Retour à la liste. Sie wissen bereits, was Sie studieren möchten? You learn how companies analyse and adapt to the complex opportunities and risks inherent when an organisation does business internationally. The CBS International Business School has been accredited institutionally by the Science and Humanities Council, the most significant science policy advisory committee in Germany. It was amongst the first universities in Germany to offer the internationally recognized Bachelor’s degree. Wir glauben, eine akademische Ausbildung kann und sollte in diesem Sinne noch mehr leisten, als exzellente Fachkräfte hervorzubringen, die in einer sich stetig verändernden Welt erfolgreich sind. Check whether CBS International Business School is right for you as an international student. The CBS International Business School has been part of the Stuttgart Klett Group since 2016. This is about all of us. ), Strategic Management and Consulting (M.Sc. The Klett Group is a leading educational company in Europe and is represented internationally in 17 countries. CBS International Business School (CBS) is a internationally orientated, state-recognised university of applied sciences and counts as one of Germany's top Business Schools. ), Sportmanagement und Angewandte Sportpsychologie (M.A. CBS International Business School is an internationally orientated, state-recognised university of applied sciences and counts as one of Germany's top Business Schools. Further information can be found. The autumn semester runs from September through November with exams in December and January; and the spring semester from February through April with exams in May and June. Award Winners. International Business is a two-year master’s programme that is divided into 4 semesters. Willkommen auf der offiziellen Seite der CBS International Business School. Campus Köln & Potsdam:+49 (0) 221 93 18 09-31, Das kommende Sommersemester 2021 startet wie geplant! CBS International Business School has been validated and is authenticated as a featured school Featured schools are institutions that are actively seeking international students. ), Strategic Management and Consulting (M.A. The CBS International Business School has been part of the Stuttgart Klett Group since 2016. They follow critical elements needed to create a welcoming and supportive environment for international students throughout the application process and once the student arrived to campus. CBS International Business School has also partnered with different companies as well as approximately 120 universities across the globe. ), BM – Unternehmensführung und Personal (B.A. First and second semester consist of compulsory courses, third semester of elective courses and fourth semester finishes off the programme with the master thesis Duration: 4 Years. ), Strategic Management and Consulting (M.Sc. Germany, 14482 Potsdam. Currently Not Available. Die Unternehmensgruppe Klett ist ein führendes Bildungsunternehmen in Europa und international in 17 Ländern vertreten. Lerne die CBS persönlich kennen, lass dich zu unserem Studienangebot beraten und besuche uns in Köln, Mainz oder Potsdam. CBS was founded in 1993 as a pure business school and is characterised by a wide range of English-language study programmes. In addition, approval by the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Science and the Wissenschaftsrat makes CBS state-recognized. This is how you lay the foundation for a successful start to your professional life. Master's Degree . … CBS International Business School. CBS provides the best quality available. Through our network of partner companies and our close connection to the business world, you can already gain practical experience and make valuable contacts during your studies. 5,066 were here. We successfully managed the transition to blended learning. Today, the decision to study is about so much more than just choosing a suitable subject. It was amongst the first universities in Germany to offer the internationally recognized Bachelor’s degree. Duration: 2 Years. CBS International Business School was established as a private business school in 1993, in Germany’s fourth-most populous city of Cologne. 5 079 personnes étaient ici. Die CBS International Business School ist seit 2016 Teil der Stuttgarter Klett Gruppe. ), International Management Fast Track (MBA), Scholarships for International Students in Germany, 3+1 Programmes for International Students, Center for Advanced Sustainable Management, DFG-Project: The effects of non-financial reporting, Creating tomorrow: CBS supports demands for a supply chain law. We believe that an academic education can and should do more than just produce excellent professionals who are successful in a constantly changing world. ), Strategic Management and Consulting (M.A. It is about the next conscious step into a self-determined life. Hierfür bringen wir Bildung und Persönlichkeit, akademischen Anspruch und Praxisnähe sowie eine internationale Gemeinschaft und individuelle Betreuung zusammen. ), International Management Fast Track (MBA), Infoveranstaltung Bachelor Berufsbegleitend Online, Infoveranstaltung Master Berufsbegleitend Online, Center for Advanced Sustainable Management, DFG-Projekt: Analyse der Auswirkung der Richtlinie 2014/95/EU, Sportmanagement & Angewandte Sportpsychologie (M.A. Das Programmportfolio der CBS umfasst sämtliche Bildungsstufen – vom Bachelor bis hin zum Master of Business Administration (MBA). Master's Degree . Thus, the university offers the right course of studies in the field of economics for almost every phase of life. 1000-2500. This guarantees a very exciting, international environment for students from all over the world. Germany, 50667 Köln. ), Management von Familienunternehmen (M.A. At its locations in Cologne, Mainz and Potsdam, it offers approximately 1,900 students its predominantly English-language business management study courses with the academic degrees Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Master of Science and MBA. CBS was founded in 1993 as a pure business school and is characterised by a wide range of English-language study programmes. Average Citation per Article. Germany, 14482 Potsdam. Es geht um den nächsten bewussten Schritt in ein selbstbestimmtes Leben. ), Entrepreneurship und Innovationsmanagement (M.A. Programmes. CBS International Business School. It was amongst the first universities in Germany to offer the internationally recognized Bachelor’s degree. Get to know the CBS personally, get advice on the range of studies offered and visit us in Cologne, Mainz or Potsdam. Germany, 55116 Mainz. Bei der Entscheidung für ein Studium geht es heute um so viel mehr als nur die Wahl einer geeigneten Fachrichtung. To this end, we bring together education and personality, academic standards and practical relevance as well as an international community and individual support. Most Collaborations Bibliometrics. Type. 5 076 personnes étaient ici. It was amongst the first universities in Germany to offer the internationally recognized Bachelor’s degree. 5 074 personnes étaient ici. Læs mere om International Summer University på CBS; Læs om optagelsesprocessen og find deadlines; International Summer University Join ISUP, International Summer University Programme, one of Europe’s largest and oldest summer programmes, and experience exciting courses taught by brilliant faculty as well as the amazing spirit of wonderful Copenhagen. … So legst du den Grundstein für einen erfolgreichen Start ins Berufsleben. We are honored to be awarded one of the best digital classrooms of business schools in Germany by WirtschaftsWoche in 2020! CBS International Business School © 1993-2021 |, BM – Controlling und Finanzmanagement (B.A. The school’s students come from 75 different countries. ), Tourism and Sustainable Management (M.A. Willkommen auf der offiziellen Seite der CBS International Business School. Weitere Informationen zu den Semesterterminen finden Sie. It is about people who make the difference and partnerships that move together. COLOGNE (ALLEMAGNE) Site internet de l'université . 00 44 1865 681 407 Campus de … CBS International Business School is an internationally orientated, state-recognised university of applied sciences and counts as one of Germany's top Business Schools. COLOGNE BUSINESS SCHOOL. ), Sales Management und Vertriebspsychologie (M.A. ), Tourism and Sustainable Management (M.A. Durch unser Netzwerk aus Partnerunternehmen und unsere enge Verbindung zur Wirtschaft kannst du schon während des Studiums praktische Erfahrungen sammeln und wertvolle Kontakte knüpfen. Currently Not Available. 1000-2500. It advises the federal and state governments and is also responsible for the institutional accreditation of non-state universities. ), Strategisches Management und Consulting (M.A. Germany, 50667 Köln. Zunächst digital, sobald wie möglich kehren wir dann zu einer Kombination von Präsenz- und Online-Formaten zurück. ), Entrepreneurship und Innovationsmanagement (M.A. As a university, we want to enable, encourage and inspire students to actively participate in shaping this change and to lead a life according to their own wishes. Most cited Author Top subject. ), Sportmanagement und Angewandte Sportpsychologie (M.A. The programme portfolio of the CBS covers all educational levels – from bachelor`s to Master of Business Administration (MBA). The CBS Cologne Busi… CBS was founded in 1993 as a pure business school and is characterised by a wide range of English-language study programmes. In this section of International Opportunities, you will find the necessary information from both academic and practical perspectives. ), Business Psychology and Management (M.Sc. And our future. More than 4000 international students are enrolled at CBS each academic year. 1000-2500. Germany, 14482 Potsdam. CBS INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL ALLEMAGNE. ), Sales Management und Vertriebspsychologie (M.A. Es geht um Menschen, die den Unterschied machen und Partnerschaften, die gemeinschaftlich bewegen. You've already chosen your study programme? Die CBS International Business School ist seit 2016 Teil der Stuttgarter Klett Gruppe. ), Strategisches Management und Consulting (M.A. Germany, 55116 Mainz. The CBS International Business School (CBS) is a state-recognised, private business school which emerged in 2020 from the individual brands Cologne Business School (CBS) and European Management School (EMS). The university was one of the first German universities to offer the bachelor’s degree. The business school is amongst the first universities in the country to provide Bachelor's degree, which is recognized globally. ), CBS ausgezeichnet im Bereich digitale Lehre, Creating tomorrow: CBS unterstützt Forderungen für ein Lieferkettengesetz, UN Global Compact – Die CBS wurde Ende November Mitglied. CBS International Business School © 1993-2021 |, BM – Logistik und Supply Chain Management (B.A.