Reaching Ahtohallan, a glacier, Elsa discovers that the voice calling to her was the memory of young Iduna's call; that her powers were a gift from nature because of Iduna's selfless act of saving Agnarr and that Elsa herself is the fifth spirit. [1], In March 2014, when asked about sequels to the first film, producer Peter Del Vecho said that Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee, and he "work very, very well together, so I believe we will be developing a new project. [93], It was initially announced that the film would be released on Disney+ on June 26, 2020. September 2019 veröffentlicht. Super Ausmalbilder – kostenlose Malvorlagen zum Ausmalen für Kinder, Ausmalblätter, Malbilder, ausmalen, kostenloses Malbuch, Farbbilder. September 2019. Küss den Frosch (2009) • Neben der Figur ist im Set auch tolles Zubehör wie ein Raketenrucksack enthalten, der auf Knopfdruck leuchtet. Das Design der Schachtel und des Materials mit den Dschungel-Motiven ist sehr schön gemacht. Am 11. [94][95][96] The film was originally due on Disney+ in the United Kingdom on July 17, 2020. Anna receives Elsa's message and concludes that the dam must be destroyed for peace to be restored. Construction projects around the Persian Gulf are booming. [98], On April 11, 2019, it was announced that a companion documentary series would be launched on the Disney+ streaming service within its first year entitled Into the Unknown: Making Frozen II. Oliver & Co. (1988) • Elsa sends Anna and Olaf away to safety and continues alone. 'Joker,' 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,' 'Rise of Skywalker' Among Art Directors Guild Nominees. Passend zum Kinohit „Die Eiskönigin 2“ geht Kaufmann Neuheiten mit einer Kollektion von Autoreiseprodukten an den Start und ist damit europaweit vertreten. Vaiana (2016) • Der Trailer wurde in den ersten 24 Stunden 116,4 Millionen Mal angesehen und wurde zum meistgesehenen Animationsfilmtrailer in diesem Zeitraum, was den Rekord von Die Unglaublichen 2 (113,6 Millionen Aufrufe) übertraf. [45] To create the series, Harding winnowed down 1,300 hours of footage[45] to six episodes of approximately 35 to 45 minutes in length. [26] In the meantime, Del Vecho had been accepting speaking engagements around the world, where fans peppered him with questions left unanswered by the first film. However, on March 13, 2020, Disney announced that amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the film would be released on Disney+ three months earlier than originally announced. Bernard und Bianca – Die Mäusepolizei (1977) • Aristocats (1970) • Er war es auch, der den Streit ausgelöst hat, indem er den Anführer der Northulda angriff. It transformed a lot, and it was hard. [46], Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez returned from the first film to write new songs for the sequel, while Christophe Beck returned to compose the film's score. Anna besteht darauf mitzugehen, aber Elsa will sie nicht wieder verlieren, umarmt sie zum Abschied und schickt Anna und Olaf zu ihrer Sicherheit in einem Eisboot weg und reist alleine. Anna wird die neue Königin von Arendelle, während Elsa ab sofort den nun nicht mehr verwunschenen Wald beschützt. [6] Der Vorverkauf von Die Eiskönigin II ist der erfolgreichste Vorverkauf aller Zeiten bei Animationsfilmen. [86] Disney's marketing partners deployed approximately "250 million touchpoints" (i.e., branded objects) into the U.S. retail sector in preparation for the film's release. [103] It earned $42.2 million on its first day, including $8.5 million from Thursday previews, a record for an animated film in November. Mit der originellem Maske können kleine Prinzessinnen im Handumdrehen in ihre Lieblingsrolle aus Disneys "Die Eiskönigin" schlüpfen. Aladdin (1992) • So entstehen Skulpturen aus Eis, die Situationen aus der Vergangenheit von Elsas Vater Agnarr darstellen. Susi und Strolch (1955) • The sisters discover the sculptures are images from their father's past. Kristoff unterbreitet Anna nach mehreren unbeholfenen Versuchen endlich einen erfolgreichen Heiratsantrag, den sie annimmt. Zudem sind die Hintergrund-Lieder und auch folgende Outtake-Lieder, welche es nicht in den finalen Film geschafft haben, enthalten:[17], Zudem enthält der deutsche Soundtrack noch eine Version des Liedes Wo noch niemand war, welches von Mark Forster gesungen wird.[18]. They encounter the Northuldra and a troop of Arendellian soldiers who are still in conflict with one another. Saludos Amigos (1943) • Mit 1,73 Millionen Euro ist Die Eiskönigin II damit der erfolgreichste Animationsfilm des Jahres am Starttag.[8]. Frozen II debuted on Disney+ in the UK and Ireland on July 3, 2020, two weeks earlier than expected. Musik, Tanz und Rhythmus (1948) • "[114], Peter Travers of Rolling Stone also gave the film a four out of five stars, and said, "the delight and dazzle of this frosty follow-up brings it all home in a climax that should have audiences panting for a part III. Nachts verwandeln sie sich in die PJ Masks Catboy, Gecko und Eulette, eine Gruppe mutiger Superhelden, die gegen das Böse kämpfen und dabei wichtige Lektionen lernen. Der Glöckner von Notre Dame (1996) • Lee also returns as screenwriter, penning the screenplay from a story by her, Buck, Marc E. Smith, Anderson-Lopez, and Lopez,[2] while Byron Howard executive-produced the film. Viele Artikel drastisch reduziert - du sparst bis zu 80%. Elsa, vom Fluch befreit, kehrt nach Arendelle zurück und kann gerade noch rechtzeitig die riesige Sturzflut abwehren, die von dem zerstörten Damm ausgeht. Cable Ties and Fixings. After the mist parts at Elsa's touch, the Air spirit, in the form of a tornado, appears and sweeps everyone in its vortex. November 2019 in die deutschen Kinos kam. [39], In March 2018, Lee said in an interview that she was doing the second draft out of six drafts, which she referred as "six screenings". In Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Frozen 2," Elsa encounters a Nokk—a mythical water spirit that takes the form of a horse—who uses the power of the ocean to guard the secrets of the forest. Young Agnarr barely escapes due to the help of an unknown savior. [33], Chicago Film Critics Association Awards 2019, Hollywood Critics Association Awards 2020, St. Louis Film Critics Association Awards 2019, Toronto Film Critics Association Awards 2019, Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association Awards 2019, Schneewittchen und die sieben Zwerge (1937) • Im Inneren entdecken sie eine Karte, die den Weg zum mysteriösen Fluss Ahtohallan weist, der dazu beitragen soll, Licht in die Vergangenheit zu bringen. Elsa ist am Boden zerstört, als sie erfährt, dass ihre Eltern getötet wurden, um nach Antworten über sie zu suchen. [28] Lasseter said that at Disney Animation, "as with Pixar, when we do a sequel, it is because the filmmakers who created the original have created an idea that is so good that it's worthy of these characters." [71] It was released in Australia and New Zealand on November 28, 2019. Es tut uns Leid! [49][50] It was announced that Brown's role is a soldier in the Arendelle army who worked for Elsa and Anna's grandfather King Runeard,[17] and Wood announced that her role would be shown in flashback and that it would help "uncover some mysteries that we didn't know before". Gletscher Ahtohallan bewacht. It'll be something completely brand new. Frozen II (2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Early reaction calls new songs 'twice as catchy, "Watch the 'Frozen 2' world premiere red carpet live stream", "Disney Movie Release Schedule Gets a Major Update", "Moana to be first Disney film translated into Tahitian language", "Auli'i on Instagram: 'Aloha nui kākou! Die vielen Abenteuer von Winnie Puuh (1977) • So excited to be able to finally share with you all what I've been keeping a secret for over a year. November 2019 veröffentlicht und umfasst acht Lieder:[16]. The spirits disappear and a wall of mist traps everyone in the Enchanted Forest. This required that four (and sometimes five) different departments had to cooperate on the animation of the character, with animators working with real-time feedback. Robin Hood (1973) • Drei Jahre nach ihrer Krönung (und der Handlung des ersten Filmes) feiert die Eiskönigin Elsa den hereinbrechenden Herbst in ihrem Königreich mit ihrer jüngeren Schwester Anna, dem Schneemann Olaf, mit Kristoff und dessen Rentier Sven. As the mist disappears, Elsa reunites with Anna and revives Olaf, and Anna accepts Kristoff's marriage proposal. Elsa reist mit ihrer Schwester und Olaf weiter nach Norden. Und somit haben wir spontan entschlossen, euch das Spiel hier direkt vorzustellen. Dezember 2020[32]) der finanziell erfolgreichsten Filme aller Zeiten. King of Tokyo 2: Monster Pack 02 - King Kong (Erw.) Dadurch wurde Elsa der erwähnte fünfte Geist, der Unterschiede ausgleicht. With Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff. This collaboration was the result of an agreement between The Walt Disney Company, the transnational Saami Council, and the Sámi parliaments of Finland, Norway and Sweden. NamekPlanet - Plüschtier Eidechse Bruni Die Eiskönigin 2 Salamander Stofftier -14x25cm bei | Günstiger Preis | Kostenloser Versand ab 29€ für ausgewählte Artikel. [26] Buck later explained: "The one thing that we did right away was to figure out what would be satisfying for Anna and Elsa at the end of the movie. 'Frozen 2' trailer suggests a Marvel-style tale", "New 'Frozen 2' trailer: Anna and Elsa embark on journey into the enchanted forest", "You guys!! [12] Disney veröffentlichte einen zusätzlichen 2. Bei den Eröffnungsfeierlichkeiten brach jedoch ein bewaffneter Streit aus. [30] Damit befindet er sich auf Platz 3 der finanziell erfolgreichsten Filme des Jahres 2019[31] und auf Platz 10 (Stand: 2. Afterwards, Anna becomes the new Queen of Arendelle while Elsa becomes the protector of the Enchanted Forest who regularly visits Arendelle as peace has been restored. Die beiden sind in einer Höhle am Grund eines Wasserfalls gestrandet. There's enough good humor for balance amid an avalanche of new songs. Elsa und Anna vermitteln einen Waffenstillstand. Der offizielle Soundtrack wurde am 15. An advisory group, Verdett, was formed. Tarzan (1999) • [43] Harding's documentary would later reveal that by December 2018, it had already been firmly established that Elsa was following a mysterious voice, but the production team had not yet resolved the critical question of the identity of The Voice. A perfect Christmas dinner, with a hint of magic...❄️#magicoffrozen", "Kristen Bell and Jonathan Groff Sing 'I Want to Get This Right' in 'Frozen 2' Deleted Scene (Exclusive)",, "When is Frozen 2 coming to Disney Plus UK? Gemeinsam machen sie sich auf die Reise in den verwunschenen Wald. [24], In June, Lee confirmed that then-chief creative officer John Lasseter had expressly granted her and Buck the freedom to explore whatever they were "passionate about": "We don't know what it is yet ... We're actually going to start from scratch. "[116] Simran Hans of The Guardian gave the film a four out of five stars and said, "The sisters try to heal the sins of the past in a moving follow-up that touches on climate change and has at least one great song. Da die Mädchen nicht genug von diesen Geschichten kriegen können, singt ihnen Königin Iduna noch ein Gute-Nacht-Lied von dem geheimnisvollen Fluss Ahtohallan, der angeblich die Geheimnisse der Vergangenheit kennt. Du wirst die PJ Masks Kostüme lieben [46] Due to these extensive changes, the animators needed to create 61 new shots and redo another 35, while an undisclosed number of shots were cut and left out of the finished film. [84], Disney partnered with 140 brands worldwide to promote Frozen 2, the highest number ever for any Disney animated film. But it's also a lackluster disappointment on its own—a pale shadow of what it could have been. Bernard und Bianca im Känguruland (1990) • Ralph reichts (2012) • "[111] Writing for MovieWeb, Julian Roman said that the film "is a darker journey, but illuminated with breathtaking animation and stunning action scenes. November festgelegt worden. Rapunzel – Neu verföhnt (2010) • Jouluksi kotiin (Hjem til jul) Norjalainen Jouluksi kotiin kertoo lämminhenkiseen ja hauskaan tyyliin kolmikymppisestä Johannesta (Ida Elise Broch), joka on kyllästynyt jo pitkään jatkuneeseen sinkkuelämään ja perheensä ainaisiin poikystäväuteluihin. Ein Königreich für ein Lama (2000) • [26] But during the fall of 2014, while working on the short film Frozen Fever, they realized how much they missed the characters. King of Tokyo 2: Monster Pack 04 - Cybertooth (Erw.) Der Nebel ist noch immer da: Niemand kann den Wald betreten oder verlassen. But I don't know what that is right now. [26] Lopez revealed that the first draft of "Show Yourself" was very different from the final version: "[E]veryone loved it, but we had to shape it. So verschwindet nach 34 Jahren auch die Mauer aus Nebel. Lilo & Stitch (2002) • In letzter Zeit hört sie immer wieder eine geheimnisvolle weibliche Singstimme. [42] Lee was credited as screenwriter. Make Mine Music (1946) • Der Schatzplanet (2002) • [51], Throughout the production of the film, filmmakers collaborated with Sámi experts on the depiction of the fictional Northuldra tribe. It's hard to see how the same team who made something so cool in 2013 could deliver something so—there's no other word for it—lukewarm. 'Parasite' Finds a Host in D.C. Film Critics, Die Abenteuer von Ichabod und Taddäus Kröte, Atlantis – Das Geheimnis der verlorenen Stadt,önigin_II&oldid=208013167, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Prinz Hans Westergaard von den südlichen Inseln. She added that Lee had drafted personal journals in character as Elsa and Anna "for months to try and figure out [what they'd say]". [c], Additionally, Alan Tudyk provides voices to a Guard, a Northuldra Leader, and an Arendellian Soldier. Sieh dir an, was Saroh diy (sarohdiy) auf Pinterest, der weltweit größten Sammlung von Ideen, entdeckt hat. Bei der Ankunft am Gletscher erfährt Elsa, dass die geheimnisvolle Stimme die ihrer verstorbenen Mutter Iduna ist. [108] As of February 16, 2020[update], the film's 10 highest grossing international markets were China ($122.3 million), Japan ($121.2 million), South Korea ($97.3 million), United Kingdom ($69.4 million), Germany ($60.1 million), France ($57.3 million), Russia ($33 million), Mexico ($28.8 million), Brazil ($28.9 million), and Australia ($27.3 million). [85] To support the film's massive marketing campaign, the lead cast members made numerous appearances in public and on many television shows. Daraus folgert Elsa, dass sie der Stimme folgen muss, die sie immer hört. Wie Grand Pabbie mitteilt, muss Elsa die Dinge in Ordnung bringen, indem sie die Wahrheit über die Vergangenheit des Königreichs herausfindet. [69][70] It was previously set for November 27, 2019. Iger also expressed the hope that the Frozen franchise "is something that is kind of forever for the company" similar to The Lion King. She encounters and tames the Nøkk, the Water spirit who guards the sea to Ahtohallan. [47] At the Annecy presentation, head of animation Becky Bresee and head of effects animation Marlon West said that as of mid-June 2019, the film was "still in production, with seven weeks of animation to be completed and 10 weeks of special effects. Zoomania (2016) • Diana Dickmann-Hinrichs is on Facebook. This in turn causes Olaf to fade away. Producers Guild Awards Nominees Include '1917', 'Parasite', 'Succession', 'Fleabag'. Watch the live stream here", "Is 'Frozen 2' better than the original? And it went back and forth for months—it’s now four minutes and 20 seconds and it has a big ending. Jäikö kemut välistä? Schroeder was credited with additional screenplay material. Bambi (1942) • [39] Hyun-Min Lee served as animation supervisor for Anna, while Wayne Unten again served as animation supervisor for Elsa. [60], According to Smeed, the Earth Giants "had a long rigging process" in order for the characters to move without "[seeing] solid rock penetrating solid rock", while Marlon West, the film's head of effects animation, said that the film's effects team had the objective of generating "rocks that would fall out of the joints as they moved", though they had to be careful to avoid making the rocks distracting to the audience. [10] Paul Briggs also briefly reprises his role in the film's post-credits scene as Marshmallow, a giant snow monster created by Elsa. Chaos im Netz (2018) • [86], UK supermarket chain Iceland promoted the film as part of its 2019 Christmas advertisement, as well as having a new and exclusive short scene made by Walt Disney Animation Studios, showing Olaf and Elsa's favorite things about Christmas. "[34] On October 11, he confirmed on the British talk show Lorraine that he too had started recording for the sequel the previous month. Hier gibt’s die Offiziellen Deutschen Charts in ihrer ganzen Vielfalt. [46] There was a scene full of grown-up expository dialogue in which the lead characters explained to the people trapped in the Enchanted Forest why they had come there, which was replaced with Olaf's humorous recap of the first film. Basil, der große Mäusedetektiv (1986) • (engl.) November 2019 fand die Weltpremiere in Hollywood statt. [58], The water simulation was made to be more realistic than in Moana, but some of the elements in the movie were so realistic that they felt inconsistent next to the characters, and so they had to be made more stylistic. Während eines Scharadespiels kann sie die Stimme nicht mehr ignorieren. King of Tokyo 2: Monster Pack 02 - King Kong (Exp.) When we saw the first round of visuals and then we saw it in the film, everyone agreed changes needed to happen. Die Eiskönigin II (Originaltitel: Frozen II) ist ein US-amerikanischer Computeranimationsfilm von Walt Disney Pictures, der am 20. Bring Deine Vorstellungskraft auf ein neues, realistisches Level! Elsa informiert ihre Schwester Anna über die neuen Erkenntnisse, bevor sie in Ahtohallan selbst zu Eis erstarrt. Die Schöne und das Biest (1991) • vorbestellt. Cable ties have to be able to meet the most varied demands these days as they are used in the widest range of operations – from the simple bundling of cables with cable ties to the absolutely specific use of cable ties under extreme conditions. [57], Before animation began, Unten showed various scenes of superheroes like Frozone to the animators working on Elsa as examples of what not to emulate. Die Gecko Spielfigur von Simba Toys ist für Kinder ab 3 Jahren geeignet. Winnie Puuh (2011) • In a post-credits scene, Olaf visits Elsa's ice palace and recounts the events he experienced to Marshmallow and the Snowgies. Dornröschen (1959) • 2. Taran und der Zauberkessel (1985) • Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff, and Sven embark to the Enchanted Forest, following the mysterious voice. Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven leave Arendelle to travel to an ancient, autumn-bound forest of an enchanted land. It won two Annie Awards for Outstanding Achievement for Animated Effects in an Animated Production and Outstanding Achievement for Voice Acting in an Animated Feature Production and a Visual Effects Society Award for Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Animated Feature. Following upon the success of localized versions of the first film, which led to the release of a complete set album featuring all the official versions of "Let It Go" released at the time,[74] as well as special dubbings released for the movie Moana, which gathered in the space of two years from its release a Tahitian,[75] a Māori,[76][77] and a Hawaiian version,[78][79] a special Northern Sami dubbing was released for Frozen 2 with the title Jikŋon 2. Baymax – Riesiges Robowabohu (2014) • Frozen II is a 2019 American computer-animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios.The 58th animated film produced by the studio, and the sequel to the 2013 film Frozen, it features the return of directors Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee, producer Peter Del Vecho, songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, and composer Christophe Beck. Elsa thaws out and returns to Arendelle, diverting the flood and saving the kingdom. Später erfährt Elsa, dass es noch einen fünften Geist gibt, der die Menschen und den Zauber der Natur verbindet. "[113] Ben Travis of Empire gave the film a four out of five stars, stating, "The best things about the first film—the characters and music—once again sing in a frequently dazzling if narratively flawed sequel that's better at being sensory than sense-making. [63] Later, it was revealed in film that these four edges represent the four elemental spirits, while its center represents the fifth spirit; Elsa. [40] Chicago Film Critics Association Announces 2019 Nominees, ‘Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood’ Leads, Cinema Audio Society Nominations Announced: ‘Joker’ and ‘Rocketman’ Clear Hurdles, ‘1917’ and ‘Star Wars’ Omitted, Detroit Film Critics Society Announces 2019 Nominations. 2020 NAACP Awards: Billy Porter, Lizzo, Regina King, Angela Bassett up for Entertainer of the Year. Die Regie führten wieder Chris Buck und Jennifer Lee. [9] The film received generally positive reviews from critics. [107] In its second weekend in the United Kingdom, the film brought $11.4 million, bringing its total gross there to $35.3 million. Der Film konnte schon zwei Wochen vor der Veröffentlichung A Toy Story: Alles hört auf kein Kommando überholen. Dumbo (1941) • [46] Disney Animation discovered that adults liked the film, but children found it hard to follow. They find their parents' wrecked ship and a map with a route to Ahtohallan, a mythical river told by their mother to contain all explanations of the past. Die Eiskönigin 2, Parfum, EDT 30 ml. [45] According to Harding, Disney Animation provided full cooperation knowing she intended to take a "fearless" and "honest look" at its filmmaking process; her crew was asked to leave the room only once, and that moment (and the reason why) ended up in her documentary. #Frozen2", "Jeremy Sisto's Kids Say He's the Coolest Dad Ever for Being in 'Frozen 2, "How to Follow Up 'Frozen'? Gecko trägt sein Space Outfit mit abnehmbaren Helm und besitzt bewegliche Arme und Beine. "[29] According to the Los Angeles Times, there was "considerable internal debate" at Disney over whether to proceed with a Frozen sequel at Disney Animation, but the unprecedented success of the first film apparently swayed Disney executives towards making a sequel. Fantasia 2000 (1999), Dinosaurier (2000) • 101 Dalmatiner (1961) • In July 2018, it was announced that Evan Rachel Wood and Sterling K. Brown had entered talks to join the cast in undisclosed roles. She also learns he was the one who initiated the conflict by killing the unarmed Northuldra leader in cold blood. Annie Awards: 'Frozen 2,' 'Missing Link' Lead Year of Surprises and Snubs. "[118], 58th animated film produced by the studio, highest all-time worldwide opening for an animated film, second highest-grossing animated film of all time, Annecy International Animated Film Festival, the second most viewed animated film trailer in that time period, Alliance of Women Film Journalists Awards, Outstanding Achievement for Character Animation in an Animated Feature Production, Outstanding Achievement for Character Design in an Animated Feature Production, Outstanding Achievement for Directing in an Animated Feature Production, Outstanding Achievement for Music in an Animated Feature Production, Outstanding Achievement for Voice Acting in an Animated Feature Production, Outstanding Achievement for Writing in an Animated Feature Production, Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media, Outstanding Producer of Animated Theatrical Motion Pictures, 2019 Top 100-Grossing Narrative Feature Recipients, "HEAD 'INTO THE UNKNOWN' WITH THE 'FROZEN 2' SOUNDTRACK", "Pixar co-founder to leave Disney after 'missteps, "Pete Docter, Jennifer Lee to Lead Pixar, Disney Animation", "Everything We Learned About Disney's Upcoming Movies: Frozen 2, Cruella, Pixar's Soul, and More", "Many have been asking me about spelling and title. [67], Harding also dispatched a camera crew to the Lopezes' studio in Brooklyn to try to document their songwriting/composing process,[43] but the Lopezes found that having camera operators watching them disrupted their creativity and ended up doing most of that work off-camera. Er stellt die Fortsetzung des 2013 erschienenen Die Eiskönigin – Völlig unverfroren … Sie kann ihn besänftigen. They later learn the existence of a fifth spirit who will unite the people with the magic of nature. [46] For example, approximately a dozen animators and artists had labored for two months on a far more elaborate resurrection scene for Olaf, but that scene was cut. [4][5] Am Abend des 7. Die Abenteuer von Ichabod und Taddäus Kröte (1949), Cinderella (1950) • ", "Blockbuster animation Frozen 2 skates onto Disney+ UK July 2, they let it go early", "Box Office: 'Frozen 2' Opens to Fiery $130M in U.S., Record $358M Globally", "Frozen II movie review & film summary (2019) | Roger Ebert", "Frozen II review – magical journey into the unknown with Elsa and Anna", "Neither hot nor cool, 'Frozen II' serves up lukewarm leftovers from the 2013 hit", "Oscar Nominations 2020: Elton John and Randy Newman Up for Best Original Song, Beyoncé and Thom Yorke Shut Out", "Alliance of Women Film Journalists 2019 Nominees Announced: 'The Irishman', 'Marriage Story', and 'Once Upon A Time' Lead • AwardsCircuit | Entertainment, Predictions, Reviews", "2020 Billboard Music Awards Winners: Complete List", "Artios Awards: 'Hustlers,' 'Knives Out,' 'Rocketman' Among Casting Society Film Nominees", "Golden Globes: Full List of Nominations", "Grammy Awards Nominations 2021: The Complete List", "NAACP Image Awards: Lizzo Named Entertainer of the Year; 'Just Mercy,' 'Black-ish' Among Top Winners", "ReFrame Stamp Affixed On Record 26 Films For 2019", "24th Satellite Awards Announce Nominations, 'Ford v Ferrari' Leads the Way", "Visual Effects Society Announces Winners of the 18th Annual VES Awards", For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration, The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic, DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp, Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast, Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension, Walt Disney Animation Studios short films, List of Walt Disney Animation Studios short films, List of Disney theatrical animated features,, Films directed by Jennifer Lee (filmmaker), Films with screenplays by Jennifer Lee (filmmaker), CS1 Norwegian Bokmål-language sources (nb), Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles lacking reliable references from November 2019, Articles containing potentially dated statements from February 2020, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Excellence in Production Design for an Animated Film, Outstanding Achievement for Animated Effects in an Animated Production, Benjamin Fiske, Alex Moaveni, Jesse Erickson, Dimitre Berberov and Kee Nam Suong, Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee and Peter Del Vecho, Jamie Sparer Roberts and Sarah Raoufpur (Associate), Outstanding Character Voice-Over Performance, Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez for "Into the Unknown", Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Feature, Steve Goldberg, Peter Del Vecho, Mark Hammel, and Michael Giaimo, Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature, Svetla Radivoeva, Marc Bryant, Richard E. Lehmann, and Cameron Black for "The Water Nøkk", Outstanding Created Environment in an Animated Feature, Samy Segura, Jay V. Jackson, Justin Cram, and Scott Townsend for "Giants' Gorge", Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Animated Feature, Erin V. Ramos, Scott Townsend, Thomas Wickes, and Rattanin Sirinaruemarn, Hadley Gannaway and Livvy Stubenrauch (archived sound) as Young Anna, This page was last edited on 13 February 2021, at 23:27. [a] Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff, and Ciarán Hinds reprised their roles, while they are joined by newcomers Sterling K. Brown, Evan Rachel Wood, Alfred Molina, Martha Plimpton, Jason Ritter, Rachel Matthews, and Jeremy Sisto. ← VorgängerDie Eiskönigin – Völlig unverfroren. [3] The soundtrack was officially released on November 15, a week before the movie's theatrical release. Dies erzürnte die Geister des Waldes (Erde, Feuer, Luft und Wasser). Während Runeard im Kampf fiel, entkam Prinz Agnarr mit der Hilfe eines unbekannten Retters und wurde zum neuen König von Arendelle.