Astral Chain is yet another excellent Switch exclusive, and easily one of the most unique. The Switch is one of Nintendo's most versatile consoles. Elle peut être utilisée en console portative, et vous pouvez ainsi la transporter partout facilement. Given it’s only been on the market for a handful of years, the Nintendo Switch has produced an utterly fantastic library of games. Nintendo ist davon zwar kein Fan, dennoch kommt jetzt das Update auf die Version 10.0. last year | 105 views. Konto und Listen Konto ... Contra: Rogue Corps für Nintendo Switch USK ab 16 Jahren Singleplayer- oder Multiplayer-Modus. [4] Animal Crossing: New Horizons was the best selling game of 2020 at 31 million units. Switch. 4,4 sur 5 étoiles 4 457. Les manettes Nintendo Entertainment System ne sont pas disponibles à l'achat pendant la période d'essai gratuit de Nintendo Switch Online ou avec un compte enfant. Je vends ma Nintendo Switch en très bon état, manette nintendo switch neuve jamais utilisée vendue avec sa boîte d’origine et une coque mario et une coque luigi. With new maps, weapons, clothes and Splatfest competitions being introduced all of the time, there is no better use of online multiplayer on Nintendo Switch right now, especially if you’re after something, fun, fast and stupidly adorable. The new course themes, items and power-ups result in a ridiculous range of combinations that wouldn’t have been possible without this sequel, and should no doubt entice owners of previous Mario Maker titles. Die Nintendo Switch bietet bunte witzige Spiele – doch ab welchem Alter sind Kinder reif genug dafür? La console peut aussi être connectée à votre téléviseur, afin d'effectuer des parties sur grand écran. Ultimate was the best selling game of 2018 at 12 million units. Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit -Mario Set - Nintendo Switch Mario Set Edition Nintendo. Livraison gratuite dès 25 € d'achat. A whole new cast of characters alongside plentiful new Pokemon and gameplay mechanics means that Sword and Shield is essential for any Switch owner. Cuphead. Jetzt Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury (Switch) günstig kaufen bei Die Wertungen der 460 Nintendo Switch Spiele stammen von deutschen Spieleseiten. Related: 10 Of The Rarest Nintendo Switch Games (& How Much They’re Worth) These games typically include in-depth, diverse, and well-developed storylines that players of all ages can find themselves easily and truly immersed in. More Buying Choices $29.49 (32 used & new offers) Carnival Games Nintendo Switch. C'est une nouvelle ère où vous ne devez plus adapter votre quotidien pour pouvoir jouer, c'est désormais votre console qui s'adapte à votre style de vie. nintendo switch d'occasion est à vendre pour un prix de 350,0 . Entdecke Rabatte und Sonderangebote und probiere kostenlose Spiele und Demos aus. Kostenloser Versand ab 30€ Warenwert in DE * ... Als Vorgänger der Wii U und der Nintendo Switch, hat sie einen genauso innovativen Entwicklungsprozess hinter sich. RPG / 1 Spieler / USK ab 6 freigegeben . #mc-embedded-subscribe-form input[type=checkbox]{display: inline; width: auto;margin-right: 10px;} Mortal Kombat 11 - Nintendo Switch WB Games. 95. Playing next. Wir haben uns 10 interessante Angebote angesehen. Grâce à la multitude de jeux disponibles, cette console familiale s’adresse à tous les publics. While Let’s Go, Pikachu and Let’s Go, Eevee proved to be a wonderful introduction to the series for newcomers, it lacked the apparent depth you’d often receive from core Pokemon entries – which is exactly where Sword and Shield factor into the equation. Alongside the implementation of future updates and content created by players themselves, it’s only going to evolve into something greater, which is a triumphant achievement given the foundations are already that of a masterpiece. Surpasses One Million Sales",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 February 2021, at 03:26. Add to Cart. Add to Cart. 9.53. playscore. *Software units include the quantity bundled with hardware. Read our full Ori and the Will of the Wisps review. It’s one of Monolith Soft’s finest efforts yet and feels right at home on Switch. Super Smash Bros Ultimate is easily the most ambitious and successful crossover in gaming history. Nintendo Switch. DE-Gaming. Liste der Spiele für Kinder. *Software units include the downloadable versions. You’ve also got a meaty solo campaign to dig into alongside a bunch of neat customisation options for your personal squid kid. She handles all things gaming whether it be news, reviews, events or silly features. Compacte, facile à utiliser et très performante, elle vous accompagne partout mais sait aussi se transformer en console de salon. Deshalb finden sich auch für die Switch wieder zahlreiche Spiele mit einer FSK-Freigabe ab null oder ab sechs Jahren. I won’t lie, it left a grin on my face that didn’t fade for weeks after. Die Nintendo Switch (kurz meist Switch genannt, Codename: NX[5]) ist eine Spielkonsole des japanischen Konsolenherstellers Nintendo, die in Europa, Australien, Nordamerika und Asien am 3. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. Instead of bullets, your weapons are filled with coloured ink used to splat your enemies and cover the environment in paint. [5], By December 31, 2020, over 532.34 million total copies of games had been sold for the Switch. sales top 2.5 million", "Nintendo Switch sales in Europe pass 10m", "Famitsu Sales: 12/21/20 – 1/3/21 [Update]", "Mario + Rabbids On Nintendo Switch Has Sold More Than Two Million Copies", "NINTENDO PUBLISHING MARIO + RABBIDS IN JAPAN AND KOREA", "To celebrate 2 million copies sold, OCTOPATH TRAVELER is 50% off until 02/04! Spiele für Nintendo Switch Hallo, Anmelden. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Nintendo Switch 4 Joy-cons et 4 jeux . In dieser Liste werfen wir einen Blick auf die absolut besten Spiele, die seit Januar 2019 auf der Nintendo Switch veröffentlicht wurden. Die liebst es, auf deiner Nintendo Switch zu spielen, nur leider hast du bisher nur Singleplayer-Spiele auf der Konsole? [1] Super Smash Bros. Mar 3, 2017. The World of Light campaign mode is chockful of references, a worthwhile homage to years of gaming history we’ve spent hours upon hours uncovering. [7] Der Nachfolger der Wii U verfolgt erstmals für eine Nintendo-Konsole ein hybrides Hardware-Konzept und fungiert damit sowohl al… Dementsprechend ist das Unternehmen Mitglied der Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK) und leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Kinder- und Jugendschutz. Hier kannst du deine Lieblingsspiele sofort auf deine Konsole herunterladen, wann und wo du willst. Get it as soon as Thu, Feb 18. Super Mario Odyssey is a charming wonder of a platformer, taking everything we’ve come to love from the crafty plumber over the years and hurling it into an adventure of unparalled imagination. Nintendo Switch. It’s so fun to play, with Trusted having already lost hundreds of hours across all platforms. Einfach eines der kurzen Minispiele gemeinsam mit ein paar Freunden ausprobieren und der Spaß ist vorprogrammiert. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. And if we’re honest, Nintendo Switch is probably the best place to play it. */ And it’s only growing larger with the addition of new fighters, stages and more in the coming months. Login Signup. Bestenliste Nintendo Switch Spiele. Also the sites updates and uploads latest CFW firmwares and Yuzu Emulator for PC. Begin your journey:", "Super Mario Odyssey Passes The 10 Million Sold Marker", "Enter the Gungeon Sells 1 Million on Switch with Physical Edition on the way", "Nintendo Switch software "Fit Boxing" and "Fitness Boxing" (overseas version) Announcement of worldwide cumulative shipment of 1 million units", "Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum'n'Fun! Diese sind meist ebenso wie Sportspiele, Simulationen und Gesellschaftsspiele ab 6 Jahren freigegeben und machen Gamern jeder Altersgruppe Spaß. Having now sold over 10 millon copies across all platforms, Stardew Valley takes the best elements from Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon to create something truly brilliant. Das soll sich nun ändern. Across the lengthy campaign you’ll investigate crime scenes while exploring the city, stopping to discover secrets and do battle with all manner of dangerous foes. Nintendo Switch Online 3 Month (90 Day) Membership Switch (EU) Special Price $8.59 RRP $9.69. Breath of the Wild 2 is likely still years away, so this is a welcome distraction until then. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a positively staggering JRPG offering hundreds upon hundreds of hours of content for players ready and willing to dig into its sprawling story and uncompromising systems. Let us know your favourite Nintendo Switch games over on Twitter or Facebook @TrustedReviews, Jade is the Gaming Editor at Trusted Reviews. Ob Klassiker wie Super Mario, Dauerbrenner wie Fortnite oder die allerneusten Spielehits: Bei MediaMarkt finden Sie eine große Auswahl an spannenden Spielen für die Nintendo Switch. Top 10 der besten Nintendo Switch-Spiele. This new entry is so jam-packed with different franchises, properties and characters that it’s a miracle it works so well – blending together the worlds players love in a way nothing else does or will likely ever accomplish. Fans will be playing it for years, watching as the seasons roll by and unveil the true potential of what has been created here. Bis zu zwei Spieler duellieren sich in "1-2-Switch" in verschiedenen Mini … Bei unseren Festtagsangeboten 2020 könnt ihr bis zu 75 % beim Kauf von Nintendo Switch-Spielen im Nintendo eShop sparen - noch bis zum 31. News Feed Best Games New Games Upcoming Games Free Games Discover Games PC Playstation 5 Xbox Series X Nintendo Switch PlayStation 4 Xbox One Android iOS Blockchain Stadia Legacy Platforms Gaming News & Blog Videos search. #mergeRow-gdpr {margin-top: 20px;} Special Price $62.49 RRP $69.49. XenoArKc Nintendo Switch ROM Downloads is one of the best sites that updates and uploads back-up copies of new Nintendo Switch released games in .XCI & .NSP Formats. This is a list of video games for the Nintendo Switch video game console that have sold or shipped at least one million copies. Nintendo Switch. Add to Cart . By the end of 2017, it had outsold the lifetime sales of Wii U, its home console predecessor. ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ | by Nintendo. Entdeckt die Angebote: Economisez avec notre option de livraison gratuite. Heute starten die Cyber Angebote im Nintendo E-Shop mit mehr als 150 Spielen für die Switch. 199 €99. We especially didn’t expect the pairing to translate into a deep, compelling and unbelievably charming strategy title. As far as local multiplayer offerings on Nintendo Switch are concerned, you can do no better than Smash Ultimate. Every track and character, including the downloadable content featuring The Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing, are present and accounted for. Tous les accessoires Nintendo Switch. Minecraft with Super Mario Mash-up - Nintendo Switch. Add to Wish List Add to Compare-13%. Nintendo Switch. Regardez les vidéos, découvrez les jeux, et achetez votre console. 1-2-Switch ist das perfekte Party-Spiel für die Nintendo Switch. Praktisch ist, dass die Konsole über den mitgelieferten Adapter auch während des Spielens geladen werden kann, alternativ lädt sie in der Dockingstation. Celeste. So, Trusted Reviews has gone through the console’s entire library and picked out the very best games you can play right now, ensuring we’ve explored many genres so there’s something for everybody below. L’univers Nintendo Switch offre une expérience de gameplay authentique et stimulante. La nouvelle Nintendo Switch à processeur Nvidia Mariko a été analysée par Digital Foundry, experts du hardware jeu vidéo. After moving into the quaint little village known as Pelican Town, you throw city life aside and get your fingers green. Im Gegensatz zu Herstellern wie Sony oder Microsoft will Nintendo mit seinen Konsolen-Spielen vor allem ein junges Publikum ansprechen. If you own a Switch, what are you waiting for? Ranging from sprawling blockbusters to intimate indie affairs, the hyrbid console has something for everyone regardless what you’re looking for. WatchMojoDE. 644 Nintendo Switch-Spiele im Preisvergleich Kaufberater Testberichte Echte Nutzerbewertungen und geprüfte Shops Angebote vergleichen & sparen! Nintendo Switch 22,90 € 22,90 € KOSTENLOSE Lieferung. Hier gibt’s die besten Nintendo Switch Games, die man bis jetzt im Jahr 2019 kaufen kann. Add to Wish List Add to Compare-10%. As Nintendo shares the sales of their video games every quarter while most other publishers do not share sales figures per console, this list consists mostly of Nintendo-published titles. We’re still waiting for the inevitable reveal of MK9 for Switch, but for now, this remains one of the best examples of multiplayer on the hybrid console. While the romance options and visuals leave a little to be desired, Switch owners can’t go wrong with this one. Think we’ve missed a biggie? Each house is a unique campaign in itself with characters, locations and relationships to discover, and I’ve had a blast with everything I’ve seen thus far and plan to experience even more. Für Kinder eignen sich die Nintendo Switch und die dazugehörenden Spiele hervorragend. And now a sequel is in development, I’m ready to experience this magic all over again. Release: 03.09.2020. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a class to teach…, Read our full Fire Emblem: Three Houses Review. Découvrez tous les informations nintendo switch des experts Fnac. Released Jan 25, 2018. Fire Emblem: Three Houses is a triumphant RPG experience and one of the greatest games you can play on Nintendo Switch right now. Super Mario Maker 2 could easily just have been a simple port for the Switch, but Nintendo has instead loaded it with additional content and features. ; Auf vielen Spielen finden sich auch höhere Altersempfehlungen. On our 2020 festive season offers, you can save up to 75 % on the purchase of Nintendo Switch games in the Nintendo eShop - until December 31.! Si Nintendo a annoncé officiellement une version Lite de sa Switch en juillet dernier, le consolier japonais a été bien plus discret quant à son nouveau August 2017 wurde die Konsole auch in Argentinien veröffentlicht. It takes the series’ formula and propels it forward with some fascinating new changes, and every single system works in tandem to create something rather stunning. Spiele wann, wo und mit wem du willst, mit der Freiheit und Flexibilität der verschiedenen Spielmodi – jetzt Switch Spiele kaufen bei Gamesrocket GmbH "1-2 Switch": High Noon. Whether you’re planting crops, exploring caves or flirting with your village sweetheart, Stardew Valley is always rewarding you with keeping busy thanks to meaningful paths of progression and satisfying feedback loops. Die tatsächliche Dauer hängt jedoch von den verwendeten Nintendo Switch Spielen sowie Gebrauchskonditionen ab. Kinder lieben zum Beispiel alle Spiele aus dem Pokémon-Universum. Trouvez nintendo switch en vente parmi une grande sélection de Consoles sur eBay. La livraison est rapide. Beliebt bei jüngeren und älteren Spielern gleichermaßen ist der Top-Titel Minecraft, der auf der Switch in einer eigenen Version verfügbar ist. USK-Einstufung: USK ab 16 freigegeben | von Konami. 4.8 out of 5 stars 1,126. Released Apr 18, 2019. By the end of 2020, total Nintendo Switch family units had outsold the lifetime sales of the Nintendo 3DS, its handheld console predecessor, by selling nearly 80 million units. Recevez-le demain le 13 février. Nintendo Switch - Die TV-Konsole für zuhause und unterwegs. 3,7 von 5 Sternen 107. Sadly, it’s only a matter of time before the enemy comes knocking. Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is an enjoyable action romp and a worthwhile expansion of the Breath of the Wild universe. Momotaro Dentetsu: Showa, Heisei, Reiwa Mo Teiban! [2], Sales of Nintendo Switch software have been driven by new releases and consistent evergreen sales of older titles. Those after a beautiful platformer can’t do much better than this. Jetzt Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch) günstig kaufen bei Read our full Animal Crossing: New Horizons review. XenoArKc Nintendo Switch ROM Downloads. This obviously isn’t as easy as it sounds. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. Technical blemishes aside, Intelligent Systems has really outdone itself here. En stock en magasin Choisir . Bayonetta 2 (2014) Dank der Exklusivität für die Wii U hatte nicht jeder die Chance, Bayonetta 2 bei … Top 10 Switch-Spiele ab 6 Jahren - Video: Die besten Nintendo-Switch-Spiele für Kinder . Diese Top 10 der besten Switch Exklusive Spiele basiert nicht auf meinem oder unseren Geschmäckern, oder Verkaufszahlen sondern auf harten Fakten. Jeu en ligne . Alle wichtigen Nintendo-Switch-Spiele des Jahres in einer Liste: Wir verraten euch die Release-Termine aller Top Nintendo-Switch-Games im Jahr 2021. I’ve lost hundreds of hours to this masterful piece of work, conquering temples, fighting goblins and simply existing in its splendid world. $28.87 #28. Mit der Labo-Reihe hat Nintendo außerdem eine Erfindung angekündigt, die die Grenzen zwischen Lernspiel und Bastelspiel verschwinden lässt. Seen at outlets such as MTV UK, Kotaku and Trusted Reviews (obviously…, All of its systems are wonderfully deep and rewarding, So many exciting events and content are on the horizon, Builds upon and improves on everything that came before it, Ferociously addictive and remarkably paced, There’s only a certain amount of things to do per day, Deeper relationships with islanders would be great, The world is colourful, vast and imaginative, Combat is varied and challenging in some excellent ways, Everything oozes anime-infused personality, Performance while docked isn’t good enough, Combat remains as charmingly addictive as ever, So many new Pokemon to encounter across the new region, Innovates on the formula is some great ways, Some of its new ideas feel a bit underutilised, A huge, expansive story with plenty of replay value, Vast roster of characters that you’ll learn to care about, Combat system is deep, experimental and satisfying, Each house changes how you play and the story you experience, Visual and performance issues are noticeable at times, You can’t customise your avatar’s appearance too much, Forced to use touchscreen controls in handheld mode, Not quite as much creative freedom as other DIY games, You’ll lose dozens of hours tending to your farm, Some could argue there’s a lack of challenge, I loved spending more time with all of these characters, Combat is fast, fluid and filled with variety, Plenty of content across the campaign and side missions to enjoy, Performance doesn’t keep up with the action at all, Not the fully fledged prequel narrative I was hoping for, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild review, Best Switch Games 2021: Our top picks for Nintendo’s hybrid console, Some of Cappy’s moves require motion controls, Looks absolutely gorgeous on Nintendo Switch and on the TV, Plenty of challenge here for all skill levels, Some will want a brand-new Mario Kart game on Switch, Looks gorgeous both on Switch and TV screen, Multiplayer still a unique and fun offering, Deep combat system that isn’t at all complicated, Easy to be overwhelmed in the opening hours, Pixelated visuals might not be for everyone, An enjoyable expansion of the Breath of the Wild universe. 1. The Switch isn't just for playing the newest Mario or Zelda title. Ein großer Anteil der hauseigenen Spiele kommt ohne Nintendo Switch. *The numbers shown above are worldwide consolidated sales in units life-to-date. After awakening from 100 years of slumber, Link finds himself in a vision of Hyrule drenched in darkness. Only 6 left in stock - order soon. Fortunately, all of these worries were to put to rest once we finally got to play it. #mergeRow-gdpr fieldset label {font-weight: normal;} Assemblez des morceaux de carton pour créer des formes appelées Toy-Con et combinez-les avec votre Nintendo Switch pour leur donner vie ! Matches are incredibly fast-paced and satisfying, offering a tense competition that always feels fun and refreshing. Le résultat est sans appel : cette console est clairement meilleure. Suchergebnis auf für: nintendo switch spiele kinder ab 8 Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen, einschließlich … Consoles de jeux vidéo Nintendo Switch - Achetez une variété de produits à prix abordables sur eBay. Monsters roam the land while citizens valiantly live amongst them. The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Expansion Pass Switch (EU) $20.09. This is how we make money. Read our full Super Smash Bros Ultimate review. Nintendo Switch, a hybrid home console and handheld device, launched worldwide on March 3, 2017. Ubisoft has created a truly brilliant strategy title with a vibrant visual style and surprising amount of challenge behind the curtain. Profitez de vos jeux où, quand et avec qui vous le souhaitez ! We don’t throw the word ‘masterpiece’ around too often here at Trusted Reviews, but The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild more than earns that title, establishing itself as one of this generation’s defining adventures. As new great games emerge, our list will change to reflect that. Nintendo Switch. Unten dazu mehr! Nur noch 19 auf Lager. We may earn a commission if you click a deal and buy an item. Composée d’une station d’accueil et de deux manettes Joy-Con, vous disposez de trois modes de jeu différents.Utilisez-la en console de salon pour jouer sur votre téléviseur, fixez les manettes à la console et emportez-la partout avec vous, ou posez-la sur votre table en mode multijoueur (jusqu’à huit joueurs).