This page was last changed on 2 July 2013, at 05:15. The Jagdterrier is a type of working terrier, originating in Germany, that is used for hunting quarry both above and underground. Feltételezhetően saját munka (a szerzői jogi adatok alapján). Jagd Terrier Tipo Cane da caccia in tana (e da caccia alla volpe), ottimo cane da guardia. Deutscher Jagdterrier Connected to: {{::readMoreArticle.title}} aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie {{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}} This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit). This breed of terrier is also called the German Hunt Terrier. A typical appearance of a Jagdterrier is black, and tan with the tan being more of … Pronunciation of jagdterrier with 1 audio pronunciation, 9 translations and more for jagdterrier. In 1938, a German by the name of Max Thiel, Sr. bought his first Jagdterrier. This breed of terrier is also called the German Hunt Terrier. The breed was developed in Germany as a functional hunting dog, and is used there on a wide variety of game, including wild boar, badger, fox and weasel. The V-shaped, drop ears are medium size. Niemiecki terier myśliwski o szorstkim włosie Jagdterriers are a breed of dogs. Deutscher Jagdterrier), poznat kao NLT je pasmina domaćeg psa uzgojena za različite vrste lova.Koristi se gonjenje sitne i krupne divljači kao i za jamarenje. Deutscher jagdterrier Definition from Encyclopedia Dictionaries & Glossaries. Beschreibung. Szerző: Nincs megadva géppel olvasható szerző. It has a powerful muzzle and strong lower jaw. Deutscher Jagdterrier, German Jagdterrier, German Hunting Terrier, German Hunt Terrier - Germany - Used for hunting quarry both above and underground. Der Deutsche Jagdterrier wurde aus dem Foxterrier und anderen urtümlichen Terriern entwickelt. Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia The Jagdterrier ( ) is a type of working terrier, originating in Germany, that is used for hunting quarry both above and underground. The Jagdterrier (/ ˈ j ɑː k t ɛr i ər / yahk-terr-i-ər) is a type of working terrier, originating in Germany, that is used for hunting quarry both above and underground.This breed of terrier is also called the German Hunt Terrier. your own Pins on Pinterest Wikipedia Dictionaries. Jun 24, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Dog Breeds. This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total. Information and translations of jagdterrier in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Jagd terrier (Deutscher Jagdterrier): Fajtagazda ország: Németország: Osztályozás: Csoport: III. El Terrier alemany o Jagdterrier és una raça de Terrier de treball (working terrier en anglès), originari d'Alemanya, utilitzat per a la caça tant en superfície com excavant i buscant en caus. This continues today, resulting in hundreds of dog breeds, some that are similar to each other, and others that are very different. The breed is included in the origins of the Dobermann, the Rottweiler, Miniature Pinscher, the Standard Schnauzer (and, by extension, the Miniature Schnauzer and Giant Schnauzer). Jagdterrier. The German Hunting Terrier Club (Deutscher Jagdterrier-Club) was founded in 1926, and the dog was warmly embraced in part because it fit well with the rising nationalistic sentiment within Germany at the time. Nors Jagdterjerai yra gana nedideli šunys (patinų ūgis ties ketera 32-40 cm, patelių – 30-38 cm, svoris gali svyruoti nuo 9 iki 10 kilogramų), tačiau jie labai stiprūs ir ištvermingi. It is essentially a hunting dog that can hunt above and below ground. The links produced by the authority control template on Wikipedia go to authority control data in worldwide library catalogues. It has a narrow chest and a docked tail. Sometimes they inbreed dogs who have the same close ancestors, and sometimes they mix dogs from very different ancestors or even from different breeds. Povaha. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply. Non adatto come cane da compagnia. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Dog breeds originating in Germany. Jagdterrier, Deutscher Jagdterrier FCI No.103 All breeds: List of dog breeds. Strong Willed, Intelligent, Adaptable, Courageous, Reliable, Sociable (az Exif-információ szerint) Forrás: Nincs megadva géppel olvasható forrás. The Jagdterrier (/ˈjɑːktɛriər/ YAHK-terr-i-ər) (English: Hunting Terrier) is a type of working terrier, originating in Germany, that is used for hunting quarry both above and underground. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The Jagdterrier ( ) is a type of working terrier, originating in Germany, that is used for hunting quarry both above and underground. It did not hurt at all that Lutz Heck was a darling of the Nazi regime and counted Hermann Göring among his closest friends. The eyes are small, dark and deep set with a black or brown nose. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Er wird bis zu 40 cm groß und als Rüde 9 bis 10 kg, als Hündin 7,5 bis 8,5 kg schwer. Jagdterjeras: išvaizda. The German Hunting Terrier Club (Deutscher Jagdterrier-Club) was founded in 1926, and the dog was warmly embraced in part because it fit well with the rising nationalistic sentiment within Germany at the time. The Jagdterrier ( ) is a type of working terrier, originating in Germany, that is used for hunting quarry both above and underground. Deutscher Jagdterrier, eigene Aufnahme: Dátum: 2000. január 13. Jagdterrier Home Page The Character, Origin, and History of the German Jagdterrier and the work of The Cumberland Pack German Jagdterrier … This breed of terrier is also called the German Hunt Terrier. Jagdterrier breed information and images. Feb 17, 2015 - Jagdterrier - A.k.a. Definition of jagdterrier in the dictionary. People have carefully bred dogs for thousands of years. Jagdterrier Dog breed; Wiki Authority Control Authority control is a method of creating and maintaining index terms for bibliographical material in a library catalogue. History. How to say jagdterrier in English? Deutscher Jagdterrier) vrsta je lovačkog psa, poreklom iz Nemačke, koji se koristi u lovu iznad i ispod zemlje, kao i za gonjenje sitne i krupne divljači. Other names: Deutscher Jagdterrier German Jagdterrier German Hunting Terrier German Hunt Terrier: Origin: Germany. The German Pinscher (original name Deutscher Pinscher) is a medium-sized breed of dog, a Pinscher type that originated in Germany. Německý lovecký teriér má opravdovou "teriéří povahu" — je odvážný, dominantní, inteligentní, pozorný a rád vyvolává šarvátky s ostatními psy.V jeho chovu se podporují lovecké pudy, proto má sklony pronásledovat rychle se pohybující předměty, nevyjímaje cyklisty nebo zvířata. Discover (and save!) The jagdterrier is a medium size, narrow, square dog. : Subcategories. This breed of terrier is also called the German Hunt Terrier. Sadržaj 1 Opis What does jagdterrier mean? A Jagdterrier. Their full name is Deutscher Jagdterrier. English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia. Feltételezhetően Richard Huber … Terier pemburu (Bahasa Jerman: Jagdterrier) atau terier pemburu Jerman (Bahasa Jerman: deutscher Jagdterrier; [German Jagdterrier, German hunting terrier, German hunt terrier] error: {{lang-xx}}: teks mempunyai penanda italik ) ialah sejenis terier pekerja, berasal dari Jerman yang digunakan untuk memburu buruan di atas tanah dan di bawah tanah. The Jagdterrier is a type of working terrier, originating in Germany, that is used for hunting quarry both above and underground. See more at Wikipedia… The Jagdterrier (German Jagdterrier, Deutscher Jagdterrier, Jagdterrier) is a comparatively young breed, having been developed only since the turn of the 20th century. Terrierek: Szekció: 1. Meaning of jagdterrier. Deutscher Jagdterrier. Njemački lovni terijer je iz treće grupe FCI. Jagdterrier-ul este un tip de terrier de lucru, originar din Germania, care este folosit pentru vânătoare atat la suprafata cât și în subteran.Aceasta rasa de terrier este, de asemenea, numit German … Content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Njemački lovni terijer (njem. The muzzle is shorter than the somewhat flat skull. The Jagdterrier is a German working terrier. These crossings, with years of selective, intensive breeding have produced the modern German Jagdterrier, ... Last Updated: 8/28/2016 ... Jagdterrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Angestrebt war ein robuster, wasserliebender, spurlauter Hund. This breed of terrier is also called the German Hunt Terrier.