Now all that was needed was the right opportunity.[14]. There is a huge brick wall, used to block the view of the Gomorrah, which spans around the side of the casino. On the main floor, there is a framed picture of Tenpenny Tower and what appears to be a person dressed in cowboy-like attire. The lower floor holds the casino's myriad slots machine and leads into the hallways holding high speed elevators (though currently only one is functional, leading to the 13th floor) and an exit into the Tops Courtyard. There are at least five Average locked doors on this floor. That's the easiest part. At the end of the main hallway, the very last locked door leads to the High Roller suite. The Tops and the Chairmen draw inspiration from the historical Las Vegas of the 1960s. Things changed in 2274, when House detected the first NCR forces at Hoover Dam. Beyond the stairs and the smaller casino section is the elevator bank, which has a single working elevator that leads to the 13th floor, and a door to the courtyard. The 13th floor contains a variety of nondescript rooms with Average locks, Benny's suite, and the High Roller suite. The locations of stat-boosting Skill Books, unique weapons and armor and collectible Snowglobes. How to unlock the Talent Pool achievement in Fallout: New Vegas: Complete Talent Pool. Recently added 31 View all 1,211. Fallout: New Vegas Wiki Guide. This page was last edited on 23 September 2018, at 08:54. All you need to do is opine on how you think Vegas isn't as atmospherically strong or interesting as it's predecessor. The Three Families is a term given to a group of tribal families that control the New Vegas Strip on behalf of Mr. House. Last, but not least, Yes Man lurks in the workshop beyond Benny's suite. Square as the rest. Things changed in 2274 when House detected the first NCR forces at Hoover Dam. [4] The future Chairmen, the Boot Riders, were approached east of Vegas by a Securitron. There seems to have been some kind of extended chase sequence with Benny planned once he fled the Tops. [11], But the Tops was not enough for Benny. It contains some minor loot in lockers and several explosives crates. The sub-basement is a small storage room deep beneath The Tops, where Benny blasted his way into the intact portions of Vault 21, establishing for himself a method to enter and leave the Strip unseen.[16][17]. As he never goes inside it, unlocking it is completely unnecessary. 1 Schnelle Lösung 2 Ausführliche Lösung 3 Infos 4 Bugs Tommy Torini sucht nach Entertainern. The bartender has plenty of drinks in stock. There is also a further frisking trigger dumped next to it, suggesting at one stage there was a further subsequent door to the left of even this one. After the player character earns 10,000+ chips, they will be banned from playing games in The Tops. To look for entries to add, go through the list of F:NV locations at the Fallout wiki. [1] It was well known for its comprehensive coverage of all of its patron's needs, offering great accommodations, dancing, drinks, and, of course, plenty of gambling,[2] though perhaps its most attractive feature was the Aces Theater, constantly attracting fresh talent to entertain its patrons. Before the Fall, the Tops was a high-end hotel and casino owned by Robert House and operated on his behalf by the Chairmen, a tribe that Mr. House had recruited by way of his securitrons and recultured in the 1950's "Rat Pack" aesthetic. He saw the city as a potential for an independent power, not answering to the NCR, the Legion, or House. People With Benny unable to reach it to trigger the re-locking portion of the script, it can be safely restored. Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone. Benny emerged victorious. As he never goes inside it, unlocking it is completely unnecessary. There is a circular desk in the lobby where Swank can usually be found. After completing Talent Pool, the Tops will also host Hadrian, Billy Knight, the Lonesome Drifter, and Bruce Isaac, complementing the Rad Pack dancers at the Aces. You’ll also get access to the presidential suite, a home in New Vegas. Clearly Mr house would be aware of where Benny had gone, which could suggest he did indeed go through Vault 21 (so why didn't get his securitrons to shoot him? This lock cannot be picked. ". Fallout New Vegas. The piped-in music consists of the following tracks. The finished game will feature a variety of themed casinos, such as the swank Ultralux and the seedy Gomorrah. Anyone can edit it to add or correct stuff. Entrances to the restaurant and the suite. This door cannot be opened, but there are exploits to get inside (as well as of course simply using the console to "unlock" the door). [12] The Tops became his stronghold, where he planned how to overthrow Mr. House, protected by the contract which expressly forbade Securitrons from entering the premises without invitation or probable cause.,, Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland, Las Vegas does have a small monorail system, but the portion of the monorail connecting the Strip to McCarran is only in the planning phase. videogame_asset My games. 0013B32D (exterior)0010D2D4 (casino floor)00165E80 (aces theater)0011067B (courtyard)00165E81 (tops restaurant)0010E429 (Tops 13th floor)0010E19B (tops pr. Inside his Hotel room is of course the secret back area with Yes Man, but also a further corridor area with a locked door at the end. Spared nuclear devastation, it remained empty for two centuries. BennySwank (optional) Some Greeter dialogue refers to both NPCs, so presumably it was intended for both to be used at one time, possibly with one greeting one side of the room, the other. The casino itself is divided into two distinct sections. In the Presidential Suite of the swanky Tops Casino on the New Vegas strip, an amnesiac courier with a grudge convinces the man who tried to kill her that she's very, very into him. [9] It was a true classic Vegas experience, with cool, hip, fun, and macho posturing to entice those with a sense of style. Now head over to the south strip, and the Tops casino. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In the final game the actual corresponding wall inside just has some deorations there and no door (It's exactly where Benny stands in the final game if you avoid him on your first visit to the Tops). There is a sizeable but unfinished part of Vault 21 behind an unopenable door that roughly leads to this area, so possibly at some point it was intended for the player to be able to open the door and enter the tunnel that way. Games. The tribe hated the name, but Benny overrode their decision. Cheering and distant talking can be heard as well as slot machines, poker chips, and footsteps. You'll dig us, baby! Once Benny is dead, the sub-basement elevator will then be unlocked. Connecting to the courtyard and the casino, the restaurant consists of the dining area, a bar counter, and a kitchen where the meals are prepared. merchants The tunnels extend a ways in two directions here, with some loot to be found and some locked doors that can be opened. Parts of the left hand tunnel and Vault 21 roughly align, so it's likely that at some point the two areas would be joined together. Man rekrutiert Hadrian, Billy Knight, den einsamen Fremden und Bruce Isaac. Navigate to the compatibility tab and check the Run this program in compatibility mode box. From the front entrance of the tops casino, you walk past the front desk and around the stairs past the roulette tables to the elevators, use the second elevator on your right (the only one that doesn't say "inaccessible") then walk down the hallway to your right. The only pure bug fix compilation available on the Nexus: no new features, no balance tweaks, no restored content. A script unlocks the elevator when Benny begins to flee The Tops (such as if the player attacks him in the lobby), and a different script locks it again if he succeeds in reaching it. The weapons will be automatically returned to the player character's inventory when they leave and the player character has the option to hide holdout weapons if they can pass the required Sneak check. The other wing is divided into two floors. The tribe hated the name, but Benny overrode their decision. "Fallout New Vegas" the fourth game of the "Fallout" series. Benny emerged victorious. The whole extra tunnel area also has no navmesh in the final game, so it's impossible for Benny (or any other NPC) to move about in there. Benny's suite is in the center of the hallway, through the double doors. The Tops Hotel and Casino was one of the foremost establishments of the Las Vegas Strip before the Great War. Overview The Tops is one of the three main casinos on the New Vegas Strip.After purchasing some chips from the cashier (#4), you'll be able to gamble in the casino, and as you win chips you'll also win some other prizes, including the High Roller's Suite Key (after 7500 chips), which will get you into the High Roller's Suite (#13). Certain unused tables in the gambling halls suggest that at one time the casino used to offer the gambling game. about half way down there should be double doors and just enter, go to the bed room and open the door to your right. The Tops at night. [9] A true classic Vegas experience, with cool, hip, fun, and macho posturing to entice those with a sense of style. 5 out of 5 stars (247) 247 reviews $ 22.00. Available in English, French, German, Italian, … On entry the player can explore an area that segues from the Tops basement through to a rocky underground area full of explosives (which Benny has clearly used to blast through the walls) into the remains of part of Vault 21. The Tops Hotel and Casino was one of the foremost establishments of the Las Vegas Strip before the Great War. The figure is standing on the east side of the tower holding out a rifle. Though ruined by the war, it was restored by Robert House and the Chairmen to its former glory, becoming a mainstay of Strip casino visits by 2281 . It still has its frisking trigger in front of it anyway. On entry the player can explore an area that segues from the Tops basement through to a rocky underground area full of explosives (which Benny has clearly used to blast through the walls) into the remains of part of Vault 21. According to J E Sawyer the area was intended to lead to an exit some ways outside of the Strip walls which Benny would use to get in and out of the Strip without Mr House noticing. The Tops appears in Fallout: New Vegas and All Roads. [3], After the Great War, the casino was abandoned. More Cheats and Tips for Fallout: New Vegas If you need more help with this game, then check out the following pages which are our most popular hints and cheats for this game: Infinite Caps (Pre-Patch) A guide through vault 22 or the mission there stands the grass. This list is incomplete. It was intended as an escape passage that Benny could use if confronted in the Tops. As they worked, a number of House's Securitrons dropped off boxes with suits, ties, and wingtip shoes, together with a message from their employer announcing they were the Chairmen now. The population in the wasteland surrounding New Vegas is exploding. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do I get my weapons back at the Tops Casino before leaving? INSTEAD, convince Benny to go to the presidential suite, forgive him. There is a sizeable but unfinished part of Vault 21 behind an unopenable door that roughly leads to this area, so possibly at some point it was intended for the player to be able to open the door and enter the tunnel that way. [13] To this end, he hijacked a Securitron and set up a workshop in one of the suites on the 13th floor, where he and Emily Ortal conceived Yes Man, a covert tap into House's vast electronic network. He can only say the lines that occur after the player's weapons have been given up. Tommy Torini can be found here, providing the side quest Talent Pool. I've found that this accrues a large amount of resentment of the sort that even follows you onto your profile page / steam reviews etc. Right-click on Fallout New Vegas on the desktop and select Properties. (Controlled by Democratic People's Republic of Gaia) Tags: Fallout New Vegas, Fallout Series, Bethesda Softworks/Game Studio's, D.P.R.G., And More! There are numerous inaccessible doors, and one locked door with no available key at the end of a corridor that can be unlocked with console commands. There seems to have been some kind of extended chase sequence with Benny planned once he fled the Tops. High quality Fallout New Vegas gifts and merchandise. In the final game the actual corresponding wall inside just has some decorations there and no door (It's exactly where Benny stands in the final game if you avoid him on your first visit to the Tops). We're the Tops!”. You will be confronted by Vulpes Inculta (or Alerio, if Vuples Inculta was killed), who will bestow upon you a necklace called the Mark of Caesar, which gives you safe passage to the fort where Caesar is located. The fight took place three days after House made contact. … Once you complete the quest “Ring-a-Ding-Ding,” you will exit the Tops Casino located on the New Vegas Strip. Go see Mr. House for information on his whereabouts.". The Lucky 38 opened and securitrons deployed to the city en masse. This earnt me alot of infamy in the strip and meant I couldn't do a quest later in the game and since in this run I am trying hard to be liked by everyone and alsodo every quest it's a major problem. This enables an exploit where if the player gets ahead of Benny (perhaps crippling his legs) they can get inside the unfinished area. A Trophy Guide including detailed information (when necessary) about how to obtain all the game’s trophies. Weapons are confiscated by the door greeter and placed inside the lockers at the cashier's office. then you can freely explore and have fun in VAULT 21. until you sadly reach a door requiring another key. A bartender sells an assortment of drinks. Welcome to the Tops Hotel and Casino! The sub-basement itself is a small room with a breached wall leading into a sealed-off section of Vault 21. The Tops is the quintessential Vegas casino, roughly divided into two distinct parts. This enables an exploit where if the player gets ahead of Benny (perhaps crippling his legs) they can get inside the unfinished area. I purchased a small plastic working toy slot machine and did a total modification to make it look like it might have come from the Tops Casino.. A door leads to the courtyard from here. Hidden beyond Benny's suite, in a secret workshop, is Yes Man, the key to an independent Vegas, and his personal elevator into Vault 21. A compilation of vital bug fixes for Fallout: New Vegas and its DLC, all combined into one ESM. In the casino, there is a void that will teleport the player character into the regular areas of Vault 21. The Tops is a casino right out of Vegas's rat-pack era. [13] To this end, he hijacked a Securitron and set up a workshop in one of the suites on the 13th floor, where he and Emily Ortal conceived Yes Man, a covert tap into House's vast electronic network. The far left entrance door was disabled once the design of the strip was changed and the gates added. Opening alongside the Ultra-Luxe, The Tops quickly became a centerpiece of the Strip before the War. "[7][8] By 2281, the Tops returned to its role as the mainstay of the Strip, offering everything one could desire and teaching its patrons how to truly enjoy the finer aspects of life. The Tops Collector's edition playing card, In game inventory icon for The Tops poker chips. You really weren't supposed to talk to him... All right, so he used to be a Securitron on patrol. He can only say the lines that occur after the player's weapons have been given up. Square as the rest, and [, Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland, The Tops Hotel and Casino appears only in Fallout: New Vegas. Like Fallout 3, New Vegas won't let you target children for death, so you can't steal the gun. Instead in the final game this is bypassed in favour of telling the player to search his Tops suite in order to find Yes Man. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. As each act in the Talent Pool quest is recruited, their name and talent appear on the marquee outside of the casino. The wall that circles the courtyard is not present on the Strip. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. ).The trigger script in the tunnel also calls Quest objective 45, which doesn't exist (but would have been the above "talk to Mr House" bit). Beyond Benny's workshop is a hallway with an elevator used by Benny as an emergency escape route. This is only accessible with a key obtained from Benny or the Chairman bodyguards. get there first. Most of the tribe was against the deal. Go see Mr. House for information on his whereabouts.". We're the tops." )2ETopsBennysFloor (13th floor)2ETopsPresidentialSuite (pr. After initial miscommunication (and the deployment of twenty more), they listened to what House had to offer. It has a pool, which is surrounded by palm trees and a brick wall. Thanks! Originally the player would be kicked out for doing something at the tops, most likely for breaking the bank on the gambling games, or possibly just to force the player to leave if they refuse to give up their guns like in Gomorrah. StripTops (exterior)TOPSCasino (casino floor)TOPSAcesTheater (Aces theater)TopsCourtyard (courtyard)TOPSRestaurant (Tops restaur. Other inhabitants include gamblers and other patrons, enjoying their time at the tops under the watchful eye of the Chairmen. As explained previously there was also originally a further Tops exit that lead to what is, in the final game, outside the bounds of the strip map. where does benny go after you enter his hotel suite in the tops casino on fallout new vegas? Opening alongside the Ultra-Luxe, The Tops quickly became a centerpiece of the Strip before the war. After initial miscommunication (and the deployment of twenty more), they listened to what House had to offer. Unused quest stages of VMQTops were originally to be used if Benny escaped, which include the line "Benny has disappeared. [6], The tribe moved to Vegas and began renovating the Tops, bringing it back to life. Benny's suite door has an Average lock, which may be picked or opened using a key obtained from Benny or one of his henchmen. There is a second Tops door greeter defined who is unused. The Tops The courtyard is a recreational area, offering a pool surrounded by lush vegetation, including palm trees. Ring-a-Ding-Ding!Talent PoolWild Card: Ace in the HoleBig WinnerBig Winner, The Tops Inside his Hotel room is of course the secret back area with Yes Man, but also a further corridor area with a locked door at the end. The fight took place three days after House made contact. Shop high-quality unique Fallout New Vegas T-Shirts designed and sold by artists. Top Contributors: IGN-GameGuides, Hardcore_Hector, ... and then tell him that Tommy Torini at the Tops Casino is looking for new talent. [11], But the Tops was not enough for Benny. factions Although he was groomed as a protege by Mr. House, he did not share his employer's views on Vegas. In the large hall is the entrance to the restaurant and an express elevator to the presidential suite, which requires a key. Technical In fact, inside to the far left (where the tunnel finally ends in void) there is a trigger that controls an unused stage of VMQTops that would tell the player to "search for Benny". Swank mans the reception as Benny's second in command, with Chairmen greeters ensuring that guests relinquish all their weapons before entering the casino proper. By Mike Sharkey | Nov 8, 2010. Fallout New Vegas Tops Casino Custom Mini Slot Machine GamerCollectibles. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Fully renovated by the Chairmen, The Tops is billed throughout New Vegas as a place for men to kick back, drink, laugh, and have a good time. There is a poster advertising the Gomorrah near the front door. The leaders in 2281 of the various families are Benny of the Chairmen, Nero of the Omertas and Marjorie of the White Gloves who all work with President House. [10] Most importantly, the legendary Aces Theater was brought back to life by Tommy Torini, giving a venue for talents from all over the wasteland to perform. On the second level, just up the main staircase on the left, is a cashier where the player character can change chips for cash and vice-versa. Parts of the left hand tunnel and Vault 21 roughly align, so it's likely that at some point the two areas would be joined together. 14 April 2011. Talent Pool. The whole extra tunnel area also has no navmesh in the final game, so it's impossible for Benny (or any other NPC) to move about in there. Clearly Mr house would be aware of where Benny had gone, which could suggest he did indeed go through Vault 21 (so why didn't get his securitrons to shoot him? Patrons may relax in a gallery overlooking the pit. chevron_left. Now, select Windows XP Service Pack 3, then click OK. Now, try to run your game and check if the issue has been resolved. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. leaders You really weren't supposed to talk to him... All right, so he used to be a Securitron on patrol. Once the player exits the casino, the player receives the weapons back. I was playing Fallout New Vegas and I decided to kill benny since he was a douch to me but because of killing a guy who shot me in the head everyone else attacked me and I had to kill them. [10] Most importantly, the legendary Aces Theater was brought back to life by Tommy Torini, giving a venue for talents from all over the wasteland to perform. The framed newspaper clipped to the right of the entrance doors in the lobby contains an error, referring to The Ultra-Luxe as "The Ultra Lux. Lucky 38 opened and Securitrons deployed to the city en masse. This is not a good place to use as housing, as the guards on the floor will enter the suite once the door is unlocked and take any consumables that are in the room. If you enjoyed my work on the Fallout New Vegas Tour, I'd be really grateful if you visited me here and clicked the Facebook "Like" button at lower right. Because he'll immediately start sprinting to the sub-basement door. quests Though damaged by the War, it was restored by Robert House and the Chairmen to its former glory, becoming a mainstay of Strip casino visits by 2281. then you're out of luck. The sole marker header in this area is also called "vault21totops", further adding credence to the two areas being deliberately linked. Information about factions and reputation. The tunnels extend a ways in two directions here, with some loot to be found and some locked doors that can be opened. benny is the man in the checkered jacket that shoots you in case you didnt know but i went into his suite in the tops casino and he leaves again i need to know where he went. vCasinoCompsTheTops has an unused quest objective ("Visit your private Suite on the 13th floor of the Tops.") Benny is heavily guarded when he’s on the casino floor. According to J E Sawyer the area was intended to lead to an exit some ways outside of the Strip walls which Benny would use to get in and out of the Strip without Mr House noticing. Fallout: New Vegas location — Mr. New Vegas, Fallout: New Vegas. As for the third person of interest, you'll likely find a shady man named Dixon roaming about. The Tops poker chip replica from the Collector's edition. Beyond it is the casino proper, with a main hall to the right as one enters and a smaller section just behind the main staircase. Site The Tops pays 3:2 on Blackjack, and the dealer must stand on all 17's. The second greeter has no GREETING dialogue set up however, making it impossible for him to say what lines he does have. The player character can buy a drink or watch one of the shows and acts that are going on. As they worked, a number of House's Securitrons dropped off boxes with suits, ties, and wingtip shoes, together with a message from their employer announcing they were the Chairmen now. The behavior of this script can be exploited to gain access to the sub-basement by causing Benny to flee, and killing him before he can reach the sub-basement elevator. [15] It is essentially a luxurious flat, offering a conference room, bedroom, kitchen, and, of course, the beautiful main room, among other amenities. I got to try some of these out during a playtest of Fallout: New Vegas at E3. Entering requires the High Roller's suite key, which can be obtained by winning enough chips in the casino (see the "gambling" section). As the player character earns chips, the floor manager will offer increasingly valuable gifts, culminating in a complimentary suite. Invading the kitchen yields miscellaneous food and drinks, although it does include 5 Nuka-Cola Quartz bottles. Only 1 available and it's in 2 people's carts. [1] It was well known for its comprehensive coverage of all of its patron's needs, offering great accommodations, dancing, drinks, and plenty of gambling,[2] though one of its most prominent features was the Aces Theater, constantly attracting fresh talent to entertain its patrons. The Tops presidential suite is an expensive suite located in The Tops hotel and casino. Though damaged by the War, it was restored by Robert House and the Chairmen to its former glory, becoming a mainstay of Strip casino … you don't need the key. The northern wing is a large open space, holding roulette and blackjack tables in the pit. We're the Tops! [4] The future Chairmen, the Boot Riders, were approached east of Vegas by a Securitron. The casino of the Tops is located in the L-shaped building, with a circular lobby holding the reception area. [6], The tribe moved to Vegas and began renovating the Tops, bringing it back to life. It was disassembled, primed, painted, stickered, and the slot wheel was "Fallout New Vegas" Quiz. Patrons wishing to relax and bask in the sun can leverage the loungers and umbrellas circling the edge of the pool. See. That news was brought to you by the Tops Casino. ref id Now all that was needed was the right opportunity.[14]. There are two identical scripts/quests (VTopsKickedOutSide VTopsKickedOut - I'm pretty sure the "side" one is for the long abandoned Tops side entrance) that handle this by forcing the Tops greeter to come after the player, but they are deliberately dismantled so never run. The code that runs this sequence is confused - Benny's AI Package to escape unlocks the door to the area and locks it when he reaches it. [5] Bingo, the tribe chief, challenged Benny to a knife fight over their disagreement as to the course the tribe should take. vCasinoCompsTheTops has an unused quest objective ("Visit your private Suite on the 13th floor of the Tops.") The casino is loosely inspired by, Originally the player would be kicked out for doing something at the tops, most likely for breaking the bank on the gambling games, or possibly just to force the player to leave if they refuse to give up their guns like in. Maps As he put it, it was "ciao to the old ways and time to swing in style. This makes sense on the surface, but in the game he never actually goes through the door; his end target is the door itself. The presidential suite is the absolute best suite in the entire Tops casino and hotel, fit for any VIP. The sole marker header in this area is also called "vault21totops", further adding credence to the two areas being deliberately linked. The lower two story building contains the casino, Aces Theater, the courtyard, and the restaurant, while the tall one is the hotel, with thirty stories worth of apartments. The Tops is all you need at the "Newly Reformed Strip"! sections Chairmen A power-gamey New Vegas Medical Center run, for those gamers who want to get off to a great start.