 4.2 out of 5 stars 708. SCP-049 must be sedated before any attempts to transport it. Sarkicism • SCP-1337 • My name is Dr. Raymond Hamm, and I-. SCP-2863 • SCP-230 • The victim will be rendered completely feral, violent, aggressive, and dangerous, and will wander until it encounters another human. SCP-049 is humanoid in appearance, standing at 1.9 m tall and weighing 95.3 kg; however, the Foundation is currently incapable of studying its face and body more fully, as it is covered in what appears to be the garb of the traditional “Plague Doctor” from 15-16th century Europe. No need for translation, sir, I can speak it well enough. In another video of the same series, a video about SCP-343, SCP-343 states that "a darkness follows" SCP-049, possibly hinting "the pestilence" that SCP-049 speaks of is something that's a part of the latter, rather than something others are infected with. See pages that link to and include this page. SCP-049 also discusses his encounter with SCP-035, which is a very different version of the same story that SCP-035 gave in its respective video within the series. SCP-049 was set to appear as a playable character in Indie Game Battle before the game's cancellation. The Black Lord was curious about the doctor's medicine and asked if he could cure of any disease he might have, but the doctor was discouraged and was afraid he could not. Otari Iosava • SCP-049 is based on the real-life Plague Doctor, a medical physician who treated victims of the most devastating pandemic of the whole humanity known as the Black Death. A doctor! Huge thanks to TheeSherm, taylor_itkin, Doctor Cimmerian, and VolgunStrife for the awesome work on the audio logs. SCP-1048 • Ma'tol • SCP-3125 • Observation Notes: SCP-049 began by asking D-85123 several standard medical questions, as it began removing tools from its bag. Something does not work as expected? SCP-1765 • Its touch is lethal to humans, victims dying within minutes of touching the Doctor’s hands. SCP-049 believes it is doing a great service by "curing" the infected. Featured. SCP-049 is capable of speech in a variety of languages, though tends to prefer English or medieval French2. Draga Negrescu • Moloch • In the event SCP-049 becomes aggressive, the application of lavender (L. multifida) has been shown to produce a calming effect on the entity. SCP-352 • SCP-1790 • We all know SCP-049 A.K.A the Plague Doctor is an SCP and is known for their hatred of the so called 'pestilence', but when an accident at the Foundation sends SCP-049 into another universe that not only has no SCP, but also no plague, will 049 survive with no purpose and no one to cure. Dr. Itkin: Dr. Sherman noted in his report that you seemed to be mournful during your initial interview. SCP-049 is capable of killing anyone instantly if he gets in range to use his death touch. (Laughs), Dr. Hamm: I don't think our organization will be willing to-. After telling some visitors to leave him alone, the doctor got an invitation from the Black Lord of Alagadda. SCP-2075 • Description: SCP-049 is humanoid in appearance, standing at 1.9 m tall and weighing 95.3 kg; however, the Foundation is currently incapable of studying its face and body more fully, as it is covered in what appears to be the garb of the traditional “Plague Doctor” from 15-16th century Europe. 5. SCP-4666 • Then a monster appeared from the walls of the palace heavily injuring the lord, leaving the doctor to perform a surgery on him, and during the procedure the doctor finally remembered his cure. SCP-075-FR • Plague doctor wallpapers app contains huge collection of beautifull wallpapers HD 1080p and 1080x1920 size Plague wallpapers app offer high quality mobile wallpapers that you can use to easily personalize your mobile phone. I will require a laboratory of my own, one where I can continue my research unimpeded. SCP-049 • You know my preference of subjects with more human anatomies. You cannot appreciate the horrors I have seen, those many millions who have succumbed to the Pestilence and been changed, who-. Ambassador of Alagadda • Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. It will wander the halls and elevators, killing and "curing" any human it comes across, including the player. For more information, see Licensing Guide. Konrad Weiss • Church of the Red Harvest • 704 people like this. Dr. Hamm: When you say "The Great Dying", are you talking about the bubonic plague? # plague 157 # doctor 12577 # scp 1306 # 049 79. explore origin none Base skins used to create this skin; find derivations Skins created based on this one; Find skins like this: almost equal very similar quite similar Skins that look like this but with minor edits; Picture url. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). They are follow SCP-049 and protect him from other players and can turn them into SCP-049-2 as well. Goals SCP-990 • My work must continue, there is so much still to learn, so much to-. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. KeeLee • SCP-682 • SCP-089-FR • Fetch your coat and show me to my quarters, doctor. SCP-3340 • SCP-401 • Cornelius P. Bodfel III • After a long day of work, 049 approached a man who laying dying. Dr. Hamm: Is there anything else I can help you with? During a raid on a local home, investigators found several instances of SCP-049-2, as well as SCP-049. SCP-049: -am offering it freely to the afflicted! 5 out of 5 stars. He visited different regions and spread death, with people believing he was a real doctor, since he was somehow immune to the plague. Survive as long as you can! He then took residence inside a monastery of the Fifth Church where he operated on the members of the church for some time. Licensing Disclosures, Filename: SCP-049 SCP-049 is a tall humanoid figure that appears to be garnished in long black robes and a white-beaked mask. SCP-049: (Pauses and glares at Dr. Hamm) Yes, well, it is not a perfect cure. Getting a Good or Badwork result. Well, the death of a colleague is always regrettable, but in the face of the Pestilence we must be swift, doctor, and act without hesitation. Cornelius P. Bodfel III • Interviewer's Note: While SCP-049 is capable of communicating in a very human way, there is a strange sense of unease that one experiences when in its presence. Source: He is… he is cured. SCP-2774-A • Presumably at some point he made a deal with Small Death of the Brothers Death which caused the man to become cursed. After all of the 049-2 instances were dispatched, SCP-049 willingly entered Foundation custody. Additionally, we've confiscated that pointed stick that SCP-049 keeps waving around. Dr. Hamm: I'm sorry. 3. There is work to do! SCP-ES-045 • Serpent's Hand, Safe SCPs SCP-060-FR • But before becoming intimate the two worked together to reanimate the bodies of personnel who were killed by 353. SCP-966 • Notable SCP Villains Dr. Itkin: I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. It is strong! SCP-049 described these fluids as "essences of the humors", and elaborated by saying "the Pestilence may bring about a systemic imbalance. As I said to your assistant, the best instruction you will find about my methods are here in my journals, as I have kept exhaustive records of my work7 there. Another SCP designated SCP-049-J, also known as "The Plague Fellow", is an SCP looking nearly identical with the classic 049, with the exception that it is made of mostly of moss, wads of tissue, and other, smaller plague doctor masks. SCP-001 (Past and Future) • SCP-049 Song (Plague Doctor) Lyrics: (Greetings) / A humanoid appearance 1.9 meters tall / Waiting for a victim in his very own hall / When you meet him he may salute. How this occurs is currently unknown, and autopsies of SCP-049's victims have invariably been inconclusive. Headlined Villain - Erik Killmonger (MCU), Preface: SCP-049 was provided the corpse of a recently deceased goat. Hanged King • SCP-049: (Deep breath) Yes, well, do mind your words in the future, doctor. Children of the Scarlet King • Art. It will then attack and kill the human before returning to its unintelligent and brainless state. While SCP-049 is generally cooperative with most Foundation personnel, outbursts or sudden changes in behaviour are to be met with elevated force. The first original photo of SCP-049 got taken down, and replaced because of the SCP Foundation could not reliably get sourced as being Creative Commons Compliant. Customize your avatar with the [SCP] Plague Doctor and millions of other items. SCP-049-2 instances express active biological functions, though these are vastly different from currently understood human physiology. Dr. Hamm: This is hardly a creature at all, doctor, it's not even-. However, SCP-049's touch is not lethal when wearing SCP-714. More specifically, he was created by Small Death who reaps people died from illness. What you so shortsightedly see here is a life better than any this creature could have hoped for, stricken as it was with Pestilence. The plague doctor, known as SCP 049, escaped from the lab during experiments. During a containment breach, SCP-049 came into contact and had conversations with SCP-035. Children of the Scarlet King • Website . I can do this! Type of Villain Full Name License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Filename: SCP-049D Beginning first by embalming the corpse, SCP-049 was observed producing a number of long syringes from its bag, each containing a different dark, viscous fluid. You need to escape from the lab in time to avoid being caught, but it's not that easy! SCP-049: You do not understand the Pestilence? May 31, 2016 - “Good doctor, my cure is most effective.” This lil' guy is probably one of my favorites. This is a collab between myself and djkaktus, refining ol' plague boy into something more appropriate for today's standards. View, comment, download and edit plague doctor Minecraft skins. The SCP Plague Doctor can produce a bag with needle, thread, scalpels and vials of an unknown substance. Screen-Shots. Dr. Hamm: The Pestilence? SCP-049 expressed pleasure in this outcome, though admitted "the disease was still in its nascent stage. Its behavior is also similar to that of 049, but seemingly to a less degree of intelligence, as he claims to be a powerful magical doctor wizard, capable of curing anything, despite the fact he had cured nothing and instead made things much worse, for example crushing a patient's throat with a shoe in hope of curing her sore throat, and tried to escape the facilities he was held in through childish ways. I think the entity may be more aware of the reality of these outcomes than it would like us to think. We all know SCP-049 A.K.A the Plague Doctor is an SCP and is known for their hatred of the so called 'pestilence', but when an accident at the Foundation sends SCP-049 into another universe that not only has no SCP, but also no plague, will 049 survive with no purpose and no one to cure. SCP-ES-150 SCP-973-2 • He's the best mix of threatening and endearing... SCP-049. There is a possibility that the Plague Doctor might be an avatar of. 6 janv. SCP-049 will become hostile with individuals it sees as being affected by the Pestilence, often having to be restrained should it encounter such. Evil-doer Mass murderMutilationStalkingUnethical experimentation Voir plus d'idées sur le thème médecin de peste, peste noire, corbeau. SCP-049, also referred to as the Plague Doctor, is a Euclid-class object under the SCP Foundation's containment. Ahnenerbe Obskurakorps • His aim to cure "the pestilence" remains in this video series in the same way as the standard SCP mythos. in a cross-testing experiment. SCP-049: The Pestilence, sir! Simon Oswalt, Personages SCP-XXXX, SCP-001 Proposals SCP-4680 • We are all men of science. Nadox • Featured. It is a cruel judgement, I fear, to be at the mercy of a disease you cannot fully comprehend! Dr. Hamm: (Aside) Is that French? After reanimating them, the two SCPs proceeded to have sex before being interrupted by SCP-890 holding SCP-297. Dr. Sherman: (Talking over SCP-049) What disease? SCP-049: Ah! I will forgive this as an act of good faith between colleagues. SCP-049: No good SIR I have saved it! Aug 16, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Zearoce. SCP-053 • Regrettable as… as it was, Dr. Hamm's death provided important insight. In this non-canon, fan-made series, there is a set of two videos that expand on SCP-049's purpose and background. Adytum's Wake • The first original photo of SCP-049 got taken down, and replaced because of the SCP Foundation could not reliably get sourced as being Creative Commons Compliant. Upon arriving to the lord's palace, the two met and introduced each other. Give command. Rid the world of "the pestilence". SCP-3799 • The following interview was conducted by Dr. Raymond Hamm during the initial investigation. your own Pins on Pinterest SCP-939 • SCP-049: (Waves his hand) Ah, yes. SCP-307 • Contemporary Art. The two immediately felt attracted to each other and fell in love. SCP-049 expressed noted gratitude at the provision, due to the similarities between the orangutan and common human physiology. SCP-049: Hrmm, in a manner of speaking. SCP-173 • SCP-096 • After the lord was cured, he only gave the doctor his gratitude and told him to leave. He's the best mix of threatening and endearing... SCP-049 . Some surgery is all he wanna do!.. It explained that it seeks to eradicate "the Great Pestilence" from the world, which is assumed to be the bubonic plague. Dr. Hamm: Good. Unknown Observation Notes: SCP-049 spent several days operating on the bovine corpse, breaking only to dine on a requested dinner of thin crackers, salted pork, and hard cheese5. Corpses that become instances of SCP-049-2 are to be removed from SCP-049's containment cell and incinerated. Expand your horizons. James Anderson • If you were able to escape from the lab, it does not mean that you were saved. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. This creature is now clean, unable to spread the Pestilence and free from the terror it would have experienced otherwise. After becoming rich he returned to his home to reunite with his family, but to his horror, found his wife had succumbed to the plague and was partially eaten, while his daughter was soaked in blood, but was thankfully still alive, thanks to her immunity which she had inherited from her father. Leopold I • My desires turn towards tending to those still living who suffer from the disease. SCP-025-FR • SCP-035, much like in the original mythos, can speak many languages, but it's true language is not comprehensible by humans. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. I have watched it now over several weeks, and while the outcomes do not seem to ever change, SCP-049 continues to claim that it is growing closer to its perfect cure. In order to facilitate the ongoing containment of SCP-049, the entity is to be provided with the corpse of a recently deceased animal (typically a bovine or other large mammal) once every two weeks for study. Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from and its authors. Not… not dead. Under their custody 049 kept doing experiments with various mammalians which provided to him by the Foundation in order to keep him calm. Click here to edit contents of this page. Now, we have wasted too much time. Consider your allowances revoked. SCP-2845 • Screen-Shots. The Pestilence, yes. You are not worth this argument, sir. The image was not licensed by the SCP wiki, which is why the photo was not to be used in derivative works that utilize content involving the SCP Wiki. So many have succumbed, and many more will continue to, until such time as a perfect cure can be developed. SCP-1548 • If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Suddenly the wall of his cell began corroding and SCP-035 possessing a D-Class stepped through. SCP-029 • Children of God • I had wondered, as clean as it is, and with such little trace of the Pestilence here. Stop resisting, I am here to cure you. SCP-079 • View wiki source for this page without editing. SCP-049 then injected something to calm 096, in 049's view. Dr. Sherman: I need you to explain yourself. SCP-109-FR SCP-049 . 724 people follow this . Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. See more ideas about plague doctor, scp, scp 049. SCP-1499-1 • It can decrease by: 1. SCP-953 • SCP-049 encountered. Preface: A test subject (D-85123) was introduced into SCP-049's containment cell. During "There is comfort in not seeing, there is bliss in not knowing." SCP-049: Indeed. No. I sense the disease in you. Dr. Sherman: You killed Raymond Hamm and then butchered him until he-. He was a healthy man! SCP-610 • SCP-049 and others. After eight days, SCP-049 produced a lightning rod, which Dr. Hamm exchanged for an electric cattle prod attached to an extension cord, and struck the corpse in several locations. Spanish Branch About See All. SCP-231-1 • SCP-049 was discovered during the investigation of a series of unknown disappearances in the town of Montauban in southern France. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. You and your… your ilk have proven time and time again to be not men of science, but men of- of emotion. While law enforcement personnel engaged the hostile 049-2 instances, SCP-049 was noted as watching the engagement and taking notes in its journal. SCP-049 is a humanoid entity which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. Rikki Robinson-Huntington • More subjects like this would do a great deal in advancing my research.". SCP-2852 • SCP Foundation Description: SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, roughly 1.9 meters in height, which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. Comics. If left unchecked, SCP-049 will generally attempt to kill any such individual; SCP-049 is capable of causing all biological functions of an organism to cease through direct skin contact. Plague Doctor. SCP-049: Only that I look forward to the day when you will allow me to resume my work! In the second video featuring SCP-049, he is interviewed by a Foundation member named "Jacobs", at the end of the interview, he intends to sacrifice himself to the SCP. I… I… (labored breathing) I saved… I saved him… Dr. Hamm, I… I cured him… he was sick, I know he was sick, I know he was, and I… you are all sick, but I… I can save you. Draga Negrescu • The entity was displeased at first, but after we made some concessions in providing it with "test subjects" (which are, admittedly, more for the benefit of our own research) it warmed up to the idea. You are not a doctor. Dr. Dämmer • SCP-122-1 • While in reality, 096 and 049 sat down together, until 049 was dragged out. SCP-363 • Description : SCP-049 est une entité humanoïde, d'environ 1,9 mètre de hauteur, répondant à la description d'un médecin de peste médiéval. Creature Art Horror Creepypasta Anime Scp 49 Fan Art Cute Characters Learn To Draw Anime Scp 049. The zombies are also known as SCP-049-2. Church of the Eternal Mother • But that will come with time. Grand Karcist Ion • Dr. Hamm was sick, and I… (breath catches) I cured him. He was going to find a syringe to staunch the flow, but 096 ran and hugged him. SCP-3999 • bbcode: pallete: Banner recipe. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon . The following is a log of several occasions during which SCP-049 was observed operating on a mammalian corpse. See more of Plague Doctor on Facebook. SCP-343 • SCP-076-2 • You may laugh at my efforts if you please, but do not besmirch the good name of scientific progress that has developed this great mercy.