Version 11.05.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.1 - 1.9.2), Version 16.03.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.1). The releasing nation now gets a seat on the Council, so now anybody can be on it. If the Left Kuomintang are a puppet then they will only be able to take Army/Navy/Air national foci to prevent your puppet from doing major changes to their government (1st congress etc) without your knowing. Hundreds of companies and ministers for all countries. Coloured portraits for every country leader and military leader. USSR & bolshevism, we shall destroy you . Chile will now receive Tierra del Fuego if it can't be returned to Argentina by whoever is releasing it. Revamped the puppet system used for non-Together for Victory owners so that the overlord is informed when the puppet level changes, Re-fixed the bug where the final stage of the UK getting ships from Canada/Australasia doesn’t cause a crash when the naval group is selected, The Belgrade Pact will no longer disband if Romania is its only member and drops out to fight its civil war, ACW countries are now disabled from generating wargoals on each other during the Rocky Mountain Ceasefire, as opposed to the AI just being discouraged. What if I don’t like this anyhow? Please see the. Removed syndicalist Gold Coast being called Golden Pact, Added leader descriptions for Romanian head of states. Using one of the decisions to unite Italy will now break the balance in Italy, insofar as the restrictions on joining factions go. Added peace conference rule for the Third Internationale to stay out of China and Southeast Asia if there are any Asian countries at the conference who are willing to take those states, Peace conference code has been sped up considerably, Bulgarian coup events are no longer limited by the Russian government - their chances of success are just influenced instead, Russian AI will now focus on the Caucasus first before Eastern Europe, if they can go after both, The Halbstarke error, which prevented Black Monday effects from being removed by Germany, has been fixed. Democratic CEN has also gotten extra XP to edit their units more. Fixed CAN not being able to release a claimed AST. You can now see all planes in same time, The Andesian Rebellion events now have localization, SRI attack decisions will now disappear if the target no longer exists, If syndicalist France is released after annexation, it is puppeted to the releaser if no faction exists for it to join, Removed the duplicate SRI decision to join the Phalanstere, SRI socialist welfare idea now costs consumer_goods_factor instead of adding it, Additional units are no longer transferred from Legionarry Italy to Venice upon the revolt breaking out; any Italian units left in Venice are teleported away, Romania’s AI should now core Transylvania much more efficiently. We hope you enjoyed the release of 0.12, we certainly did; it was one of the smoothest releases we have ever had with not a single CTD found. The Legation Cities have had their political power gain lowered. Changed the main theme to Koit, or Dawn in Estonian, which you can find here: Austria: Added Florentine March and Danubia March, Entente: Added Imperial March and Eagle Squadron. 2 years ago. Yucatan can now join Centroamerica if radical socialist, and a socialist Guatemala can influence it towards this path. It represents the total number of divisions that a country can safely support. Civil War: The inevitable Second American Civil War is the key event in the USA's story in Kaiserreich, and one of the most famous elements of the mod. Canada’s decisions to attack the CSA or intervene in the ACW will now be canceled if the CSA applies its strikes modifier before the decision reaches its 30-day mark. Added city fall events for Tokyo, Manila, Vladivostok and Dublin. Transylvania can now be granted to a non-aligned Romania. Download mod «Kaiserreich» for Hearts of Iron 4 (1.10.2 - 1.10.4), Last update: 01.02.21. We’ve added a custom game rule option if you want to shut it off, either for the player only (meaning the player experiences no malus if they go over the limit, and is not informed when they’re over it, but the AI will still obey the limit) or entirely. This is primarily a fix for performance, to prevent countries at peace from having really high conscription and a massive number of units on-screen, Fengtian Government/Reorganized National Government of China, New gfx for Armored cars of Habsburg Monarchy, VK16 light tank was replaced by original czech design (name is still same), New portraits: Hermann Goering (MAF), Alberto de Zara (ITA), Sebastiano Visconti Prasca (ITA), David Wijnkoop (HOL), Maxime Weygand (NFA), Jean de Laborde (NFA), Alphonse Juin (NFA), Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (NFA), Carol II (ROM), Michael I (ROM), Shripad Amrit Dange (BHC), Nirmal Kumar Bose (BHC), Bhagat Singh (BHC), Raja Wadiyar IV (PRF), K.M. Originally conceived by Sarmatia in 2005, Kaiserreich has since developed into one of the most in-depth alternate history mods, with thousands of unique events, graphics, countries and even mechanics! All USA/CSA/PSA/AUS/NEE presidents now have leader traits, Ma Clique setting up Ma Biao and keeping him is now cheaper. In this series, T.J. and D.M. Fengtian can no longer prepare for the Prince's Visit after war causes his visit's cancellation. Patagonian decisions should now all work as intended, there were numerous issues with the targeting before, Uniting Italy now allows all Italies to join factions freely, Going down Yunnan’s right branch of its economic tree first now behaves better and adds buffs gradually (like the left side does if you pick that first), You also can’t stack both stages of the Fu Dian national spirit anymore and get an offmap factory instead once you complete the second investment focus, Fixed puppet Korea not keeping the Joseon Kingdom cosmetic tag, Australasian country path to have democracy succeed no longer results in an automatic victory by the Australasian Guard in their coup, The SRI country path to start the war over the catholic rebels now also makes certain that a non-totalist SRI will first take the oppress catholics event option when it arises, Canada’s country path to release or keep New England now ensures that Canada will first seize it at the outset of the ACW, Updated and fixed the Caribbean annexation decisions/events to avoid overlap, Fixed the Sardinian decision to core Piedmont - again, Fixed the Afghan-Entente peace deal not ceding the Gilgit state, Brazil can no longer re-elect the Integralists after ousting them, Paraguay and Uruguay can now release Argentina, Fixed Fengtian being able to call Japan's aid against itself, Fixed Qing being able to attack Shanxi twice, Fixed a missing state in the AFG-DEH peace deal, Fixed the USA->PRI tag switch breaking the PRI focus tree, Siberia can no longer be released with half the world as its cores, Some fixes to the “Demand Alsace-Lorraine” focus for France, Fixed Anastasio Somoza visiting socialist Canada. Morocco's naval focuses now give naval experience instead of political power. Similarly, ITA and SIC cannot join a faction until WK2 has begun or SRI no longer exists. Likewise if assertive it will still occasionally take pro-Japanese decisions, but will have a far higher chance to declare war against Japan. Fixed Long Yun's non-civil war takeover not adding the correct ministers. It’s no longer enough to have simply declared support for the faction during the Intervention Debate. Kaiserreich has a lot of content, and while we’ve done testing it’s more than possible there are special situations we haven’t yet noticed, or old content (like units being spawned) which never took into account the possibility of a division limit and which haven’t yet been adjusted. The Kaiserreich 4 Team are proud to present the most popular alternate history mod for Hearts of Iron II, Darkest Hour and Hearts of Iron IV! Bulgaria now has a small sub-tree for when it has a SocCon government under Aleksandar Stamboliyski (primarily occurring if/when it is a Serbian puppet, but not restricted to that). It can be downloaded from this forum thread or on the Steam Workshop. The UK will target in peace conferences, and then no longer release, Malaysia or Sarawak unless decolonised. Some adjustments to the Treaty of Budapest: the AI is now guaranteed to accept peace, unless they’re in a faction and the faction leader (a player) has already refused the treaty, Added more variations to the event text, particularly for Italy and Poland, and covering the possibility for when Germany’s intervention means Italy might not receive anything out of the treaty (the text won’t imply that they do), Workaround for a rare occurrence where partial control over a non-enemy state whose owner is in exile will drag them into a peace conference, even though their faction hasn’t capitulated yet, Fixed incorrect state id reference in Status of Salonica trigger, All government changes in Switzerland, Honduras, Uruguay, Papal State, and Lombardy now properly remove old ministers, Bulgaria no longer loses all its cores in the instance where the Greek rebel state is annexed by Greece proper (Bulgaria’s cores were accidentally being removed instead of the Greek rebel cores), Fate of Dalmatia decision now fires the correct event, Fixed Guangzhou being counted as part of Legation Cities, Fixed Mongolian and Tibetan endonyms being overridden by Chinese ones, Socialist Russia no longer claims Pas-de-Calais, Fixed a puppet Ma Clique being able to change their government, Alash Orda will no longer be set free by the RCW in the rare case where they stay loyal, Fixed the Romanian legionary minister changes removing the HoG, Poland can now be granted a puppet Galicia if released after the latter, Replaced Bulgarian flag’s coat of arms with one the monarchy actually used, Germany: Eberhard von Mackensen, Albert Kesselring, August von Mackensen, Gerd von Rundstedt, Gotthard Heinrici, Rupprecht von Bayern, Heinz Guderian, Walter Model, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb, Wilhelm III (General Variant), Erich Raeder, Ewald Kleist, Friedrich Paulus, Hermann Boehm, Erwin von Witzleben, Erich von Manstein, Erich Hoepner, Franz von Papen, Georg Kuchler, Günther Lütjens, Lothar Arnauld Periere, Rudolf Rocker, Wilhelm Souchon, Gustav Krupp, Karl Doenitz, Gunther Kluge, Hermann Hoth, Wilhelm Pieck, Others: Ali Kelmendi (ALB), Ahmet Zogu (ALB), Jawaharlal Nehru (BHC), Georgi Dimitrov (BUL), Reginald Hildyard (CAF), Carlos Campo (CHL), Yang Yuting (FNG), Asgeir Asgeirsson (ICE), Ta Thu Thau (INC), Eoin O’Duffy (IRE), Franz Ritter von Epp (MAF), Theodor von Hippel (MAF), Ferdinand Schorner (MAF), Guy Halifax (SAF), Thomas Dewey (USA), Saint Louis in Senegal is now in the right place, Volgograd state and VP has been renamed to Tsaritsyn from the start, Fixed the urban terrain of Tashkent being on the wrong place. Version 01.08.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.1 - 1.9.3). If Bulgaria accepts the Balkan War loss event, its conscription and economy laws are immediately moved to minimum. Transylvania will no longer rejoin a capitulated Romania. Help thanks! Tens of thousands of new events that offer a wide range of different possibilities. 2017-08-20: All Nations Monarchy! To install the mod for the game Hearts of Iron 4, unpack the contents of the archive to the folder Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod and enable the modification in the launcher. At this point, all political leaders (who aren’t using military portraits) have been completed, as have army and navy generics for the British, Germans, Russians, and Americans, Added a failsafe to annex Argentina because people keep forgetting to annex South Georgia or the Falklands, Rearranged some annexation decisions so the occupy option is always below the liberate option(s), Annie Kenney has been removed and replaced with Sylvia Pankhurst, Ukraine has received some additional focuses and will abolish the monarchy if it goes NatPop or SocCon. are at the helm of a United States in crisis, on the brink of civil war. Fixed France not getting claims on Wallonia if they annex all of Belgium, Fixed the Dutch Revolution news event using the wrong description, MAF can no longer release its constituents while at war, The CSA Constitutional Congress popularity gains now reflect the actual politics, Fixed a Yunnan focus bypassing incorrectly and added extra AI factors to their war foci, Post-ACW emergency mobilization is no longer locked, Fixed and improved the Hunan faction joining decisions, Fixed the post-Great Game trees' availables. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Hearts of Iron IV. Log In Sign Up. The new songs are: Ça ira mieux demain, Ce que c'est qu'un drapeau, Cocorico, Debout la France, Hymne de L'Infanterie de Marine, Ils ne la gagneront pas, Ils Reviendront, La France de demain, La Galette, La Royale, Le Chant des Girondins, Le Cuirassier, Le Rêve Passe, Marche des Tirailleurs, Nous autres de la chasse (Us of the Hunt)", La Renouveau, Rhin et Danube,Semons le Grain de la Lumière and a new version of La Marche Lorraine. 69 Badges. Joseph Jacquemotte (BEL), Jari Gomez (BRA), Euclides Zenóbio da Costa (BRA), Ivan Variklechkov (BUL), Aleksandar Stamboliyski (BUL), Prince Kyril (BUL), Tsar Boris (BUL), Thomas Cubitt (CAF), Eustace Fiennes (CAF), Clotario Blest Riffo (CHL), Jorge von Marees (CHL), Carlos Labarca (CHL), Antonio Ramos Caiado (GOY), King Alexander (GRE), Alexander Bustamente (JAM), Povilas Julius Labanauskas (LIT), Antanas Kaskelis (LIT), Ibrahim I Johor (MLY), Urzhin Garmaev (MON), Francisco Sequeria Moreno (NIC), Jayachamarajendra Wadiyar (PRF), Azam Jah (PRF), Mikhail Drozdovsky (RUS), James Craig (ULS), Saunders Lewis (WAL), Auguste Buisseret (WLL), Fernand Dehouse (WLL), François Bovesse (WLL), Zhu De (YUN), Introducing additional equipment GFX variations such as colonial/tropic version used by Mittelafrika and German East Asia, or the now different motorized and mechanised equipment used by all 2ACW participants, Around 80 new terrain GFXs added for Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Russia, For Ethiopia: - Ere Ye Agerie Lidj, Eyquel, Fano, Gum Gum, Humming Song, Medinanna Zelesegna, Yeemebetatchen Selamta, For Kenya/Tanzania: Aichi na Wawee, Arabian Conga, Furaha Ya Kanu, Napenda, Tela, Nambanda, Tom Tom, For Madagascar: Anio No Mba Hisoka, Mpanjakan'ny NY Lisy, For Morocco: Aytat Mulay Ibrahim, E Zzine Emlih Yamana, El Djinat el Kheil, Ghina Loziq, Moshh Zman, Ma Thama Zine, Ma Thama Zinek, Salamou Aleikom, Ya Fatma, For Ireland: The Auld Orange Flute and The Sash My Father Wore, For Romania: Aprinde o Tigara, Cararue, du ma Ia, Imnul Regal, For India: O Pardesi Musafir, Dunia Walay, and the Punjab Regimental March, For the Netherlands and Dutch East Indies: Mars van het Regiment van Heutsz. Administrator. Fengtian should now always warn targets for war, Honduras is no longer stuck repeating its political turmoil event over and over. Created by KFateweaver. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. We hope you enjoy the changes and have fun playing Kaiserreich! Equestria at War. The Russian war decisions now fire a warning event to the target and the target’s allies at the onset of the decision, telling players that Russia intends to go to war “within a few weeks”, The Bulgarian war decisions are now on a delay, like most others in the mod, Russia can now invite Serbia and Romania into its faction during a war, so long as they both have the same enemies, The decisions to unite Italy for ITA and SRI are no longer barred to puppets, Added an event for Vladimir Vazov to possibly return to active duty in Bulgaria at the outset of the Balkan War, Serbia can now form the Belgrade Pact before its political tree is started if Romania or Greece attack first, Several tags now use coalition mechanics - they will gain 50% of the partners’ popularities as daily political power (added to the base ruling party’s gain), The Russian Socialist Republic will now attempt to protect a socialist Estonia or Latvia and bring them into the Internationale, All cases of early (pre-1939) Second Weltkrieg starts have been disabled, and a game rule to re-enable them has been added, Romania and Russia can now peace out from a war over Bessarabia, Expanded the Hotung event chain for the Legation Cities, If you are able to successfully cut off Vermillion Society funding to a Chinese faction they get a temporary debuff, Most focuses/decisions for Chinese tags which added resources have now been turned into decisions potentially accessible by all Chinese tags, Portugal-in-exile will now collapse after about a week if refused by the Entente, or if the Entente itself collapses, A neutral Batavian Commune can no longer join the TI unless attacked, Japan can now call its puppets to its wars, Added a new "Crownland" autonomy state for the Austrian puppets, Added focus tree filters to Serbia's focus tree, Switched SET and IAR around in Romanian content, GER/AUS can now take control of Romanian oil fields if they puppet them, Player Bulgaria can now cede Dobrogea peacefully if they want to, Burma’s starting politics/leadership has been changed to reflect its future rework. The child king of Ireland now has a more appropriate portrait for a man in his mid-30s, Irish elections and parties electable have been changed, Added some flavour events to the UoB and Ireland, Overhauled all British Isles annexations and partitions, Russian Britain is no longer possible, goodbye child king of Britain, Bulgaria reconciling with its Balkan neighbours now removes most of the negative opinion modifiers which were applied during the Balkan war, Greek surnames have now been split into male and female versions, Eroding an occupied Italian country’s legitimacy can now only be performed by an enemy Italian country or a non-Italian country which actually occupies one of its states. A new mechanic has been added to all nations; the division limit. Main Article: Timeline of the United States since 1917While the United States ironically prospered while the rest of the world was involved in the Weltkrieg, with American banks and industries supplying Britain, France, and the other Entente Powers, the immediate aftermath of the war proved far more disastrous. New England and the Pacific States keep their colors if they form the USA again. Two Sicilies and Italy cannot call each other into a war against SRI until and unless they’ve lost ground to the SRI, The Greek AI will now hold off on deciding whether to go New Expansionism in its focus tree until after the referendum or after it’s become a non-democracy. The Austrian Empire is now called the Empire of Austria, and if puppeted will become Austria, led by a generic.