[4] Although they will continue to develop and gain muscular/physical maturity and weight, their average height should peak at no later than the 12 … [4] They adore children and tolerate other pets as well as cats if introduced correctly and not allowed to chase them or play with them from an early age. Coile, D. Caroline (2006). So, what’s the attraction of a smaller version of either of these two types of Cocker Spaniel, and how would breeders go about achieving this goal? While some have claimed this colour is from a cross with a different breed, geneticists have discovered English Cocker sable is unique to this breed. It is one of several varieties of spaniel and is the foundation of its American cousin, the American Cocker Spaniel. Although registered as the same breed, the two strains have diverged significantly enough that they are rarely crossed. Coat Colours. So, what is a mini Cocker Spaniel size? They usually get on well with other dogs too. There were Welsh Springer Spaniels and Devonshire Cockers. Both male and female Cocker Spaniels will reach full-grown height somewhere between 9 and 12 months old. Differences between the English Cocker Spaniel and the American Cocker Spaniel Size. Red/golden Cockers were shown to be the most aggressive of all, in situations involving strangers, family members, while being disciplined, and sometimes for no apparent reason. General Appearance: The English Cocker Spaniel is an active, merry sporting dog, standing well up at the withers and compactly built. [28], Some uncommon health issues that can also have an effect on English Cocker Spaniels include canine hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, canine dilated cardiomyopathy, and heart murmurs. Any spaniel under 25 lb (11 kg) was placed in the Cocker breeding pool, however the Welsh Cocker was reclassified as a Springer in 1903 due to its larger size and shorter ear. English Cocker Spaniel K9 Obedience Dog Breed Summary: The English Cocker Spaniel is energetic, affectionate and loves to play with its family. Has a pretty feathered coat in a variety of colors, Is lively and playful, with a tail-wagging nature. [31] Cocker Spaniels can present with a nutritional form of dilated cardiomyopathy that is associated with low blood concentrations of the amino acid taurine. The English Cocker Spaniel is a medium-sized, compact dog. 5). In terms of height, a Portland Cocker Spaniel for sale should stand between 13.5” and 15.5” tall at their shoulder. At this time it was not uncommon for Cockers and Springers to come from the same litter. [41] The dogs that have dominated the hunt test, field trial and hunting scene in the United States are field-bred dogs from recently imported English lines. Grooming video presentation by Bonnie Threlfall at the 1999 Fort Worth, TX National. [2] Cuban authorities train and use English Cocker Spaniels as sniffer dogs to check for drugs or food products in passengers' baggage at Cuban airports. When showing, the new Springer and Cocker, both were in the same class until The Spaniel Club created breed standards for each of the types. English cocker spaniels are 14-17 inches tall, and they weigh 26-32 pounds (7 to 8 kilograms). Do Cocker Spaniels make good family dogs? [21] They can also be dominant but loyal to their companion. It wasn't until their apparent differences in size and appearance led them to be classified as two separate breeds. Er ist sehr intelligent und weiß genau, wie er Frauchen oder Herrchen überzeugen kann. Portland Cocker Spaniels for sale are potentially one of the best family dogs we’ve met! [33], Rage syndrome is most often associated with the Show Cocker Spaniel breed, although, cases have been found in other breeds and cases are relatively rare even within the Cocker Spaniel breed. English Cocker Spaniel: Hier finden Sie die Kontaktdaten von VDH-Mitgliedsvereinen und Züchtern dieser Rasse. This tape does illustrate correct use of stone, hand stripping and advanced grooming techniques along with audience questions and “problem area” grooming. Due to the breed's happy disposition and continuously wagging tail, it has been given the nickname "merry cocker". Males were also more likely to be aggressive. However English Cockers also tend to have longer, and lower-set ears than English Springers. As is the case with the English Springer Spaniel, the working type has been bred exclusively to perform in the field as a hunting companion. The English Cocker is closer to the working-dog form of the Field Spaniel and the English Springer Spaniel. Guide to Conduct and Judging of Cocker Spaniel Field Trials. [4], During the 1850s and 1860s, other types of Cockers were recorded. The average cocker spaniel has an overall height of 18 0 22 0 46 56 cm withers height of 14 0. The American Cocker Spaniel is one of the most popular dogs on this list. Compare Boykin Spaniel and English Cocker Spaniel and English Springer Spaniel. The English Cocker Spaniel is the larger of the two breeds standing at 15 to 17 inches high, weighing between 26 to 34 pounds. This popularity increased the view that all Cockers were useless as working dogs. Working dog breeds. The smallest breed in the Sporting Group, their compact size, merry personalities, and sweet expression endear them to dog lovers worldwide. The Kennel Club separated the two types eight years later. Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote two poems to her red cocker spaniel Flush, "To Flush, My Dog" and "Flush or Faunus". Size of Dog Crate for Medium Spaniels (e.g. [4] Cocker Spaniel Weight And Health . [3] The two Cocker Spaniels were shown together in America until 1936, when the English Cocker received status as a separate breed. Size of Dog Crate for small/medium spaniels (e.g. The English Cocker Spaniel has a cheerful nature. [15] All of these colors can also have Tan-points, although you probably won't see it on any red, gold, or lemon Cocker because it will blend in. [15], A light Blue Roan and Tan English Cocker Spaniel, Young Blue Roan Working Strain English Cocker Spaniel. The English Cocker Spaniel is an active, good-natured, sporting dog[1] standing well up at the withers and compactly built. for English Springer Spaniels) Size: 30″” x 19″” x 21″” high. Cockers can be easily stressed by loud noises and by rough treatment or handling. findings on aggressive behaviour. During this time, the land spaniels became a bit more specialised and divisions among the types were made based upon weight. [20] Cockapoo size and weight can vary greatly depending on a given puppy s parents. They were originally divided from the English Cocker solely on a size basis, but were bred over the years for different specific traits. Rage syndrome cannot be accurately predicted and can only be diagnosed by EEG or genetic testing and these tests are not conclusive. According to its size the weight of the cocker spaniel male at 3 months should be between 5 5 and 6 5 kg. [24], In a 2004 UK Kennel Club survey, the most common causes of death were cancer (30%), old age (17%), cardiac (9%), and "combinations" (7%). [48] He was subsequently featured in a family portrait with the Duke and Duchess and Prince George in March 2014.[49]. The American Cocker Spaniel stands at 12 to 13 inches high and weighs between 24 to 28 pounds. The sport of conformation showing began in earnest among spaniels after the Spaniel Club was formed in 1885. [44], A field-bred cocker spaniel is first and foremost an upland flushing dog. Temperament Merry and affectionate, the English Cocker Spaniel is an excellent family companion due to its even disposition and trainability. The English Cocker Spaniel typically lives about a year longer than the smaller American Cocker Spaniel. The breed can live in any environment provided it receives daily exercise. In addition Springers also tend to have a longer muzzle, their eyes are not as prominent and the coat is less abundant.[11]. Rage syndrome is described as when a dog attacks suddenly and often savagely, without any warning and during the attack the dog often has a glazed look and appears to be unaware of its surroundings. [citation needed], Following the birth of Prince George of Cambridge, Lupo was featured in one of the first official photographs. A standard Springer male weighs around 50 pounds on the scale, standing at a height of about 21 inches from shoulder to paw. Der English Cocker Spaniel wurde früher speziell für die Waldschnepfenjagd gezüchtet. [9] American Cocker Spaniels are smaller, with the males being on average between 14.25 and 15.5 inches (36.2 and 39.4 cm), and females again being smaller on average at between 13.5 and 14.5 inches (34 and 37 cm), both weighing approximately 11–13 kilograms (24–29 lb). The American Cocker Spaniel was developed from the English Cocker Spaniel in the 19th century to retrieve quail and woodcock. Which is better: Boykin Spaniel or English Cocker Spaniel or English Springer Spaniel? This form of dilated cardiomyopathy is in many cases reversible if the dog receives taurine supplementation. The head of the English Cocker Spaniel is long and somewhat narrow, compared to other spaniels. The ears are long and set low. [37][38] With a good level of socialisation at an early age, Cocker Spaniels can get along well with people, children, other dogs and other pets. It weighs on average around 30lb (14kg) and being 15 to 16 inches tall (40cm). The head is arched and looks slightly flattened when viewed from the side. [30] Patellar Lunation, also known as luxating patella, refers to the dislocation of the kneecap. The Barretts of Wimpole Street and The Barretts of Wimpole Street also have Elizabeth Barrett Browning's red cocker spaniel as a central character. According to the 1840 Encyclopedia of Rural Sports, Cockers were 12–20 lb (5.5–9 kg). English Cocker Spaniels in UK and USA/Canada have an average lifespan of 11 to 12 years, which is a typical longevity for purebred dogs, but a little less than most other breeds of their size. In the 1930s, the decision was taken to categorize them as separate breeds when it got clear that Cocker Spaniel in the U.S. was different than Cocker in Britain. English Cocker Spaniels are 14-17 inches tall, and they weigh 26-32 pounds (7 to 8 kilograms). He is alive with energy; his gait is powerful and frictionless, capable both of covering ground effortlessly and penetrating dense cover to flush and retrieve game. A group of enthusiasts decided to create a large black spaniel breed. Their coats colours are truly stunning with an array of markings. Der English Cocker Spaniel ist ein charmanter Hund, bei dem Neinsagen schwerfällt. Canigou Cambrai in 1996. Interestingly, the American and English Cocker Spaniel were both considered to be the same breed up until the 1930s. Both of them have different body types as well. The Weight of Cocker Spaniel adult female varies from 12 to 15 kg. Smart, athletic and eager to please, this people-orientated and playful breed enjoys the company of respectful children. The English Cocker Spaniel is a breed of gun dog. English Cocker Spaniel: Lesen Sie hier, welche Züchter aktuell Welpen dieser Rasse abgeben. An illness may cause your dog to put on or to lose weight. Breed standards restrict all breeds of dogs to certain colours for the purposes of conformation showing (dependent on country). In England and Wales, docking can only be carried out on dogs where the owners have proved that the dogs will be used as working or shooting dogs. The longer coat and ears, selected for the show ring, are an impediment in the field. Canine dilated cardiomyopathy is an adult onset condition which occurs when the heart muscle is weak and does not contract properly. Flush: A Biography is an semi-fictional biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's red cocker spaniel written by Virginia Woolf and published in 1933. Rather they were used to drive the game toward the guns. Height is measured up to the shoulders. [25] [34][35], A link between coat colour and temperament has been proposed. The Mini English Cocker can vary in its appearance depending on what parent genetics are more dominant. [2] In countries where docking is legal, the tail is generally docked at about 4–5 inches (10–13 cm) in field-bred dogs while show dogs are generally docked closer to the body. An English Cocker Spaniel may be right for you. The Cocker Spaniel Handbook. [38][39][40], This breed, like many others with origins as working dogs, has some genetic lines that focus on working-dog skills and other lines that focus on ensuring that the dog's appearance conforms to a breed standard; these are referred to as the "working" (or "field-bred") and "conformation" strains, respectively. As a breed, the Cocker’s temperament can vary widely. Spaniel type dogs have been found in art and literature for almost 500 years. English Cocker Spaniels do best when a family member is at home during the day or if their workplace is dog-friendly so they can take the dog at work. Parti-coloured dogs can have freckles of color on their nose and legs called "ticking." [8], The breed standard indicates that the males of the breed are on average between 15.5 and 16 inches (39 and 41 cm) at the withers with the females a little smaller, growing to between 15 and 15.5 inches (38 and 39 cm). Parti-coloured dogs have spots or patches of colour on a white dog. [36] This link could be the colour pigment melanin, which is biochemically similar to chemicals that act as transmitters in the brain. The English Cocker Spaniel is a compactly built sporting dog standing between 15 to 17 inches at the shoulder. Doch gerade das braucht der liebevolle Vierbeiner manchmal. Whether working in the field or at home lounging on their owners bed, their tails rarely stop wagging. They vary in size and build depending on their breeding, however they are generally around 15 inches in height when measured from floor to the top of their back, and approximately 12 kilograms in weight depending on the overall build. Ranging in size from 28 to 34 pounds for males and 26 to 32 pounds for females, the English Cocker Spaniel is a sturdy and compact companion. So if your dog loses (or gains) weight and there's no obvious reason for this loss or gain, I strongly recommend you take your pet to see his vet and play it safe! Solid English Cocker colours can come in black, liver/brown, red/golden with black or brown pigmentation,[13] and Parti-coloured cockers come in blue roan, liver roan, orange roan with black or brown pigmentation, lemon roan with black or brown pigmentation, black and white ticked, liver and white ticked, orange and white ticked with black or brown pigmentation, lemon and white ticked with black or brown pigmentation,[14] black and white, liver and white with brown pigmentation, orange and white with black or brown pigmentation, lemon and white with black or brown pigmentation. ... English Cocker Spaniels are lively dogs, and as a result can get themselves into accidental mischief if left unsupervised at home. The dogs are a member of the spaniel family. A study made by the University of Cambridge involving over 1,000 Cocker Spaniel households throughout Britain concluded that solid colour Cockers were more likely to be aggressive in 12 out of 13 situations. For example, the breed standard of the United Kingdom's Kennel Club states that in solid colours, no white is allowed except for a small amount on the chest,[9] and the American Kennel Club has standards for features including the expression, neck, topline, and body. English Cocker Spaniels are a little larger than American Cockers, but the collective weight range is 20-34 pounds, with a collective size range of 13.5-17 inches tall. The average Cocker Spaniel has an overall height of 18.0”-22.0” (46-56 cm), withers height of 14.0”-17.0” (36-43 cm), and body length of 24.0”-29.0” (61-74 cm). Der Englische Cocker Spaniel (English Cocker Spaniel) ist eine von der FCI anerkannte britische Hunderasse (FCI-Gruppe 8, Sektion 2, Standard Nr. This new breed was named the Field Spaniel, and was recognised by the Kennel Club in 1892.[7]. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 47: 75-89 cited by, "American Kennel Club: English Cocker Spaniel", "Dusting off History to Look at Cocker Hunting Tradition Part I", "Besti hundur sýningar á Crufts, frá árunum 1928-2002", "The Cocker Spaniel Club: Breed Standard", "A comparison of English Springer Spaniels, American Cocker Spaniels and English Springer Spaniels", "English Cocker Spaniel Dog Breed Information", "Understanding Cocker Colours, Patterns and Markings Page 1", "Understanding Cocker Colours, Patterns and Markings Page 3", "Understanding Cocker Colours, Patterns and Markings Page 4", "Understanding Cocker Colours, Patterns and Markings Page 2", "The Intelligence of Dogs: Ranks 11 to 26", "Dog Longevity Web Site, Breed Data page", "Dog Longevity Web Site, Weight and Longevity page", "Summary results of the Purebred Dog Health Survey for English Cocker Spaniels", "English Cocker Spaniel Health Survey Final Report", "The 2002 English Cocker Spaniel Health Survey Report", "Breed-Specific Deafness Incidence in Dogs (percent)", "Proceedings of the NAVC (North American Veterinary Conference)", "Results of the Multicenter Spaniel Trial (MUST): Taurine-and Carnitine-Responsive Dilated Cardiomyopathy in American Cocker Spaniels With Decreased Plasma Taurine Concentration", "Smith College: Research on pleiotropy in dogs", "World's Meanest Dog: The English Cocker Spaniel? Roan puppies are born white with coloured patches and the white becomes roan as they grow up, similar to the spots on Dalmatians. Average Cocker Spaniel Height. [12] In working Cockers, breeders value working ability over the color of the dog. Outside the US, the breed is usually known simply as the Cocker Spaniel, as is the American Cocker Spaniel within the US. The American breed has a shorter snout, is more likely to get ear infections, and is groomed differently from the English Cocker. [14] Plain white Cockers are rarely born, and are thought to be more prone to deafness than those with more pigmentation. Overall, the dog's expression is soft, and … More information. The most recent best in show was Sh. American and English Cockers were thought to be the same dog breed. Solid dogs have no or very little white. [31][32] Dilated cardiomyopathy is often accompanied by abnormal heart rhythms, or arrhythmias which can complicate treatment. Of the solid colours, sable is considered rare and controversial, and is classified by some countries as being a type of parti-colour on account of its mixed hair shafts. The Cocker's tail is customarily docked in North America. Rage Syndrome can affect any and all breeds. They rank 18th in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs, being of excellent working/obedience intelligence. Booklet. Hip dysplasia is an abnormal formation of the hip joint which is the most common cause of canine arthritis in the hips. Jasper is a cocker spaniel which features in the 1938 Daphne du Maurier novel Rebecca (novel), Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge owned an English Cocker Spaniel called Lupo, and Lupo was bred from Ella, a dog owned by her parents Michael and Carole Middleton. A video, “Bonnie Threlfall Grooming Workshop”, is also available. [17] Of the roan varieties, lemon roan with a light brown pigmentation is the most recessive of all the roans. [27][28], Common health issues with English Cockers are bite problems, skin allergies, shyness, cataracts, deafness (affecting 6.3% of the dogs of this breed[29]), aggression towards other dogs, and benign tumours. Though not a common ailment, studies have found it is more common in solid coloured Cockers than in parti-colours and also more common in darker coloured Cockers than lighter coloured Cockers, being most common in solid gold and black coloured spaniels. At Crufts, the English Cocker Spaniel has been the most successful breed in winning Best in Show, winning on a total of seven occasions between 1928 and 2009, with wins in 1930, 1931, 1938, 1939, 1948, 1950 and 1996. Due to World War II, the English Cocker Spaniel managed to be the only breed to have won the title between 1938 and 1950, although the competition was only held on four occasions during that period. The American Kennel Club granted a separate breed designation for the English Cocker Spaniel in 1946. A study by Spanish researchers at the Autonomous University of Barcelona revealed a similar link between golden Cockers and aggression. 39 – 41.5cm tall – Male Cocker Spaniel; 37 – 39cm tall – Female Cocker Spaniel; What Age Will Cockers Reach Full Height? Both of these dogs have a wide range of possible coat colors. [3] The closely related English Springer Spaniels are larger than either types of cockers, growing to between 19 and 19.75 inches (48.3 and 50.2 cm) for the females, and 19.25 and 20 inches (48.9 and 50.8 cm) for the males, and weighing between 23 and 25 kilograms (51 and 55 lb). The smallest of all of the English Spaniel breeds, the English Cocker Spaniel should not stand taller than 17 inches at the withers (shoulders). [18] The breed does not like being alone,[19] and will bond strongly to an individual person in a family, usually the one who feeds it. The ears are long and set low. Size of Dog Crate for toy/small spaniels (e.g. When trained with a soft hand and plentiful rewards, the Cocker Spaniel will be an obedient and loving companion with a happy, cheerful nature. Their health issues are typical for a purebred dog breed; however they are closely associated with rage syndrome even though cases are really quite rare. Der kleine Spaniel apportiert liebend gerne und weist sein Herrchen im Fall von zu großer Beute auf diese durch Bellen hin. They come in solid (or "self"), parti-coloured, and roan types of markings. English cocker spaniels are a tad smaller than their springer spaniel cousins; males grow to be 16–17 inches tall and 28–34 pounds, while females stay around 15–16 inches and 26–32 pounds. A female tends to weigh between 24 and 30 pounds and the males tend to weigh between 30 and 35 pounds. Of course, there are extremes on both ends of the weight scale but it isn’t common. Today, the breed differ in more ways than weight alone. Beagles tend to have separation anxiety when their owners left them alone at home because they bond very closely with them. A miniature English Cocker Spaniel … Docking is now illegal in Australia and South Africa. 12 5 15. ", "Aggressive behavior in the English cocker spaniel", "Travel research, planning and reports: Cuba", "Kate in 999 Drama after 'Lupo' Traps Head in Gate", "Kate Middleton labour: How the Duchess of Cambridge's family will back the royal parents", "Our Little Rascal; William and Kate Release Portrait of Baby George", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=English_Cocker_Spaniel&oldid=999062256, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 January 2021, at 08:58. Overall, the dog's expression is soft, and the contours of the head are soft, with no abrupt angles. The English Cocker Spaniel typically lives about a year longer than the smaller American Cocker Spaniel. The head of the English cocker spaniel is long and somewhat narrow, compared to other spaniels. The main difference between the two is their size; English Cocker Spaniels are larger and taller compared to their American counterparts, plus the American … Both males and females of the breed weigh approximately 13–14.5 kilograms (29–32 lb). Since then, the Springer and Cocker enthusiasts have bred in the separate traits that they desired. The nose is black or brown depending on the coat color. [10], The English Cocker Spaniel is similar to the English Springer Spaniel and at first glance the only major difference is the larger size of the Springer. [2] There are "field" or "working" cockers and "house" cockers. In the early 20th century, Cocker Spaniels also included small hunting spaniels. Club Constitution, By Laws & Statement of Conduct. Even puppies in the same litter can vary, some looking more like the English Cocker Spaniel with the soft wavy coat complete with feathering on the ears, tail and … Initially, spaniels in England were divided among land spaniels and water spaniels. English Cocker Spaniel Illustrated Breed Standard. [4], There is no indication from these early sources that spaniels were used to retrieve game. [2] Even a puppy from a "Toy" sized lineage could grow to be a springer. Filmed in Fort Worth at the 1999 National, this video is not a step-by-step grooming guide for those learning to groom. Find similarities and differences between Boykin Spaniel vs English Cocker Spaniel vs English Springer Spaniel. A typical Cocker Spaniel weighs between 26-35 lb (12-16 kg) and has a lifespan of roughly 12-15 years. Their coat is shorter and ears less pendulous than the show-bred type. [22] This breed seems to have a perpetually wagging tail and prefers to be around people; it is not best suited to the backyard alone. The muzzle is the same length as the head with a defined stop. [43] Working-dog lines often have physical characteristics that would prevent them from winning in the show ring. The English Cocker Spaniel is a sturdy, compact, well-balanced dog. Additionally, small dogs from Sussex Spaniel litters were called Cockers. The Weight of Cocker Spaniel adult male varies from 13 to 16 kg. Akc recognized in 1878 lifespan. Four dogs would act as progenitors for this new breed, of which two were Cocker Spaniels, one was a Cocker Spaniel/English Water Spaniel cross and one was a Norfolk Spaniel. It can lead to congestive heart failure, which is where fluid accumulates in the lungs, chest, abdominal cavities, or under the skin.