Versión Reina-Valera 1960 © Sociedades Bíblicas en América Latina, 1960. Lukas 9 Hoffnung für Alle Der Auftrag an die Apostel 1 Jesus rief seine zwölf Jünger zusammen und gab ihnen die Kraft und die Vollmacht, alle Dämonen auszutreiben und Krankheiten zu heilen. Luk 9:25 Apa gunanya seorang memperoleh seluruh dunia, tetapi ia membinasakan atau merugikan dirinya sendiri? And also conjoining Himself with all those, who, through His Divine power, oppose evil in themselves.Verses 51-53. 25 Pues ¿qué aprovecha al hombre, si gana todo el mundo, y se destruye o se pierde a sí mismo? Yet He bears all with patience, being influenced only by the Divine love of saving mankind.Verses 57-58. Lukas 9:25. verden: Grundbetydningen af det græske ord kosmos, der oftest oversættes med “verden”, er “orden” eller “indretning”. And that they who are in goods and truths make confession to the Lord of the effects of the power they have received from Him, and are afterwards let into temporary desolation.Verse 11. 25 “Wat help dit 'n mens as hy die hele wêreld as wins verkry, maar homself verloor of te gronde gaan? The items listed here are provided courtesy of our friends at the General Church of the New Jerusalem. { You can search/browse their whole library at the New Church Vineyard website. }, The Gospel According to Luke - Translated from the Original Greek, and Illustrated By Extracts from the Theological Writings Of Emanuel Swedenborg, The Parables of the New Testament Explained, Study the original Hebrew/Greek with qBible. Augenblick das Ziel aus dem Auge zu verlieren, das Er verfolgte: den Triumph des Kreuzes und die Verherrlichung Gottes, seines Vaters (Lukas 9,51; 12,50). bHasStory0 = true; Predigten zu Lukas 9,25 "Denn was wird es einem Menschen nützen, wenn er die ganze Welt gewönne, sich selbst aber verlöre oder einbüßte?" Yet not until inferior goods and truths are brought into right arrangement, and communication is opened through benediction from the Divine Good.Verse 17. 25 7 # Mat. Thus they proclaim the Lord's advent, and remove evils and falsities.Verses 7-9. Was ist der Mensch, dass Du seiner gedenkst, und des Menschen Kind, dass Du Dich seiner annimmst. For the natural man is concerned only about self-exaltation, when yet he ought to be concerned principally about humility and innocence, since the Lord, with all His Divine Good, is ever present with the humble and innocent, and thus exalting them.Verses 49-50. Mankind therefore ought to consider well the nature and necessity of the Lord's temptations, which is a subject hid from the apprehension of the mere natural man, who is afraid to explore it.Verses 46-48. And that thus the Lord is the whole of the Word.Verses 37-39. Lucas 9:25 Pues, ¿de qué le sirve a un hombre haber ganado el mundo entero, si él mismo se destruye o se pierde? On which occasion, heavenly good and truth are appropriated in all fullness.Verses 18-19. 29 Und es geschah, während er betete, wurde das Aussehen seines Angesichts anders und sein Gewand strahlend weiß. (RVR 1960 Giant Print Bible, Bonded Leather Black, Ind.) Pues, ¿de qué le sirve a un hombre haber ganado el mundo entero, si él mismo se destruye o se pierde? So that a strong desire is excited in some to believe in Him, and keep His precepts, when yet the Word at that time had no place with the Jews, because they did not acknowledge Him.Verses 59-60. 16:14; Mrk. ), Biblia Bilingüe RVR 1960-NKJV, Enc. Lucas 9:25 . { Lukas 9 Lutherbibel 2017 Die Aussendung der Zwölf 1 Er rief aber die Zwölf zusammen und gab ihnen Gewalt und Macht über alle Dämonen und dass sie Krankheiten heilen konnten 2 und sandte sie aus, zu predigen das Reich Gottes und zu heilen die Kranken. Autor: Carl Olof Rosenius (* 03.02.1816; † 24.02.1868) schwedischer Laienprediger und Initiator einer neuevangelischen schwedischen Erweckungsbewegung (You can do that anytime with our language chooser button ). This glorification however cannot be seen in a natural state of mind, but in a spiritual state.Verse 33. Renovado © Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1988. ), RVR 1960 Biblia de Apuntes, Tela Impresa Gris y Floreada (Notetaking Bible, Gray & Floral Cloth Over Board), Biblia de estudio para mujeres RVR 1960, tapa dura (Study Bible for Women), Biblia de Estudio Palabras Claves Hebreo-Griego, Piel Esp. Lukas 9 9 1 And having called together the Shneym Asar, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach gave to them koach (power) and samchut (authority) over all the shedim and to give refuah (healing) to their illnesses. 1 At tinipon niya ang labingdalawa, at binigyan sila ng kapangyarihan at kapamahalaan sa lahat ng mga demonio, at upang magpagaling ng mga sakit. Nor. AYT: Yesus berkata kepada mereka semua, “Jika seseorang ingin mengikut Aku, ia harus menyangkal dirinya sendiri, dan memikul salibnya setiap hari, dan mengikuti Aku. LBLA. Whereas if they reject the Lord and His precepts, they separate themselves eternally from Him, and from all heavenly good and truth.Verse 27. ). The idea expressed by the second participle seems to be that even though it does not come to absolute loss, yet if gaining the world involve damage to the self, the moral personality—taint, lowering of the tone, vulgarising of the soul—we lose much more than we gain. Di buku-buku Yunani pada umumnya, itu bisa memaksudkan dunia umat manusia, dan Kitab-Kitab Yunani Kristen juga sering memakainya untuk memaksudkan hal yang sama. 8 Ada lagi yang mengatakan, bahwa Elia telah muncul kembali, dan ada pula yang mengatakan, bahwa seorang dari nabi-nabi dahulu telah bangkit. = losing, or receiving damage in, his own self (Field, Ot. 28 Es geschah aber ungefähr acht Tage nach diesen Worten, daß er Petrus und Johannes und Jakobus zu sich nahm und auf den Berg stieg, um zu beten. Marcos 9:43-48 Y si tu mano te es ocasión de pecar, córtala; te es mejor entrar en la vida manco, que teniendo las dos manos ir al infierno, al fuego inextinguible,… Hechos 1:18,25 (Este, pues, con el precio de su infamia adquirió un terreno, y cayendo de cabeza se reventó por el medio, y todas sus entrañas se derramaron.… 2 Pedro 2:15-17 In which spiritual state it excites an ardent desire of the reception and accomplishment of the whole Word.Verses 34-35. 24 Wer sein Leben um jeden Preis erhalten will, der wird es verlieren. SABDAweb Luk 9:23. Lucas 9:25-27 Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960). Lk 9,24: Denn wer sein Leben retten will, wird es verlieren; wer aber sein Leben um meinetwillen verliert, der wird es retten. Negra, Ind. Lucas 9:25 in all Spanish translations Bible Gateway Recommends Biblia Letra Gigante RVR 1960, Piel Fabricada Negra, Ind. But adhered to self-hood, which yet, in respect to the Lord, is as one that is dead, to one that is alive.Verses 61-62. 23 And Rebbe Melech ... Luke 9:23. Lk 9,26 Negra (RVR 1960 Hebrew-Greek Keyword Study Bible, Bon.Leather, Bk. Study the Inner Meaning Chapter summary. 9:19 Herodes, raja wilayah, mendengar segala yang terjadi itu dan ia pun merasa cemas, sebab ada orang yang mengatakan, bahwa Yohanes telah bangkit dari antara orang mati. } That they who are principled in faith, in charity, and the works of charity, no longer experience separation of life from the Divine Being, but behold heaven, continually open through the Lord's Divine Human principle.Verses 28-29. Verses 1-2. And to be adored as the sole power of deliverance by such as are in evils and falsities.Verse 40. Who cannot be delivered by any goods and truths but such as are in connection with the Divine Good and truth of the Lord's Divine Human principle.Verses 41-42. in der St.Andrew´s Church von Petersham, London Humanität online. And that they enjoy heavenly consociation with those, who receive the Lord in faith and love, but denounce eternal misery on those who reject Him.Verse 6. Lukas 9:25 Denn was wird es einem Menschen nützen, wenn er die ganze Welt gewönne, sich selbst aber verlöre oder einbüßte? And being elevated into interior truths of good, behold that principle as the supreme good and supreme truth.Verses 30-31. Lucas 9:25 Study the Inner Meaning 25 Sapagka't ano ang pakikinabangin ng tao, kung makamtan niya ang buong sanglibutan, at mawawala o mapapahamak ang kaniyang sarili? l 9:25 Apa gunanya seorang memperoleh seluruh dunia, tetapi … Includes lesson materials for Primary (3-8 years), Junior (9-11 years), Intermediate (12-14 years), Senior (15-17 years) and Adults.Teaching Support | Ages over 3, The Lord Feeding the Multitude DioramaColor the background scene, the figure of the Lord, and the boy carrying a basket of bread and fish. Thus they had recourse to the doctrinals of faith, instead of abiding, as they ought to have done, in the good of love and charity. Verses 1-2. Lukas 9:23-25 Konteks 9:23 Kata-Nya kepada mereka semua: "Setiap orang yang mau mengikut Aku, ia harus menyangkal dirinya, memikul salibnya setiap hari 1 dan mengikut Aku. 26 Porque el que se avergonzare de mí y de mis palabras, de éste se avergonzará el Hijo del Hombre cuando venga en su gloria, y en la del Padre, y de los santos ángeles. Semua itu penting agar mereka hidup bahagia dan lanjut umurnya di tanah terjanji. var sStoryLink0 = aStoryLink[0].trim(); John Clowes M.A. (RVR 1960 Super Giant-Print Bible, Bon. 27 Pero os digo en verdad, que hay algunos de los que están aquí, que no gustarán la muerte hasta que vean el reino de Dios. Lukas 9:25 seluruh dunia: Kata Yunani kosmos, yang paling sering diterjemahkan ”dunia”, berarti ”susunan” atau ”pengaturan”. Lukas 9 Neue Genfer Übersetzung Die Aussendung der zwölf Jünger 1 Jesus rief die zwölf Jünger zusammen und gab ihnen Kraft und Vollmacht, alle Dämonen auszutreiben und die Kranken zu heilen. 2 Und er sandte sie aus, das Reich Gottes zu verkünden und die Kranken gesund zu machen. Apocalypse Revealed 556, 639 Lucas 9:25 Spanish: La Biblia de las Américas Pues, ¿de qué le sirve a un hombre haber ganado el mundo entero, si él … Read verse in Elberfelder 1905 (German) Read verse in Luther Bible 1912 (German) 25 Pues ¿qué aprovecha al hombre, si gana todo el mundo, y se destruye o se pierde a sí mismo? 26 Elkeen wat hom vir My en my woorde skaam, vir hom sal die Seun van die mens Hom skaam wanneer Hy kom, beklee met sy heerlikheid en die heerlikheid van die Vader en van die heilige engele. 2 Er sandte sie aus mit dem Auftrag, das Kommen der Herrschaft Gottes zu … References from Swedenborg's drafts, indexes & diaries: 9 Toe het hy die Twaalf bymekaargeroep en hulle mag en gesag gegee oor al die demone,+ sowel as die vermoë om siektes te genees.+ 2 Hy het hulle uitgestuur om die Koninkryk van God te verkondig en om mense gesond te maak, 3 en hy het vir hulle gesê: “Moet niks vir die reis saamvat nie, nie ’n staf of ’n voedselsak of brood of geld* nie. Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960), Biblia RVR 1960 de Letra Grande, Piel Imitada Negra (RVR 1960 Large Print Bible, Black Imit. Thus as the all of the Word both historical and prophetical, since both the historical and prophetical Word testify to the glorification of the Lord's Human principle through temptation-combats.Verse 32. document.write(sStoryLink0 + "

"); Nevertheless they who are in the affection of good and of truth adhere to the Lord more closely, and are instructed by Him concerning His coming, and thus delivered from their natural disorders.Verses 12-13. → Mt 17,1-9; Mk 9,2-9. Lukas 9 Einheitsübersetzung 2016 Die Aussendung der zwölf Jünger 1 Dann rief er die Zwölf zu sich und gab ihnen Kraft und Vollmacht über alle Dämonen und um Krankheiten zu heilen. Bibelstudium: Lukas 9,23-27 Bedingungen für die Nachfolge 23 Danach wandte sich Jesus an alle: «Wer mir folgen will, darf nicht mehr an sich selber denken; er muss sein Kreuz willig auf sich nehmen und mir nachfolgen. 2 Er beauftragte sie, überall die Botschaft von Gottes Reich zu verkünden und die Kranken gesund zu machen. That as the period of the Lord's glorification approaches, He is intent on the concerns of the Church, but is rejected by those who are of the perverted spiritual Church.Verses 54-56. 2 Er sandte sie aus mit dem Auftrag, die Botschaft vom Reich Gottes zu verkünden und die Kranken gesund zu machen. That they who are of the Church ought to enquire concerning the Lord's Human principle, so as not to confound it with that of other men.Verse 20. And taught the necessity of opposing the suggestions of self-love, and of enduring temptations, and of acknowledging the Lord by obedience to His precepts.Verse 24. Es vermittelt den Gedanken von etwas Organisiertem. 25 Pues ¿qué aprovecha al hombre, si gana todo el mundo, y se destruye o se pierde a sí mismo? Pfarrer Uwe Vetter. They are therefore instructed concerning the Lord's temptations, and the glorification thereby of His Human principle.Verse 23. Read verse in Orthodox Jewish Bible Apocalypse Explained 750. k AYT (2018): Yesus berkata kepada mereka semua, “Jika seseorang ingin mengikut Aku, ia harus menyangkal dirinya sendiri, dan memikul salibnya setiap hari, dan mengikuti Aku. Lukas 9:25 For what is the revach (profit) to a ben Adam who has gained the whole of the Olam Hazeh, but has lost his own self, forfeited his neshamah? Cut out the figures of the Lord and the boy, and then assemble the diorama.Project | Ages 7 - 14, The Lord's Teachings Are Spiritual FoodProject | Ages 7 - 14, The TransfigurationWorship Talk | Ages 7 - 14, The Transfiguration: A Wonderful VisionColoring Page | Ages 7 - 14, Transfiguration: One Lord, Two Prophets, Three DisciplesColoring Page | Ages 7 - 14, Would you like to choose another language for your user interface? And in states of spiritual obscurity and distress, the Lord provides for their support, by the communication of good and truth from Him self, notwithstanding the apparent impossibility of such provision.Verses 14-16. Sapagka't ano ang pakikinabangin ng tao, kung makamtan niya ang buong sanglibutan, at mawawala o mapapahamak ang kaniyang sarili? DHH ¿De qué le sirve al hombre ganar el … Lukas 9 Gute Nachricht Bibel Die Aussendung der Zwölf 1 Jesus rief die Zwölf [1] zusammen und gab ihnen Kraft und Vollmacht, alle bösen Geister auszutreiben und Krankheiten zu heilen. if(sStoryLink0 != '') Under this condition, that they acknowledge all to be from the Lord alone, and nothing from themselves.Verses 4-5. Since by so doing they would attain conjunction of life with the Lord, which is a good infinitely greater than any temporal good whatever.Verse 26. Volgens Lukas. Ane̱ŋ ne̱ Yeesuu a suŋ mò̱ agyase̱po̱ kudu anyɔ‑ɔ bo̱ kyo̱ŋwe̱ e̱maŋ se̱‑ɔ(Matiyo 10.5–15; Feeding the 5000A lesson for younger children with discussion ideas and a project.Sunday School Lesson | Ages 4 - 6, Feeding the Five ThousandColoring Page | Ages 7 - 14, People Follow the LordColoring Page | Ages 7 - 14, Plow Your FieldWorship Talk | Ages 7 - 14, The Apostles Are Sent OutA New Church Bible story explanation for teaching Sunday school. That they who are in evils and falsities are instructed concerning the Lord, that He is the Word which they had rejected, therefore they are desirous to acquire knowledge of Him.Verse 10. In der griechischen Literatur kann es sich auf die Menschenwelt beziehen. Kata-Nya kepada mereka semua: "Setiap orang yang mau mengikut Aku, ia harus menyangkal dirinya, memikul salibnya setiap hari 1 dan mengikut Aku. So wird es auch häufig in den Christlichen Griechischen Schriften verwendet. Leather), Biblia RVR 1960 Letra Super Gigante, Piel Fab. Luke 9:25. 8:28; Luk. Read verse in La Biblia de las Américas (Español) 26 Porque el que se avergonzare de mí y de mis palabras, de éste se avergonzará el Hijo del Hombre cuando venga en su gloria, y en la del Padre, y de los santos ángeles. (). To effect which connection, the Lord assumed the Human principle, and endured temptations, that thus they who desire to be delivered from evils and falsities may come to Him, and thereby be separated from infernal association.Verses 43-45. Predigt über 1.Mose 2,7 und Lukas 9,25. Dura (RVR 1960-NKJV Bilingual Bible, Hardcover). Leather, Black, Ind. Lukas 9:25 Und welchen Nutzen hätte der Mensch, ob er die ganze Welt gewönne, und verlöre sich selbst oder beschädigte sich selbst? Orthodox Jewish Bible Update. I den ikkereligiøse græske litteratur kan det referere til menneskehedens verden, og det er som regel i den betydning det bruges i De Kristne Græske Skrifter.